Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 50

1615 MST February 11 Jeff

Currahee Nations, We have another situation I need to address. At 1550 local time a man and woman approached the checkpoint to The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community. An ANG Company based at The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community who have volunteered to do an extended non-drill weekend now stand guard at checkpoints checking all who wish to enter the community.

They were driving a Crew cab truck with the Energy Resource Explorations Limited logo on it. He identified himself as Even Douglass, and the woman as his daughter Sweet Water. He is the geologist in charge of Two Sonic Drill System Teams that were involved in a core drilling operation in Northern Idaho.

When Energy Resource Explorations Limited went bankrupt last month, all contact with the home office ceased. Until today they were using company credit cards trying to get back to their home near Houston, Texas. Today when trying to fill up the units’ vehicles the company card got refused. As the teams talked about what to do now. They heard Lilacs recorded broadcast, of what Energy Resource Explorations Limited was doing in the area. They decided to see if it was the same company and if it was to ask us for instructions on what they were to do.

I need someone to check and see if they are our people? If they are our people, how do I help them? Advise please.

Currahee Nations

Jeff, hold a minute. Please. Sampson, he replied accessing the records we received. Yes, there was a team doing a core drilling operation in Northern Idaho, it was led by a geologist Even Douglass, the records show since January 15th they have not been paid, nor have the credit card bills been paid. Thay are ours. I replied Thank you, Sampson.

Jeff, They are ours. I want you to get the names of his people and give him a Thousand Dollars for each of them as a bonus, He will distribute the bonus to them. Hand him one of the Energy Resource Explorations Limited credit cards for him to fill each of his vehicles. Have him bring all his people to the Energy Resource Explorations Limited Control Center, Feed them dinner. We will do a conference call with them at 2000 hours today, your time.


On the radio I called Chief Ramsey, Chief they are our people. Please, lead him and those with him to our Control Center.

Mr. Even Douglass, I am Jefferson Davis, the director of aerial survey operations of Energy Resource Explorations Limited. We are currently under contract to survey The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands. Until you came to the checkpoint Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. did not know of you or your team existed. The records we received from the original owners were disorganized and incomplete. I must apologize to you and your people for Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. for our lack of knowledge of the plight of you and your people.

How many people do you have on your team? He replied, there are Ten of us.

I need you to give to Miss. Lilac Singing Star the names of all your people, their positions on your teams, home addresses, and the names and ages of their family members.

Here is Ten Thousand Dollars, You will give each of your team members a Thousand dollars as an advance on their proficiency bonus. It will not in any way reflect any due back pay that Wappinger Nation Industries will pay in full, with interest, by February 29th.

Here is a current Energy Resource Explorations unlimited credit card to fill your vehicle and pay any bills; after giving your people’s information to Lilac, you will go and bring them here.

At 2000 hours this evening, local time, Currahee Nations the CEO of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc., and the Principle Chief of the Wappinger Nation will talk with all your people over a video conference. Go give Lilac the information and then get our people and bring them here.


Ok people, here is the word, Energy Resource Explorations Limited former owners turned over to the new owners Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. records that were disorganized and incomplete. Until this afternoon Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. did not know we existed. Here is what they are going to do.

Give each of us a Thousand dollars cash as an advanced on our proficiency bonus. Sweet, will pass it out. Sign for it please. All back pay, due us, Wappinger Nation Industries will pay in full, with interest, by February 29th. We are to move to their location on The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands. The CEO of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc., Currahee Nations, will address the whole crew at 2000 hours, our time, in a video conference from their Corporate Headquarters in New York. I have a new credit card to fill our vehicles and pay any bills. Let us pack up and get rolling.

2200 EST/2000 MST Currahee Nations

Energy Resource Explorations Limited Sonic Drill Core Sample Team. I am Currahee Nations CEO of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. and The Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation. This is my wife Kariwase Nations Deputy CEO of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. and First Vice Chief of Wappinger Nation. Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson our Wappinger Nation Mother.

I must apologize for not knowing about your situation. I let other events get in the way of my job of taking care of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. and its employees.

