Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 46


At 2140 I started for the sauna I asked the Davis boys for Ten minutes they both said Five and that was pushing it. I arrived and SSGT Lenord Trogdon was already inside. I gave him the stick and said plug it in and the computer will do the rest. When done in less than Fifteen minutes unplug it and it will have no information on it at all. Cleaner than a new factory sold stick. Tell them you stole it from me. It has a corrupted program we use to scramble your sensors along with the needed transfer program.

Now what do you want in return?


I just want to be out of this command before they do what they plan to do. I do not know what is going to happen, but I do not think it is going to be good for the country or most of the citizens, just a privileged few.


The Davis boys opened the door, and another person also started to enter. I grabbed Lenard’s arm and yelled I told you if you touched me, I would break your arm and banged his arm against the wall. I heard the arm break but stormed out. A person from his command tried to stop me Jack and Jeff both said I would not do that if I were you and he let me go. I heard Jack say you had better get this man to in infirmary right away and they handed the man Lenard’s pants with the stick in it. Transfer made I hope I did not do too much damage to his arm. I reported right to Col Kariwase with the Davis boys.


Here is the plan for you Three. To avoid your arrests, we have Two of our Pilatus PC-12/45 on the runway I just in the last half hour did a preflight on Full of Davises. You Three will go to it take off without field clearance as there tower is closed, use Richmond Regional ATC, and fly for home. Good luck.

Robert called Four Hours later and said all our aircraft are accounted for Johanna. and the Davis boys were home.


At 0330 the duty knocked on my door and said Sir, I have the Provost Marshal and MP’s here with an arrest order for Major Johanna Warren on assault charges. Jeffery David, and Jock David on accessory after the fact and aiding in Major Johanna Warren’s escape. I replied I will be out in Ten minutes to deal with the matter. I took Fifteen.

After being introduced to the Fort Lee Provost Marshal, Major Melvin Farnsworth I said to them, before we start, I will call my JAG officer and XO to join us. That took another Twenty Minutes.

Major Farnsworth you will hand the arrest orders to Lt Col. Lighting please. Allen took the orders and read them. As I suspected they were poorly written and not valid. The Times and witnesses’ statements did not agree. There was no investigation, just a statement that Major Johanna Warren unprovoked threatened and then broke SSGT Lenord Trogdon arm before running off aided by Majors Jeffery David, and Jock David.


Major Farnsworth, One who is the investigating officer, Two who is the witness, Three how could this happen at 2330 when the Gym and Sauna close at 2300, Four we have no Majors Jeffery David, and Jock David in our command.

Major Farnsworth

Sirs, my orders are to arrest these Three. We will provide the proper paperwork later this morning.


Major Farnsworth, Major Johanna Warren accompanied by Majors Jefferson Alexander Davis and Jackson Andrew Davis flew off the base at 2245 hours last evening before the incident happened. Check there filed Flight Plan, Richmond Regional ATC, and the area radar logs. Now I will take this matter up with BGen Addams at a more decent hour. Good night.

0115 hours Sunday 12 February Fort Pickett Infirmary Lt Col Oliver Winter Burnell Ade to BGen Perrysville Windover Addams.

Trogdon, tell me what happened.


I was in the sauna when Major Johanna Warren walked in on seeing me, she started to walk out and dropped this memory stick on her way out. I grabbed it. She came back in and demanded it back. I denied I had it and stood up and started to walk out. She grabbed my arm and broke it just as Two of her friends walked in along with our Lt. Williamson. He tried to stop her but the Two Majors who are twins threatened him in letting her go they followed her. Lt. Williamson. Brought me to the infirmary.

Lt Col Burnell

Let me see this memory stick. What makes you think it is so important?


The way she tried to get it back.

Lt Col Oliver Winter Burnell

I will have our people look at it.


Sir, I would like to do it. I worked with her for a couple of months and have a feel for how she writes code. My arm just has a simple break and has been set. Strong pain meds like Morphine do not make me sleep but hyper me up. I can handle it on my computer at the command building. It is isolated so if it has a bug, it will not spread.

Lt Col Burnell

Trogdon, you are our best man at this sort of thing, and we do need to find out something about these people. Let us go.

Command Building, Trogdon

Let me load this in. it is loading, now I will look at the code lines. Sir, this is the program they use to block our sensors. Crap there are holes in the program, properly from the sauna. Let me see if I can fix it. I need another computer.

Lt Col Burnell

Attention on deck, Good morning BGen Perrysville Windover Addams. Sorry to wake you but a situation has developed.


What is going on? what is wrong with Trogdon arm? for what does he need another computer?

Lt Col Burnell

Trogdon had another encounter with that woman Major, she broke his arm. He acquired a memory stick that contains the program they use to block our sensors, but the sauna has caused holes in it. He thinks he can fix it with another computer.


Use mine I want that program. I want an arrest order for all those people involved, now. Get me the Provost Marshal. Arrest this Major, Trogdon, what is her name?


