Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 38

Tuesday 7 February 1510 Wappinger Nation Inc. Fancy Lark

Mr. Frank, Morris Hamilton would like Ten minutes to speak to at this time if you are available.

Sampson replied send him in and added, I wonder what project the Principles have created this time.


Morris, have a seat. Now what did those Six produce this time?


The girls started it but we as a group voted to have the first session of the annual Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum begin on the February 24th and run to March 2nd for Three-Hundred-Fifty-Attendees. We would like to present the Forum to The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council this evening before dinner. We have worked out the Plan, Schedule, and how to select the participants. I would prefer to have the whole team present the Forum to the whole Wappinger Nation Ruling Council instead of me presenting it piece meal to Five or Six different individuals.


Fancy, would you please get Della Winters on the line and ask if I can speak to Currahee Nations. Also, Kariwase and Mrs. Ruth. It seems the Six have gotten the whole team to create a Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum. They wish to present it The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council this evening. Thank You.

Morris, I will get back to you within this hour. Now find some money to pay for this Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum.

Ten Minutes Later Wappinger Nation In. Executive Conference Room Sampson

Mrs. Ruth, Kariwase, and Currahee Nations all I have is The Platoon request to present to The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council this evening a Plan. This plan is for the first session of the annual Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum to begin this February 24th and run to March 2nd This year. It will have Three-Hundred-Fifty Participants and no more than One-Hundred-Fifty Chaperones.

Currahee Nations

First, is there anyone in this room that doubts the abilities of the The Platoons actual abilities in successfully organizing, inviting, and supporting a gathering of Three-Hundred-Fifty-Attendees. No. Then we agree on that.

Second, Mrs. Ruth and Kariwase we have tentatively planned to do a Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum next year or at least Two years.

Third, I think it would further help us with the States and Local Governments. Especially if the Forum addressed the issues. If they decided for or against us, it would at least get the issues and facts out in a public discussions.

Forth, we allow the Governors of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts to address the Forum along with Judge Olson, POTUS, and me.

Fifth, The The Platoons must give a budget, stay within that budget, and pay for all the services received from Wappinger Nation Inc., MCAS Wolverine field, and The Wappinger Nation from that budget.

And Sixth, We must see How they organize the Forum, Rules/Regulations/Conduct policies applied to the Attendees/Chaperones, and What other activities the Forum will take part in.

Any remarks or questions? Mrs. Ruth.

Mrs. Ruth

This purposed program falls under the umbrella of The Wappinger Nation Mother and my office and staff will send out, in your name, the Official invitations to both Attendees, Chaperones, and Speakers. I will insure the budget, and all other restrictions are followed.

If The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council approves the Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum to begin on the February 24th and run to March 2nd This year. I will send out information packets to those concerned by close of business this Friday 10 February next day delivery with reply by close of business Friday 17 February. We will allow electronic replies.


I agree with Mrs. Ruth this is her and Consuela s area of responsibility. I will tend to ESSAY and DRCS and keep those projects going ahead. I will be the concerned mother to all Six Principles. I will be that ear for their daily reports on what they have done and carried out or did not do. Then give advice as a mother. The First Vice-Chiefs Office will be the receiving and distribution hub for all correspondence. I will need The Platoons for the Presidential demonstration of DRCS.


I will arrange to have The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council meet a special session at 1730 hours this evening and include whoever Allen and Cindy has chosen as our Chief Counsel. With Allen as a Vice-Chief and Cindy as the The Platoons Attorney they wish to avoid Conflicts of Interest.

Currahee Nations

Sampson, make it happen. Is your position the Executive branch a Conflicts of Interest?


Allen says it might be but with elections in November I will not run for a full term. If something controversial comes up for a vote I may have to abstain from voting, but we will see and work around every issue.

Currahee Nations

Verry good, keep solving problems, now if I could just make my granddaughters and grandnieces from making. I stopped and saw the woman faces. I changed my wording as I spoke to challenges. The women smiled; I am learning.


As the The Platoons concerned me the best orator of the group, which I am not sure I am, I got to do the opening and closing presentation.

In closing we of the The Platoons believe this is an opportunity that The Wappinger Nation should not let pass by. POTUS speaking at the inguinal Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum. Thank You.

Mrs. Ruth

This purposed program falls under the umbrella of The Wappinger Nation Mother and my office and staff. I will address the issues: 1. Your presentation was well thought out and presented quite well addressing most of the issues I was concerned about.

2. I will budget you Five-Thousand per an attendee, Two-Thousand-Five-Hundred per chaperones, and One-Hundred-Twenty-Five-Thousand for incidentals. Two Million-Five-Hundred-Thousand. You will not exceed it.

3. You will pay for all Personnel, Goods, and Services you receive from MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Inc., and The Wappinger Nation at their rate. Excluding yourselves.

4. The POTUS, Currahee Nations, The Governors of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, and a member of The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum elected by The Forum will be invited to address the Forum.

The source of this story is Finestories

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