Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 48

1130 Local 11 February Currahee Nations

Sampson knocked on my door. Sir: Jeff, Jack, and Janice have returned. I replied show them in.


Operation-Ceiling, PC-12/47E Aircraft loadout. We will fly as a Group of Two from here, then Three, when Mart and his crew join us for FAA Control.

Full of Davises-Jefferson Davis, Jackson Davis, Karen Watts, Lela Downs, Spring Turtledove, and

Justeene Carbonara

Fly for Fuel-Janice Lincolnshire, Herald Tiller, Melenia Harris, Lilac Singing Star, and Maybell


Which Way Up- Martinez Davis, Eric Thunder, Campton Rider, and Jay Cooper.

Sir, I have issued orders for Mart and company to hold at Iowa City. The girls have found the logo of Energy Resource Explorations Limited. We have had business cards, checking accounts, and credit cards made for all personnel involved. Bad Lands National Bank and Trust Company issue the checking accounts and credit cards. This is one of the banks we have not changed to our name yet. Jaa said by 1200 takeoff we will have confirmation on the accounts. The girls have made a Three panel Three color template that we will have painted on our aircraft before our departure time. We will carry the paints and templates to do Marts plane at Iowa City. The Ten Kelo drones will also be marked with the Energy Resource Explorations Limited logo.

Our Two aircrafts will fly to Iowa City. Refuel have Mart join us. Fly to Billings, Montana again refuel. Contact Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian Tribal Police Chief by phone and fly to their Nations Community avoid landing at Haure City-County Airport. I do not want to work out of Haure City-County Airport as I think the 14th Brigade will have presents there or at least have people wandering around the city and I do not want to interact with them. Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community have a Heliport and tower text to the Show Ring. It supported Two Forestry Service Bell Helicopters 412s’. We will land on a road leading to it that is long and straight enough for our land and takeoff needs.

We do not plan to try to unscramble the audio signals we receive but just relay them straight to here for the girls to handle. We will view video to insure security but relay it also straight here using our satellite communication system. The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian Tribal Police have a dish, according to the girls, we can piggy-back off.

I am going to assign Eric as logistics and Lilac as liaison as no one of the opposition would have had a chance to see or remember them. Jack, Janice, and Mart will be the drone watch supervisors and handling satellite communications. Four on, Eight off. I am adding Karen Watts to the team so we can have One pilot on 10K and Two pilot on 1K operations at all shifts, also Four on, Eight off.

Operation-Ceiling Watch Standings:

Team Lead-Jefferson Alexander Davis, Logistics-Eric Thunder, PR-Lilac Singing Star.

1st Shift Lead Jackson Andrew Davis, 1st Shift-Lela Downs, Herald Tiller, Spring Turtledove.

2nd Shift Lead Janice Lincolnshire, 2nd Shift-Jay Cooper, Maybell Starks, Justeene Carbonara.

3rd Shift Lead Martinez Sanchez Davis, 3rd Shift-Melenia Harris, Campton Rider, Karen Watts.

Half a mile up the road from the Tribal Police Office is a metal building next to a show ring. Lilac called Chief Bull Elk who said it was a show building for Pow Wows and other events it was not used at this time, and we could put our aircraft in it. The doors would open with Two feet to spare. The chief personally measured them to be sure. There were Two smaller buildings, One with bunk rooms and we could use that or whatever other facilities they had we wanted. We will use the show building and the bunk building.

We are going to carry along Two-Hundred wireless Audo/Video gathering devices that have been removed from inappropriate locations in the Longhouse and other buildings on this property. We will install them in and around our work area to enhance security. We will set up Two monitoring stations. Station One at the Tribal Police Office. Station Two in a room in the Bunkhouse. We will post all appropriate signs of beware; you are being recorded. We will leave the system intact for the Nations to use to monitor the area during a Pow-Wow or other use ages of the facilities.

This is our joint agreed plan and for a rush job I think it will work.

We have not covered the price, what am I to pay for our accommodation?

Currahee Nations

You will give them the survey results from the 10k drones. Pay $100 a day per aircraft parking, $250 each for the bunks, pay for all your meals, and $1000 a day for their trouble starting with today. If they provide Tribal Police for security $250 per Officer, $100 for each patrol car, and $250 if a K-9 is present, per shift. If they argue about the money donated for the next Pow Wow, they hold.

