Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 42

Mrs. Ruth

I exited the plane and before anyone could ask a question, I said people let us get into the terminal and into the main TSA conference/classroom. Currahee Nations had secured the conference/classroom for us. There I will introduce everyone and inform all involved of what is going on. You can then explain how and where you found your new toys, looking at the object some were holding. All entered the terminal with Kariwase leading the way behind Jeff who was opening doors, then one of the gentlemen took the door from him. A door opening, holding, and securing chain formed with Jack insuring all doors used were closed and secured as needed.

After everyone was seated and Jack insured the room was secured. You never knew when someone in this group would lead a discussion into a classified topic, so we always prepared an area we were in as if we planned to discuss a classified topic. I stood.

Platoon, this is Pauline Vernon and her granddaughter Fancy Joselin. Unless there is a major problem, Fancy Joselin will be joining the Platoon, and has been accepted at RPI/WNIIFRA. Her advisor will be Major Rose Colins USMCR under the guidance of Dr Jinn Zhan. Her primary security and big sister will be Captain Belinda Willow USMCR. Associate will be Captain Lester Miller USMCR. Captain Justeene Carbonara will assume his duties as the Associate of April Joy. Rose, Belinda, and Justeene will move into The Longhouse this afternoon.

Miss. Fancy Joselin turned fourteen on the 11th of January and is doing a MS in Accounting with a CPA and Investment Strategies. A PhD in Macroeconomics and Theory.

The Platoon will be leaving at 0900 tomorrow as part of a larger group for MCB Quantico, Virginia. We will take one of the ERJ 145. This command will officially see Sgt Maj Joshua Stewart posthumous MOH award ceremony. The The Platoon will take part in a One-Day course on drill and sword manual taught by the Basic School Staff. You will pack Dress Blue Alphas, Blue Charley, Green Alphas, Utilities, and PT Gear. No civilians clothes. The Platoon will be billeted in the Basic School BOQ.

The Four new members will attend. Our tailor will fit you this evening before dinner and provide the basic required uniforms by 0800 tomorrow. The new members will seat at table #4 for dinner this evening.

Now what are these new toys you have?

Wynette Lee

Team 1/2 was searching Industrial Building #47 today. There are Four quadrants under the building Moria Bronski had her research facility in Quadrant One. Quadrant Two had a massive 3D printer set vertically cover all Four underground floors and projecting in a silo going down into the floor. The production area was marked with a print length of One-Hundred-Twenty Meters, a marked print Diameter of Thirty Meters, and had Sixty Printer Heads. Shenna remarked It looked like it could print a C-130 Fuselage, but the system was shut down.

Quadrant Three had an automated Chip production facility. The facility is making One and Four Gigabytes chips.

Quadrant Four automated production system produces quad legged, tread footed, tilt-rotor Robots in Four sizes. A One Kilo, Ten Kilo, One-Hundred Kilo, and One-Thousand Kilo caring capable according to the production computer system. All used chips produced by the Quadrant Three facility. All versions had a flying variant but only the One and Ten Kilo were being produced. We call them Carrier Pigeons. They only have a verry limited AI program so all directions must be uploaded for each operation. It is a shame as it wastes the power of the installed chips, but we will find a program to fix that. Now I really wish we could have bought a license for the program Leland Sullivan wrote but when he died all his work was claimed by his investors and they have not put his work on the market.


Before his drug habit killed him, I had become his only investor. I bought out all the others. My company holds his work, it is in a code, and none has been able to break it. As I am now one of you, I will give you the files and let you try to break into them. I have them with me on memory sticks.

I have been wanting to buy into your company but as it is private, you must be invited in. Will this program and Five Million get me and my team invited to become shareholders?

Mrs. Ruth

Only Currahee Nations can offer membership, but I will recommend to him that Fancy be offered a 1.5% ownership and Rose, Belinda, and Justeene be issued a .75% ownership. So, we will have a special board of directors meeting this evening after dinner.

I suggest that Fancy, Rose, Belinda, and Justeene come with me to the Longhouse to meet their Ladies Maids and get settled in. Also prepare for the arrival of our tailor. Fancy you can you give the programs to Wynette Lee to see what our people can do with it.

The rest of you need to take your pets and put them up until we return from Quantico. Raleigh has the information on the trip, so your Valets and Ladies Maids are at this time are packing what you need. You should watch them as you will have to do it for the return trip, and you will not be allowed extra baggage. Only One bag going and only One bag returning.

Currahee Nations

I gave Kariwase a kiss that was a little too enthusiastic, Mrs. Ruth clearing her throat and a stern reprimand. Currahee Nations, we have a guest present and now is not the time for that activity. I will assure you both uninterrupted time this evening and tomorrow morning until 0600.

Pauline Vernon

I can see why so many in power want to destroy your marriage. Thay have not had a true relationship like you have and they never will as long as they think of themselves first and only of what pleases them first. There jealousy makes them want to destroy not change themselves for the better of many. I will be glad when President Newmans next term is finished. He says he will take up your offer of cleaning sewer pipes. Soap box finished.

Currahee Nations

Yes Mrs. Ruth, my jesting has got me in trouble again. Maby someday Kawase and you will house break me. It got me a stern look from Kariwase and Mrs. Ruth.

Mrs. Vernon, may I call you Pauline? You may refer to me as Currahee. Yes, Currahee, Pauline will do fine. The Platoon, I understand your granddaughter has been assimilated by The Platoon and is even now preparing to embark on a career of being a reserve military officer. Is this what you want her to be?


My husband nor her parents had considered this route, but it does serve your granddaughters well and will serve Fancy just as well. The 24/7 big sister/security guardian is a great idea, she has chafed at the Secret Service agent assigned to her. I could tell Belinda, and she hit it off right from the start. I understand that both of them will be taking the same course of study.

Currahee Nations

The source of this story is Finestories

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