Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 49

0430 February 12 Watch Team Two Janice

Maybel called out we have incoming radar data. Three flights of Four aircraft Thirty to Sixty minutes out. I would say C-17s by the flight envelope and the warning we received of them leaving Virginia. First flight on course to The United States Army Reserve High Planes Training Center. Second Flight South, I would guess The Haure City-County Airport. Third flight no commitment yet. Jay asked do we wake the watch? I replied not yet, we can handle it for now.

0445, Mabel, Flight One I would say has formed for an airdrop. Flight Two landing at The Haure City-County Airport. Flight Three landing at The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. Thirty-Forty minutes out. Jay, wake the Third Watch.

0500, The Third Watch arrives and immediately puts Yellow and Blue into the air. Yellow moves to cover the area between Haure City-County Airport and The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. Blue moves to cover the Northern half of The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. Purple moves to cover their runway.

As the runway came into view it hit me. The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center had a lay-out like MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. this includes the runways running alongside the same heading, the front gate in the same location, and streets though only dirt running in the same place on the base.

0515, Mabel Calls out Flight One commencing air assault. Flight Two Landing without Lights or clearance at The Haure City-County Airport. Showing Striker vehicles deploying and heading for The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center front gate. They have turned and are not heading our way, at this time.

Justeene, the Air Assault has occupied the airfield and are spreading out to the tower and terminal. A second part of the Air Assault has landed on the Security Compound.

Campton the Strikers have hit and rolled through the front gate. Half going to the Security Compound the Other Half heading to the Command bunker entrance by Garden Fancy One. Part of the Air Assault is heading for the bunker entrance besides the runway.

Mabel adds Flight Three has landed and is unloading Strikers that are splitting into Four Groups, One is a command as I can make out the extra antennas on the strikers. Two is heading for the bunker entrance by Garden Fancy Three. Three is heading to secure the back gate and antenna hill area, Four heading for The Longhouse.

0600, it was over. The 4th battalion 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade had attacked and in Forty-Five minutes over run and occupied MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.


Our phone rang, I answered Energy Resource Explorations Limited, may I help you? It was Currahee Nations. He said verry good Jeff. Now what was your opinion of the assault on MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation?

I replied, Too optimistic, no real counter fire, and no resistance on the ground.

Currahee Nations

Right now, we know the plan of one of the battalions of The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade. Just Three more to figure out.

Keep the drones in the air. Step down after 0800 to One watch but keep Four 1Ks in the air. Put up a Second 10 K and use just for intelligence gathering. The girls will let you know if they hear anything you need to know about. Put me on speaker phone. Well done team. We know their plan and playbook. We will beat them if they really try that attack here. Again, a job well done.

1100 Local HQ The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center, hacked, Perrysville

Col Oliver, your mission has been accomplished. When we hit the real target, we will roll over them just as fast and hard. For the next Two days attack with greater resistance, especially the command center entrances and the house. With what we have planned they will not have a great force in the above ground command center or the detention center. Besides, we will have Federal Arrest Warrants for the major players and the rest will collapse or be rolled over leaderless.

Lt Col Campesino, I noticed from the radar a drone flying around on the Reservation, why is it flying when the area is under a no-fly-zone?


BGen Perrysville Windover Addams, Sir. The drone is outside the no-fly-zone. Energy Resource Explorations Limited, has a contract with the BLM through BIA to survey the Indian lands for commercially viable commodities.

BGen Perrysville Windover Addams

I do not care. I want it grounded and all information collected confiscated. Expand, our training land needed to include the Reservation. And they will allow this land use without you paying for it. It is American Land. Make it happen. Now back to the mission.

On 14 February we will do the assault again.

On 15 February you will hold a pass in review parade of The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade. We will invite the Governor and other state and local officials to observe. Do not include the Indians as when after our mission is done there land will be added to The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center land for its use and exploitation.

I will be out observing the training. Dismissed.

1330 EST Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul, Currahee Nations

The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations, are live with us. President Bull Elk we will not allow The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Sovereignty to be so blatantly ignored and shoved aside.

Allen, how do we respond to this threat to The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Sovereignty and the Energy Resource Explorations Limited, contract to survey The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian lands for commercially viable commodity.


I suggest that Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations call an attorney to review the contract with Energy Resource Explorations Limited. The review will insure the Nations are receiving all the benefits they are being promised. We will cover the cost.

I have a candidate that resides in Montana and has good connections to the state government. President Bull Elk, may I contact him for your Nations. Yes, he replied.

