Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 44

0910 Wednesday 8 February Currahee Nations

I, The other guests, and “The Platoon” were greeted by Lieutenant General Augustus Marshall, Deputy Commandant for Aviation, Headquarters Marine Corps, and a Color Guard carrying the Signed Wappinger Nation Flag we had given to the departing Air Traffic Control Unit.

We bid Pauline fair-well and she gave Fanny a hug before her, and her husband drove away. As Lawrence handed me a note. When I read it after he left it said Gus is on our side, trust him to give me messages you do not wish the “good Colonel to read.” I had a secure back door.

As our motorcade was driving to our temporary quarters General Marshall handed me a file marked Top Secret Codeword Access Only. I read that an Intelligence Unit at Fort Meade had purchased One-Hundred-Forty-Four computers which all of our serial numbers were included in the purchase order. Eighty-Six of them had been quietly traced and neutralized, we would take them back as part of our luggage.

Someone had thought-up the idea of looking at Medically Discharged personnel who were on a career track that were ended by a surprise medical discharge of Fifty Percent or more. They hoped to use this innovative approach to find and neutralize the remaining computers.

Also in the report, on a more worrying note, the good Colonel had been found to be on the Brigadier General Promotion list approved by Congress. The CMC was really pissed but would not make a fuss until we figured out the end game and stopped it. Then he was going to clean the house.

General Marshall handed me a business card that on the back had a phone number, fax number, and an E-mail address, no words were exchanged about the card.

The Staff of the 13th Marine Brigade was scheduled to meet with planners from HQMC from 1300 1600 this afternoon. “The Platoon” billeting and gear issue until 1100, lunch till 1230, then Officer Customs and Courtesies until 1400 then Uniform ware and regulations until 1500, then drill until 1600. A Dining-In Ceremony at 1800 hours this evening as part of the education of “The Platoon”. I was the Guest of honor. Master Sargent Brenda Stewart was to be on hand.

9 February “The Platoon” 0530 reveille, 0600 PT and showers, 0730 Breakfast, 1000 MOH Ceremony, 1100 UCMJ, 1200 Lunch. I had a 1200 luncheon at the Officers Club. “The Platoon” 1300 how to act like an Officer in the USMC, 1400 Drill, 1500 Air/Ground Assault planning. 1630 conduct an Air/Ground Assault that I was to observe. 1730 dinner. 1830 Gear turn-in. 10 February “The Platoon” 0530 reveille, 0600 PT and showers, 0730 Breakfast, 0830 room inspection and turn-in. Departure ETA 1100.

Kariwase would participate in drill and the classes but not PT or the Assault due to her pregnancy at her Doctors insistence, not mine, though I agree to the restrictions.

I handed the folder back to General Marshal and he handed it to his Ade with the words burn it.


I never thought that I would volunteer to go back to boot camp, but here I was. Our Senior Officer Candidate Instructor MSgt Albert Chone called Jackson Davis front and center. I took One step back, did a left face, marched until I had cleared the formation by Six feet did a column right, marched until I judged I would put myself to be Three feet from MSgt Chone, did a column right, stopped when I was even with him, did a left face, and reported, Jackson Davis reporting as ordered.

He replied you know your drill now here is your drill card, drill this platoon according to the card. I took the card. MSgt Chone did a right face and marched away from the platoon. I took two steps forward, did an about face, faced the platoon and started the drill card.

All us Majors and above each had our turn. We all did well as we had watched drill routines and had done a little as a platoon. We were all glad when it was finished. It was not until the end of Kariwase turn, who was last, and the order was given to pass in review that we realized we were being watched by many. In the reviewing stand was the Commanding General of Quantico and Currahee Nations. We did the Wappinger Nation proud, and the maneuver was done just as the manual described it. We finished and were dismissed until we would board the bus for the Dining-In.

Currahee Nations

Danvers had my Wappinger Nation Official Regalia ready for me as I exited my bath. The Mohawk Nation had commissioned, from the Micmac Nation, a Porcupine Quill-Bead work, Jacket showing the Wappinger Nation rising from the smoke of the fire and becoming a People again. The pants were of matching Deer leather with Porcupine Quill-Bead work on the fringe, the moccasins were the ones Kariwase made for our wedding. My Gustoweh was the One designed by the girls with Two Cardinal Feathers instead of Turkey Feathers. The warning of do not mess with us.