As of today, whenever Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. acquires a new company. I have dedicated that a team of people directly under the Deputy CEO will audit the company’s record for all current employees and employees dismissed in the previous ninety days. Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. will not leave employees and their families dangling in the wind ever again.

For the suffering of your families, again I am sorry. Mrs. Ruth has contacted each family and has deposited in each family’s account Five Thousand dollars as a gift from Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. to you and them. All debts past due or in arrears have been paid to make them current and the March payments made.

Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. has not decided what to do with Energy Resource Explorations Limited. Our options are wholly incorporate it into Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. and move all operations to MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, New York. Keep it as a wholly owned subsidiary based in Houston, Texas, or another location. Sell it and its assets off. I wish to hear your ideas for the future of Energy Resource Explorations Limited. Send your ideas to my corporate mail account attention Energy Resource Explorations Limited future.

Currently the Energy Resource Explorations Limited is engaged in Two operations based out of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations. One an aerial survey using LIDAR, GPR, and other electronic means to locate if present economically and environmentally viable for harvest subsurface commodities.

The Second is a clandestine surveillance under DOD and JCS of The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade that are under investigation by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government for subversive activities. We need to keep this activity secret. Jeff and the people on his team will fill you in on the details.

I am going to need The Energy Resource Explorations Limited Sonic Drill Core Sample Team to check some promising results of the Aerial Survey starting tomorrow at 0800. The Aerial Survey team will give you the GPS coordinates and depths of the Commodities. They are all interpreted as mineral deposits according to the last results. If you have all had enough and wish to see your families I understand and will not require you to do it, without any repercussions as to further employment.


Currahee Nations, I will speak for my team. You could not have known of us, so no apology is necessary. We are all at least half People Nations by birth. All People Nations know the name of Currahee Nations and Mrs. Ruth. Your concern for the families of your employees has been again shown in how you have come to the aid of our families. We will trust in you that the Second mission is Honorable and Right. We will support that mission by drilling the core samples for you.

Currahee Nations

Even, You will become the director and public face of the Energy Resource Explorations Limited operations on The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands. Jeff, Janice, Jack, and Mart faces are known to people in The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade leadership. You need to keep them out of sight. Jeff will still command the Aerial operation but under your authority. Good luck to you all.

0700 MST Sunday 12 February Even

Currahee Nations, it was a busy early morning. Jeff had decided to lunch Bravo over our position to act as a relay but also activated its ground monitoring sensors. At 0230 the watch called Jeff who called me. Bravo noticed activity along the tree line at the edge of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community Lands and had alerted the Watch. I called the Second Watch to duty. Janace took control of Bravo and moved it to just below the cloud level.

The invading forces had Two drones above them covering them. Before their drones could get a tactical picture Janace brought Bravo just over each One and from a distance of less than Six inches put full power to Bravo’s radars. Their drones flashed and crashed. Without air intelligence the unit did try to continue.

A under a low cloud moonless night a reconnaissance unit was trying to cross the field. They were stopped by a substantial fence that was not on their map. In trying to cut the heavy gage wire they found it had a heavy charge. But managed after Fifteen minutes to cut a gap in the fence. Fifty yards further into the field were Cattle sheds and Round Bull Hay Feeders. They were cover for US Marshal Cornwallis Furrier and a posse of Tribal Police and ANG personnel. Just as the reconnaissance unit passed the Cattle sheds our Control Center people turned on the installed field lights mounted on the sheds. At the same time Marshal Furrier yelled U S Marshal stop, throw your weapons in front of you and get on the ground. The reconnaissance unit, blinded by the sudden light that shut down their NVG did as told.

Marshal Furrier called out I am US Marshal Cornwallis Furrier, and you are under arrest for trespassing and destruction of private property. These men are a Deputized Posse that is trying to catch some thieves that are stealing animals from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands herd of genetically pure Buffalo. He had his people collect the weapons, gear, and identification from each man and place them in large tote bins. Placing the person’s name on the top before putting on the lid and sealing the lid with evidence tape.

The source of this story is Finestories

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