Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 45


MSgt Stewart, Brenda, your children. I understand 14-year-old Rebeca is ready to start Law School and her twin Ramona is ready to start Medical School, but you cannot find a university to except them.

Starting April 6th Rebeca will intern at the Offices of Lightings, Marcus, and Carbine Attorneys at Law. She will have an Advisor in Major Bible Strong Word. Bible is currently a Paralegal in the law firm. Both will be starting Law School in August at Albany Law School of Union University in conjunction with SUNY Albany on a full ride scholarship. Also attending are Captain Ester Turan her Primary bodyguard and confidant and First Lieutenant Hector Sky Rider Aries the groups Associate and heavy.

Ramona will take courses to be an EMT and intern at MCAS Wolverine Field Medical Center under the supervision of Dr Martha Throe MCAS Wolverine Field Medical Center Director. Major Greagory Falter will be her Advisor and heavy. Captain Vickie Little One Gaynier as her Primary bodyguard and confidant and First Lieutenant Georgina Teak as the group Associate. All will start in August as students on a full ride scholarship at the Albany Medical College of Union University in conjunction with SUNY Albany. They will both be commissioned 2nd Lieutenants in the Wappinger Nation Militia and the USMCR. We will put their knowledge to work on many things.

Josiah Jr and Jethro will join Timothy Silver Fox’s stepson Five-Year-Old James Tall Elk Junior and my stepson Robert Hayowentha Pierce III in advanced middle school education under the direct supervision of Dr Adam Solomon Israel Deputy Superintendent for Special Education Students. Smart children are special also and deserve exceptional care in their education.

You as of 0000 Friday 10 February are assigned to The 13th Marine Reserve Brigade as the First Sargent of A Company, 13th DRCS Battalion, 13th Marine Reserve Brigade. You will be housed in the Longhouse for the time being. Your children will depart tomorrow with my Girls and their Principle Security confidents for MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. They will meet their security teams at the Longhouse. There is no decision for you to make, here are your orders. Welcome to the family. Do your children play musical instruments?

Brenda replied sort of, both girls play the Highland Grand Pipes.

1255 Friday 10 February B Gen Timothy Silver Fox.

It had been a whirlwind Twenty-Four hours. We had worked out our plan and gotten everyone in place. The girls and their Primaries were back at MCAS Wolverine Field and have a 24/7 watch in the Bunker Command Center on call for any electronic support we need. The “Carrier Pigeons” Team at Fort Lee Va, about Twelve miles East of Fort Pickett. They will keep a 10 Kelo “Carrier Pigeon” in flight 24/7 with Four secure data channels available for our use. Also launch a 1 Kelo “Carrier Pigeons” if we need arial surveillance on us or anyone else. Janice, Jeff, and Alex all asked for pistol range time. The whole Away Team spent Four hours being instructed by the FBI in close quarter pistol and shotgun use to include firing at Hogans Alley. We have just been cleared for landing. Battle face and yes, we are in a war for our right to exist in a time, place, and way we choose, not chosen for us. We had a “Welcoming Committee.”

Marcus acting as my Ade exited through the front hatch to let whoever was on the ground of my Date-Of-Rank, and Precedent Number being 1 on that date. He returned shortly and said that BGen Perrysville Windover Addams, we were to use his full name and rank not just rank and last name in addressing him, looked unhappy when his Ade informed him of, your rank status. Perrysville has the same Date-Of-Rank and a Precedent Number of 2.

K calls out Tim the staff car with the Brigadier flag on it is leaving. I guess we will have to wait to meet the exalted BGen Perrysville Windover Addams.

I exited the C-17 and was greeted by The 14th Brigade Troop Commander Colonel Theodor Alawishses Prescott. BGen Perrysville Windover Addams had been called away on an urgent matter I was told. He would meet us at 2000 hours this evening at the officer’s club for a reception. First point to us. Our transportation was an old less than maintained bus that had that used for Saturday night drunk transportation. I was informed that my staff car had a flat and would get here as soon as possible. I decided to ride the bus. If snubbing me Twice was all they could manage I was sure we would win. K handed me a note the bus was bugged with audio and video did I want it shut down. No, I shook my head, and wrote in the notebook each of us were carrying, insure all are informed and keep the conversations to The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and the Presidential visit.

Mart recommended that we all get a level One decontamination after the bus ride. All laughed at that. On reaching our quarters which was a single-story barracks surrounded by Four story buildings, they assumed it would be better to electronically ease drop on us. Which is not the case.

The building was a WWII building with One communal bathroom with no privacy doors on the commodes. We would hang curtains and set a gender shower rotation schedule. Sargent Major Arthur Smith was One of Two Enlisted people on my team. K had demanded the immediate transfer of MSgt Brenda Stewart to our command, and she was transferred to The 13th Marine Reserve Brigade before our arrival on Blackstone Army Airfield. She would be our contact with the other Twenty-Three, but she was now out of the 14th reach.

Lillian and Shenna set up our communication room. Using jamming equipment, they made all electronic ease dropping impossible. We saved one audio device in a common room just in case we needed to drop some misleading information. Next step was to set up our relay with MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation using our Ten Kilo “Carrier Pigeon.” In Fifteen minutes, we had secure communications with MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, The “Carrier Pigeons” team at Fort Lee, and HQMC.

Two officers arrived to inventory the building and to try and find out why all, but One of their electronic sensor failed. They bumped our computers to bring up a screen but all they got was a log-in-code-page as they were looking to find the serial tag on the desks we were using. Alex pointed them out to them up front and they in disgust took down the numbers and Marcus signed the receipt for everything in our building.

All us officers save the duties took our now issued vans and me in my staff car with K went to lunch at the Officers Club. Art and Brenda took K’s Staff car to the SNCO Club. We all had a program on our Cell Phones that would effectively block all listening devices within Twenty Meters of us. Art and Brenda met with the now Twenty-Three at tables they had moved so no One could hear them talk and no active listening devices could record anything. All were informed of how we would help them pass the IG starting tomorrow morning at 0700. After lunch we left the club and went back to our Abode to prepare for our formal welcome. It was to be an all-hands affair at the Golf Course All Ranks Club.

On returning our duty handed me a message from HQMC that Perrysville had checked on my Date-Of-Rank, and Precedent Number being One on that date. He then complained in a message that he was supposed to be Number One on that day not Number Two, there must be a mistake. No, HQMC replied to him the Congressional Record showed he was Precedent Number Two on that day and Brigadier General Timothy Silver Fox was Precedent Number One. Two points for us.


The SNCO’s were glad for Brenda being out of the mess that was The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade. After we went over what we were planning to do all were a little relieved and some even expressed that with our help they could pass the IG, some though doubted it was possible, but were not giving up. Several others tried to join our group, but I let them know they were not wanted and after a few minutes of gathering no information they left. I let them know that we would start at 0700 in the morning and do not be late. If ordered to do something stupid ignore it and say those people are in my shop and I must see what they are doing. We have clearance from JCS to enter any space to include Armories, Classified Communication Information Storage Areas, and Ammunition Storage areas. It is in the agreement between The 13th and 14th Brigades and cannot be revoked without JCS approval. Let those telling you something stupid know that.

The source of this story is Finestories

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