Danvers had our design people build a durable plastic case with egg carton foam inside that allowed the jacket to lay flat and protected if we traveled. Another custom case for my pants, moccasins and Gustoweh. He considered the protection of my Official Regalia his highest duty and honor. There was a space in the jacket case for my MOH. Kariwase still insisted on placing the medal on me. Danvers honored her insistence with admiration for both of us.

Kariwase wore the USMC Field Grade Female Officers Evening Dress Uniform. She looked great. But as Mrs. Ruth would say, we have things to do and no time for personal time. I took her arm and walked out the door. Elton dressed in his deer leather chauffeurs’ uniform and with his Wappinger Nation Gustoweh, held the staff car door for us.

We arrived and the mess stood as the Mess Vice-President rose and announced Mr. President the Principle Chief of the Wappinger Nation, Currahee Nations and Colonel Kariwase Nations. The band played the Wappinger Nation Anthem that Arron and Rebecca Chones had written for us.

We got to mingle with the assembled people. Jack and Jeff came to us, and Jack said Sir. This may be out of the chain of command, but MSgt Stewart is extremely worried about something. We know her, it is not about her family or the death of her husband, it must be work. She is assigned to the 14th Marine Reserve Brigade Forming at Fort Pickett in Blackstone, Virginia. Could you have Rotuman and Martinez talk to her, please?

I replied, we would speak with her first, but as I went to her, I saw Rotuman and Martinez near-by and motioned for them to follow us. I could see there was something bothering her and could sense it was not personal.

MSgt Stewart, I will get right to the point. The Davis twins tell me you are having problems within your command. You can speak to these Two gentlemen about it, or I will inform the CMC of a problem with the unit and suggest NCIS look at the unit. From the Davis Twins and me viewing your record I doubt it is something of your making. Now what will it be? Rotuman and Martinez are setting at your table and will be moved to either side of you.

My wife and I will walk away now. You have Twenty minutes before the gong, make them productive. We will talk again.

MSgt Brenda Stewart

I had not wanted to come to this Dining-In but was ordered to attend. It was part of the recognition of what Joshua had done. He not only saved a total of 11 exposed wounded but kept the company from being overrun. He died as a Marine, weapon pointed to the front and an empty magazine, there were over 30 dead enemy in front of him.

I had not expected to meet the Davis Twins, but they were here with their employer. They were also members of a special USMC Reserve unit that was experimenting with a revolutionary method to eliminate air to ground attacks.

Jack and Jeff said they had heard about 1st Sgt Stewart well they were at the Wounded Warrior Battalion. They had met 3 guys he saved; they were sorry he did not make it. Then ask How I was doing, about the family. How are the kids, and where were they?

I replied at our guests’ quarters you would see them at tomorrow’s ceremony.

Rebeca and Ramona miss you both. They have not found acceptable study partners since we transferred. Josiah and Jethro at Five are terrorizing Third grade students. I need to find a school where their talents are nurtured not ridiculed. The girls have graduated Rebeca a BS in Chemistry, pre-Medical and Ramona a BS in English, pre-Law. I have to find a university to except them.

I am the Maintenance Chief for the forming 14th MAG of the 14th USMC Reserve Brigade. It has been challenging and troublesome, but we follow orders as given. I will need to leave here tomorrow right after the ceremony as we have an IG starting in Twelve days and things are just not yet quite ready but will be when it starts.

I could see they were not buying my all is well speech, but they could do nothing to help so why burden them. They made excuses to leave quickly, and I wondered why. Not Five minutes later The guest of honor Currahee Nations, his wife a full Colonel who looked like she belonged in High School, and old acquaintance MGySgt Rotuman and a man I did not know came over to me.

Currahee Nations said to me, MSgt Stewart, I will get right to the point. The Davis twins tell me you are having problems within your command. You can speak to these Two gentlemen about it, or I will inform the CMC of a problem with the unit and suggest NCIS look at the unit. From the Davis Twins and me viewing your record I doubt it is something of your making. Now what will it be? Rotuman and Martinez are setting at your table and will be moved to either side of you.