Warren, Johanna Warren Sir, I do not recall the names of the Two Twin Majors that allowed her to escape.

Sir, I do not want to use your computer in case there is a bug in the program. I do not think so the way she demanded the stick back, but I am not One Hundred Percent Sure.


I am not concerned about my computer I do not keep a lot on this one. Use it. Trogdon I will send you to OCS for this. Excellent work. Get me results as soon as possible.

Burnell, the names of the Two Majors? Add them to the arrest order.

Lt Col Burnell

David, Jeffery, and Jock I believe.

0545 February 10 Fort Pickett Command Center Lt Col Burnell

Sir, our Provost Marshel has returned.

Provost Marshel

All Three have flown a plane off the base. The 13th had Two Pilatus PC-12/45 as part of their command. A flight plan was filed for them to fly out. Our tower was closed at that time and the used regional air traffic control for clearance. The time was 2245 hours.

The arrest order was miss written. The men are Majors Jefferson Alexander Davis and Jackson Andrew Davis, not Jeffery David, and Jock David. The time of the incident was listed as 2330 when the Gym and Sauna were closed. Lt. Williamson as the reporting officer was not listed, it just said a witness.


Destroy the order, do not acknowledge its existence. Issue an arrest order insuring all the information is correct.

Major Farnsworth

Their JAG, Lt Col Allen Pierre Lighting has kept the arrest order.


Other than Trogdon, who I will Commission a Lieutenant this afternoon, there has been nothing but incompetence by this command since the 13th arrived in this base. I am resending the agreement and ordering them off this base. I want them gone by 1200 Today. Dismissed, all of you, Dismissed.

0550 13th Headquarters Tim

K is the analytical thinker of this group. I will leave the planning of our departure to her, K your show.


First, Lillian did have a great idea of tapping into their security system. I am glad this conversation is not taking part in Perrysville office as we would not know what is going on.

Marcus, call the Twenty-Four tell them to report with all their family members, pets, Three days of clothes, Classified Item, and work keys in by 0700 this morning to the ARNG Hanger 4 on The Blackstone Army Airfield, they are bugging-out, they will be met by friendlies at the hangar.

Lillian, monitor their security system and shut down parts of it to cover our group’s withdrawal. Shenna, have your computer access Perrysville’s and as long as we see no one in the office with Trogdon send him hints on how to access the program. Let him know we have an off switch to the stick program. Also, that we are in their security system and watching so keep the office door open if possible.

Marcus you lead the remainder of the Platoon in clearing everything of ours out of this building save the Two computers Shenna and Lillian have. Shenna and Lillian, the protection of the computers is your job, no wepon, hold your computers with both hands as you move from place to place. Those with you will cover you. Leave all uniforms and items in the barracks we do not want them to know we are gone till the last minute possible. Carry all weapons and load magazines but do not chamber a round unless ordered to by the group OIC. JAG, NCIS, and the Warrant Officers at their discretion. The rest, including Shenna and Lillian, are now designated Command Actual load and chamber at your discretion. Arther will join Command Actual when he returns with the groups Classified Item and work keys.

Arther, take the Warrant Officers be the friendly welcoming committee, Wilber OIC. Arther you will gather all Classified Item and work keys. Deliver them to me by 0800 this morning. Warrant Officers prepare the aircraft for boarding.

Lt Col. Spartin and Senior Special Agent Flint, I need you and your people to cover our withdraw, if possible, without sticking your necks out to far, please. They both nodded yes with a grin. Spartin answered I will arrive at 0800 at the 14th headquarters and request a meeting with BGen Perrysville Windover Addams and his JAG over the lack of an investigation and botched arrest orders. I will include that HQ JAG has assumed command over the investigation. This a fact, after I conveyed the facts and a copy of the arrest orders to JAG HQ the Admiral was not happy with the 14th performance in the matter.

Tim, call General Marshall, we need those Four C-130s he promised us for a bug-out on The Blackstone Army Airfield runway by 0800.

Mart will take our remaining PC-12/47E and fly to Richmond International Airport and recover the “Carrier Pigeons” Team and equipment. The “Carrier Pigeons” will remain operational until all 13th Brigade personnel have departed Blackstone Army Airfield.

At 0830 Tim, Me, and Allen with Art as our driver will visit BGen Perrysville Windover Addams and announce our departure.


After I entered the stick program into the BGen’s computer, I saw Three messages on the screen that I deleted immediately. They were in our security system and watching the office keep the door open, they had an off switch for the sticks program, and they gave me instructions in how to open the program.

Perrysville asked me how it was going, and I replied program loaded and now I need to open it. Now I said aloud She always used the last name of the uncle who taught her to do machine work Franklin Great Strength Hercules as a password adding One character in front and the same in back. Her favorite was the @ character. I am in I called out. Now to see how to make it work I will need to fill the holes

The source of this story is Finestories

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