Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 4

1330 Friday 20 January Robert

We have all your baggage in your rooms. You will not have time to change before your next meetings so eat and we will continue.

Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. would like to offer all Four of you fulltime Flying Jobs with Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. Aviation Operations. All our divisions want you, but we will make no decision until after we see the RPI people and their decision on your education. Your meeting starts at 1500 and goes until 1700 today to get general information and work out a rough draft on how we will accomplish our missions. We will not know the rest until this evening at dinner with seating taking place at 2000 hours.

You will change into Service A Uniforms for dinner. Your Valet will assist you; he has by now taken your uniform from your bags and under the tutelage of my Valet has had them steamed and pressed.

Your valet will instruct you on the way our household runs and functions as an English Grand House and what we expect of you as a member of my house.

We work long hard hours, and your valets help you keep up with the Twelve to Fourteen work hours we are now keeping. We hope in a month or Two to cut it down to no more than Twelve-hour days.

We have been in possession of this property Seven Days since 10 January this year. The number of involving missions needing completion has increased daily.

You will not have anything to do with the military operations run out of MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation but work for Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. Your job is to ensure that our Company can successfully complete the operations the United States Government and POTUS gave us as part of our land and Financial deal.

The government has given us this property and the missions that go with it to Finish, Repair, Renovate, or decommission Consumer Electric Corporation Projects. Eleven projects under construction, Seven Solar and Four Wind.

Forty-Two maintenance contracted projects, Twenty-Eight Solar Cell Collector farms and Fourteen Wind Turbine farms.

We have to build Three ESSAY plants, The Hydrogen Plasma Creation and Control for Production of Electrical Power System and have Broken ground on One, Waiting for permits on One, and have not even chosen a sight for the Third.

We have no people to do the work. We do not want to blanket rehire Consumer Electric Corporation people until we can sort out those that work to repair problems and those who worked to hide them.

In the next Four or Five days we have One-Hundred-Fifty-Nine people returning to our employment from a deployed ANG unit. The company will assign them into teams and spread them over the Fifty-Three projects. This to make core teams to train others in the right way we do things. But they need to know what is useable, what to fix, or what is trash.

We have Six manufacturing plants Two Solar Cell and Four Wind Turbine, but we do not know which ones turned out products truly made in America that worked as we require them to, junk that required repairs before use, or products made overseas and assembled and sold as made in America. We need Engineers to research these problems and fix them.

I list these problems not to commit you or to run you away but to let you know that I and the Company can use your help. I will not ask you to delay your education until the fall but if you do wish to volunteer. I will work your buts off Fourteen to Sixteen hours a day, Six or even Seven days a week. You will be in a Chief or Director Level II-144,000-dollar or II .5-150,000-dollar position that comes with an issued Eight Bedroom Ten Bath Home, Three Quarter acres, indoor heated pool or you could live in the big house as family.

We will fly our crews around to save time, which means Pilots may be flying aircraft IFR flight conditions caring people, cargo, or both, landing on unimproved runways, on short notice but remaining in FAA rules and guidelines for caring people, cargo, or both.

You will have software people to dissect these junk programs and components and fix them. We may have to completely scrap components or systems and build replacements. We have money but no time, and no personnel.

We have no supply system nor a way to control what we have on hand. Ryan North, our logistic person admits he is over his head and would gladly step down to Deputy to learn what he needs to learn.

We have a dozen people but not all belong to supplies. We have housing and maintenance people that need to be working in the shops we hired them for, not as supply people.

We have a modern Utility Facilities with Jeffers Carter in charge, but he admits he needs to be the deputy as he is not qualified to run all the operating systems right now. We only have Twenty-One operators at this time. No new construction engineer, building Maintenance Three-people, Field Equipment Maintenance being done by Rotuman and his staff of Eight, who should be doing aircraft, Housing Maintenance One-person, Public Utilities Three-people, Potable Water Five-People, Sewage Five-people, Field Power Four-people, Electronic Communications Four-people that are Tim’s sisters and shadows, Electronic Entertainment no one, Public Transportation being handled by hospitality, and Vehicle Maintenance being done by Sampson Frank with a limited staff and is also in charge of our military war stock vehicles. Our priorities are Water, Sewage, Lights, and Communication.

If you volunteer Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. will pay for your MS and PhD in whatever field, you choose and wherever you choose to go and pay your full salary as you work for it. We will pay for you to earn your ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) certificate to include the flight hours and other training you need.


Sir, we will gladly help you. We can put off our Graduate School till September. Besides no Marine SNCO would ever leave an officer swinging in the wind after the officer truly asked for help, it is unprofessional and conduct unbecoming of a Marine SNCO. I do not know about the Air Farce thou.

I will take the Fifty-Three Project reviews but not ESSAY until I learn more about it; I will need from you a smart assistant and smart team members. Could your girls do distant learning from the house so we could have smart people like the Shadows helping us.

Janice Lincolnshire, Elizabeth Anne shadow. I know even without her degree she is the kind of person that could place herself into the machine or component and find out what is wrong with it. We can take turns flying a PC-12 as needed. Rent tools and equipment as needed. Overnighter separate rooms, separate floors, separate buildings if needed to insure professionalism and leave no questions of either of our integrity.


I could use Johanna Warren and Sandra Lees Computer skills to set up our supply chain and keep track of not only Wappinger Nation Wolverine Clan Industries Inc.’s needs but the projects also. It will take a great deal of computer programing and input to accomplish this.


Roseland Forest and Aleshia Jasmin Mechanical Engineering will help the primary health and safety concerns of Wappinger Nation. We can keep your system running and people healthy. Sisters Jennifer May and Wynette Lee with their shadows Christine Shepard and Cassidy Sherman could run Electronic Communications and Electronic Entertainment until you can find the staff needed.

I know a retired Commander Samuel Jackson Lafayette. Commanded Seabee Battalion 3 in the sandbox. He retired at Little Creek, but I know he was looking for the kind of job your Director of Facilities is. He could find CPOs or Junior Officers for Deputy Director, Construction, Buildings Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, and Housing Maintenance.

MGen Pierce replied to us that Dr. Lafayette is arriving on Monday to take the job of The Director of Facilities Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.

I would move the Field Public Transportation to Hospitality permanently as they are doing an excellent job with it now. Remember no good deed or job goes unpunished.


That leaves me the factories, Eloise Quayman and April Joy shadow Mechanical Engineering will help me separate the good from the bad. I know from just a casual talk; people cannot bull shit her. Her help in watching my back out there will be invaluable, and I will need it watched. I can trust her as long as I treat her as the superior mind she is, I will not worry about my back. We both can fly and with a PC- 12 add crew members to our team as we hire them. Rent tools and equipment for each sight and not drag them around. As with Jeff and Janice, overnighter separate rooms, separate floors, separate buildings if needed to insure professionalism and leave no questions of either of our integrity. With all my traveling I will stay at your house and not at home until things do settle down. The other Three agreed with me, so we would live for now with the Pierce Family. And please do not give the Jar Heads color markers they think they are crayons and will try to eat them.

The source of this story is Finestories

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