I want each of your people to carry 5k in cash. You Three 50K each. You will each hand Mart 15K. He will give his people 5K each. You Four will then have 30K each. Spend it as needed but Please keep receipts. This will allow you to keep a low profile and not leave the Reservation.

You have a great plan, remember no plan survives contact with the enemy. Good Luck Again and get going. I want you in the air within the hour. See Sampson, he has your and the rest of the team’s orders from JCS. I plan to see your teams off. I shook each hand as they went out the door.

1215 Jeff

Our Two aircraft were all loaded, fueled, and balanced for our people and cargo. Currahee Nations and Mrs. Ruth came to see us off. Flight two was kept all the way to our landing at Iowa City Airport. Mart and his crew were waiting for us at the FBO (fixed-base operator) small aircraft/aircrew rest and fuel area at an airport. Talked with the Operations Director Mr. Calven Hermes who was from the Meskwaki Nation. On reviewing aircraft registration, he asked if we were from The Wappinger Nation. I replied yes and went on to explain that we needed a space from those who might be observing us to add the Energy Resource Explorations Limited logo to Marts Aircraft. He replied the airport regulations would prohibit us from doing that in his hangar as it did not have the necessary air filter system. In front of me he called his chief mechanic and said these people need to do a quick check on an aircraft in our hangar. I am going out to lunch; I will be back in an hour. I am sure you would not violate an airfield regulations that I would have to report well I am gone. Take care of them. They are of The Wappinger Nation and their enemies are trying to watch them.

Forty-Five minutes later. Which Way Is Up, had the dry Energy Resource Explorations Limited logo on both sides of the aircraft. We loaded the paint and stencils into Which Way Is Up, leaving nothing behind for the FBO to have to dispose of. I handed the mechanic Five Hundred dollars for his troubles. The FBO manager came back Ten minutes later to see us off, I handed him Five Hundred also.

One hour after arriving we were back in the air as a flight of Three. Arrived at Billings, to our surprise the FBO was waiting for us. Calven had called ahead for us and explained to the Billings FBO Director of Operations we wished our presents to be noticed as little possible. Got us fueled, helped us contact Chief Ramsey of the Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian Tribal Police. Then got us back in the air without attracting attention to us.

We had Haure City-County Airport control pass us off to the Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community Heliport. We landed as directed from them. After landed we had plenty of help moving our aircraft out of sight into the Show Building.

President Chief Bull Elk

In the name of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations I welcome the representative of Energy Resource Explorations Limited as sent to us by Currahee Nations, Principal Chief Wappinger Nation. Here is The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian Tribal Police Chief, Chief Ramsey. He is the One you will act with on a daily basis, and he will provide to you all we can.

Chief Ramsey

I also welcome you, though fear it will stretch my small force to its limits. Now what do you have planned? I will see if we can support it.


As cover, Energy Resource Explorations Limited, has a contract with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) through BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) to survey The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Indian lands for commercially viable commodities. We will be flying Twenty-Four/Seven, a 10 K drone with several different radar-based units and other equipment searching for mineral and other commercial commodities located underground of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Lands. I know you are in dispute with The United States Army Reserve High Planes Training Center over some lands. We do not plan to survey them unless we find a commercially viable commodity that extends to those lands, then verry cautiously.

Our real mission is to observe a “military training exercise” of The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade a unit not authorized by POTUD, DOD, or JCS but a shadowy group of Congressmen and Senators with support of some members of the military and powerful industrialist. What this unit is training to be used for no one in the Executive Branch of the Government knows. We hope in observing them covertly to find out.

We will keep at least Four people working at a time in shift Four hours Long with an Eight-hour rest period between shifts. Shift Changes at 0000, 0400, 0800, 1200, 1600, and 2000. Our Uniform will be coveralls, hardhats, work boots, and winter gear with no personal identification on them, on them only Energy Resource Explorations Limited name on them.

Looking at the Show Area, the only area I am not happy with is that field on this side of the tree line. It is what Two-Thousand Meters across. If you could see a way to put a barbed wire fence down the middle of the field. A strong look through barrier a Thousand Meters from the edge of the Show Building would make me feel a little more secure.

The source of this story is Finestories

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