Currahee Nations, I will return in a few minutes.

I looked up a number and called it. Horatius, I need to talk to you right now, please.

Horatius Speaker

Allen, what is so important that it would take you away from doing nothing to call me on a Saturday Afternoon your time, do you not golf or something.


My wife and I had other plans but, Currahee Nations called me. Now that I have your attention, I am going to give you some information I should not have. It involves the Sovereignty of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Land.

Today someone is going to call on President Bull Elk of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations and demand that the Nations:

One, surrender their land for the next Five days so they can expand a training exercise being conducted by The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. That is current in dispute with The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations over a different section of the Lands.

Two, a cease and desist on an aerial survey Energy Resource Explorations Limited, is contracted with the BIA through the BLM to survey the Indian lands for commercially viable commodities. Then turn all data collected to The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center.

Three, no compensation will be offered to The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations.

Counter One, they have enough land. The actual site of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations was not needed or requested for use by The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. The land is not included in the no-fly-zone or specially allotted training area.

Counter Two, the survey is under contract to Energy Resource Explorations Limited with the BIA through BLM to survey the Indian lands for commercially viable commodities. Energy Resource Explorations Limited is owned by Wappinger Nation Industries Inc., Though that ownership is unknown by The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center. Currahee Nations wishes to keep the survey operation going. This information has been verified though I cannot tell you how.

Counter Three, The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade through The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center has bullied and run roughshod over all people in this area. Even taking over The Haure City-County Airport and The FAA Regional Air Traffic Control Center and shutting down all flights unless The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center Approves of them in advance. No compensation has been offered for this intrusion to the people of Haure City and County area.

Counter Four, The Commander one BGen Perrysville Windover Addams does not like a Nations Peoples in general and Currahee Nations and The Wappinger personally as they have stopped him in the past from doing what he wanted no matter how lawful the actions were.

Counter Five, BGen Perrysville Windover Addams has ordered his people to stop the drones flying near his exercise cause he does not want them there. He does want the information they have gathered again seized without compensation.

Could you go or send someone in a private plane to land on the road being used for flights controlled by The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Heliport. This is also out of The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center control, and they want it closed.

The attorney or attorneys will be there to review the Survey Contract with Energy Resource Explorations Limited and The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations.

Horatius Speaker

I cannot go but I will send Ernie Phillips and his wife Warrier Women LaPointe-Philips. She is the Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull. I am sure BGen Perrysville Windover Addams will love having to deal with them. They will be in the air within the hour, on the ground by 1300 local. Being a Saturday I doubt that The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center will get a Federal Judge to here and sign off on the request verry quickly. But will try to bluff their way through by just publishing the order and saying it is the law.

They will be there to review the Survey Contract with Energy Resource Explorations Limited and The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations.

They will also be advised that their mission my involve external entities encroaching on the Treaty Lands of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations. To include the refusal of them to land on The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Land. No other information will be included. If the people that Currahee Nations and Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. have on the ground wish to disclose information sources. The sources will have a negligible effect on the outcome unless it is used in Federal Court. Full Disclosure will be involved if it is used in Federal Court both the method of how the information was acquired and all information acquired where used in Court or not. Attorney client privileges will not cover Violations of Federal Privacy Laws.

Ensure Currahee Nations and Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. are aware of this.


Currahee Nations refers to us, Attorneys, as the Second Minions of Satan. Below Politicians but above Accounts. He does understand Full Disclosure, and the implications of it. I will inform all of the Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul of your intentions. Thank You.

1345 EST MCAS Wolverine Field Allen

Currahee Nations, President Bull Elk, Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul. Within Two hours Attorneys licensed to practice in Montana and Federal Courts, Ernie Phillips, and his wife Warrier Women LaPointe-Philips, both also pilots. They will request instructions to land from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Heliport. If ordered off by The Haure City-County Airport or The Regional FFA Center, the Philips will inform those ordering them away that the posted FAA Do-Not-Fly Order does not cover The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands and that is where they are landing. Then land.

Being a Saturday, we doubt that The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center will get a Federal Judge to hear and sign off on their request verry quickly. But they will try to bluff their way through by just publishing the order and saying it is the law.

If the people Energy Resource Explorations Limited have on the ground wish to disclose information it will have a negligible effect on the outcome unless it is used in Federal Court. Full Disclosure will be involved if it is used in Federal Court both the method of how the information was acquired and all information acquired whether used in Court or not. Attorney client privileges will not cover Violations of Federal Privacy Laws.

The source of this story is Finestories

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