Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 39

1050 February 8th Brigadier General Wynonna Far See Cook USMCR

Washington Regional, Wappinger Nation Air Militia 2 requesting handoff to Joint Service Base Andrews Over. Roger, Wappinger Nation Air Militia 2. Change to authorized frequency and welcome to Washing D.C.

Joint Service Base Andrews Wappinger Nation Air Militia 2 requesting landing instructions, Over.

Roger, Wappinger Nation Air Militia 2 land on 19 L wind from the North at Six Knots. On Landing follow, the ground vehicle to the passenger terminal where your reception party is waiting, Over.

Roger, Joint Service Base Andrews, 19 L wind from the North at Six Knots, follow ground vehicle to the passenger terminal. Wappinger Nation Air Militia 2, Over.

Mrs. Ruth

Kariwase, I do not see the military with drawn weapons, so I will be friendly to start off with. You are to be the first out to greet whoever meets us. I will allow Agent Clark to aid me down the steps. Wynonna called, I have been signed to stop, you may unbuckle and stand.


Agent Clark opened the hatch, and an Air Force ground crewmember stepped back as soon as he was sure our steps where down. He saluted me as I was not in uniform, I acknowledged him by turning to him and nodded my head. I do not know if anyone won the pool as I was met not only by Lawrence Vernon but his wife Pauline also. I knew them from the pictures Raleigh our butler had shown us. I found out that he kept a photo of all the important people the Longhouse may have or are planning to have an official association with. I am grateful he is so thorough.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, may I address you as Lawrence and Pauline? You may address me as K or Kariwase. Mrs. Ruth we all address as Mrs. Ruth.

Pauline Vernon

I turned to my husband, you owe me, Kariwase knew who I was and my name. Did you really expect her to be unprepared?

I turned to Kariwase, men can be so dense sometimes, they think woman do not know how to prepare for officially meeting people they may meet. I praise your staff for preparing you. Yes, Pauline is quite acceptable. Him just, you, man there, and laughed. She laughed, with me.


My husband, Currahee Nations, said that Lawrence would meet us but did not have a clue that you would go with him. Men are dense. This is our pilot Brigadier General Wynonna Far See Cook USMCR, she hates the Flag Plate and travels without an Ade. She is the Director of our Flight School and my personal Pilot Instructor. She allowed me to fly the whole trip. This is Agent Lawrence Clark The Director of the MCAS Wolverine Field Advanced Secret Service Protection Training Center and The Department of State Diplomatic Protection Training Center found on our facility and our official escort here.

This is The Wappinger Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson, Mrs. Ruth. Mrs. Ruth Pauline and Lawrence Vernon.

Mrs. Ruth

Mr. Vernon, the gentlemen with you is?

Lawrence Vernon

This is Lieutenant Colonel Tyrell Ramsay, The White House Liaison with Joint Service Base Andrews. He will take care of your aircrew and planes. Colonel Ramsay, I turn Brigadier General Cook over to you.

Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Ruth, would you go with me to our vehicle please?

To keep it low key we had one Secret Service Vehicle leading and following. Enough people knew that Three Secret Service Vehicle together were on a mission and stayed clear of us and our control of the traffic lights meant we did not stop for any. We rolled into the White House and up to the Front Door where the President and his wife greeted us with no press.

President Numan

Wappinger Nation First Vice-Chief Kariwase Nations and Wappinger Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth. My wife Keya and I wish to welcome you both to our current home. It is not up to the standards of your Longhouse, but no house could have a Cookie Jar as well stocked as yours. This is Government Housing.

Keya Numan

Alfred the joke is still flat. Ladies follow me and I will show you the bathrooms where you can freshen up then to our Family Dining Room. With all luck they will get called to a World Emergency and we can talk in peace.

Mrs. Ruth

The gentlemen did join us for a fine meal of Fried Chicken with the trimmings and Apple Cobbler w/ Ice Cream for dessert. Over dessert I explained The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum. How the Girls were the thought behind it. How to make it work we needed the U.S. Senators and Service Chiefs to get us their names by 1200 Monday 13 February. How the Girls had requested he address the Forum. And he would have Six vacancies to fill.

The source of this story is Finestories

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