He and Colonel Nations walked away after telling me I had Twenty minutes before the gong, to make them productive. Adding we would talk again. I was in a situation where I could do nothing but tell the truth of the disaster that was The 14th USMC Reserve Brigade. I started.

Brigadier General Perrysville Windover Addams USMC commands The 14th USMC Reserve Brigade and everyone in a command billet From the Company Commanders and First Sergeants on up are his people. No one will do anything or decide anything without checking with Brigade Headquarters First. There are Twenty-Four of us in Senior Positions not selected by Addams but assigned by HQMC to replace some of His selected people. This because those people He had selected were court-martialed or forced from the service before he could get them transferred to him.

The Twenty-Four are One Major 19th Marine Brigade Deputy S-4. Three Captains: 1st Battalion 19th Marines Supply Officer, MAG 19 Safety Officer, and the MAG 19 Maintenance Officer. Six Warrant Officers: CWO 3 MAG 19 Weather Officer, CWO 3 19th Logistics Regiment Communications Maintenance Company Commander, CWO 2 19th Logistics Regiment Deputy Embarkations Officer, CWO 2 19th Logistics Regiment Vehicle Engines Maintenance Officer, CWO 2 19th Logistics Regiment Electricians Platoon Commander, CWO 2 19th MAG Runway Maintenance Officer. One Master Gunnery Sargent MAG Maintenance Chief. Eight Master Sergeants: MWSS 1972 Food Service Chief, MWSS 1972 Supply Chief, MWSS 1972 Motor Transport Chief, MWCS 1972 Radar Maintenance Chief, MWCS 1972 Air Traffic Control Chief, Me the MWLA 1432 Maintenance Chief, VMM 1911 Armory Chief, and VMH 1441 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Chief. Six Gunnery Sergeants: 1st Battalion 19th Marines Company A Company Gunny, 3rd Battalion 19th Marines Company H Company Gunny, 4th Battalion 19th Marines Company K Company Gunny, MWSS 1972 Supply Company Ordnance Chief, 19th Logistics Regiment Bulk Fuel Company Chief, and 19th Logistics Regiment Traffic Control Chief.

We have an IG Inspection Starting 0600 next Thursday and ending 1700 next Friday. The Unit is not ready. A mysterious e-mail showed up in each of the Twenty-Four people’s inboxes stating that after the unit fails the IG, we will be blamed and forced out of the Service or Court-Martialed for dereliction of duty. The command is not ready and will fail. Those trying to pass are receiving no support from higher headquarters. In fact, after I got some Aircraft Maintenance Records straightened out someone came behind me, removed some pages, and inserted others into the Aircraft Maintenance Records that showed the aircraft missing required inspections or serial numbers of parts do not match the Aircraft Maintenance Records. All Twenty-Four members are having these problems. Senior people that should be doing the work are all Temporary Assigned Duty in excess of Ninety Days and will not return until after the IG. This is leaving Deputy Officers and Senior Enlisted to carry the responsibility.

Every day people are pulled from the IG prep to do required mission training. We are a Joint Service Brigade, mostly Marines but all the other services have members in the Brigade. Our TO & E is really unbalanced with each of our now Four Battalions having a Military Police Company and Brigade having a full-size Intelligence Company and it is separate from the HHC. We are preparing for a mission to take place later this year. What the mission is no one in authority will say what it is. We are doing a lot of Civil Unrest Training and Operations in an Urban Environment.


Enjoy the meal and smile at tomorrow’s ceremony. Currahee Nations will get this straightened out. If needed he will send Mrs. Ruth, the woman who took down the government of New York. He and She are that Powerful and Resourceful. You will be given our plan of attack before tomorrow’s ceremony. The call went out Five Minutes to seating. We all headed to the head to empty bladders, no one wanted to have to ask to go to the head during the meal as it would cost you money, embarrassment, and ridicule.

2330 Visiting VIP Quarters MGySgt Rotuman

That is the situation.

Lieutenant General Augustus Marshall

People in J-2 with powerful Congressional support have told HQMC to leave the 14th Reserve Marine Brigade alone. Their request for an IG Inspection was a surprise, now we know why. If any of these people have discovered anything about the unit’s purpose, after their disciplinary procedures no one would believe anything negative they say about the unit.

The source of this story is Finestories

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