Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 37

President s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon

Mr. President The Wappinger Nation Trip has been arranged. The Deputy Protocol Officer did not make the meeting even after The Wappinger Nation delayed the meeting One hour. I heard their arrival over one of our Agent s phone. The Deputy Protocol Officer arrived threatening and blaming others for their failure. Their Mrs. Ruth told her there would be know visit and then ordered her Chief of Police to remove her if she did not leave at once. Thankfully, she left. I expect when she returns here to hear a story of, she failed in her mission due to other people not supporting her and that The Wappinger Nation people did not listen to her about the visit. So, she cancelled the visit until The Wappinger Nation learns to respect the President of the United States. When she finishes, you will, through me, be requesting her and her supervisor s resignation. The Deputy Protocol Officer did not make the meeting, and The Protocol Officer did not ensure that The Deputy Protocol Officer made the meeting.

The Wappinger Nation are going to make an official request that your family stays an added night for The Wappinger Nation to host a leaders of tomorrow Ball in the Presidents honor. I will know more when Agent Schmidt returns to The White House this afternoon. Thank-You sir.

1430 Agent Schmidt arrives at my office. Agent Schmidt. First, I need the official request by The Wappinger Nation for a Presidential visit and with the information for this Formal Ball. Second, I need your oral report now on The Deputy Protocol Officer s behavior at MCAS Wolverine Field followed by an official report in writing to support disciplinary actions.

Agent Schmidt

Our meeting was made smooth by Agent Lawrence. He made up for the absences of The Deputy Protocol Officer. I also met the Formidable Mrs. Ruth. She is that Twelfth Grade English teacher you had to face when you turn in a sloppy paper because you decided to go to a party instead of your required work. I only did that once and that was once too many times. I could see her putting the Governor of New York into a time out. No, I will not get on her bad side, and neither should the Whitehouse if we wish to have cooperation with The Wappinger Nation on anything.

First, here is my written report on the Presidential visit with the schedule of events to include the Formal Ball request. The Ball is a great idea for fence repair with the Governors. The Wappinger Nation has organized a Presidential visit that none of my advance team could find a problem with. I wish all the Advance Team missions went as smooth as this one and the people s plans were this complete. We will return to MCAS Wolverine Field on the 21st of February and stay through the President s visit.

Second, my report on The Deputy Protocol Officer and her failure to make the plane departure. She said to me Three hours is not enough time to prepare. The disrespectful attitude and actions taken we she arrived after the meeting was over. Her threat of using government agencies to punish The Wappinger Nation for not bowing down to The Deputy Protocol Officer s demands.

President s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon

Thank-you Agent Schmidt. Your reports are professionally written.

I called the President; Mr. President, I have the schedule of events for the Presidential visit with MCAS Wolverine Field to include the Formal Ball request. And the report on The Deputy Protocol Officer s actions. Would you like to see them now? Yes, was the reply and I headed for his office.

President of the United States Alfred E Newman

We will start with the positive. I read Agent Schmidt s report on the visit and was impressed. The Wappinger Nation had covered everything including the special accusation, testing, and quarantining of necessary items. We will make this trip.

I need more information on this Wappinger Nation Leaders of Tomorrow program before I commit to it.

Now The Deputy Protocol Officer

Lawrence Vernon

She failed in her duty to make the Secret Service plane and even tried to delay it. Did not request a replacement flight to take off until 0830 the next day that would and did make them late for the meeting even though The Wappinger Nation delayed the meeting One hour. On arrival made demands and threats of reprisal to the Wappinger Nation people. The only thing she did right was to leave before she was arrested. Here is the recording of her tantrum that was recorded at the Wappinger Nation Inc. International Headquarters Building by Agent Lawrence and sent to me by him. I played it.

President of the United States Alfred E Newman

That is not how a person in this administration, especially in my name, is to act. I personally would have her and her Supervisor s resignation at once.

Lawrence Vernon

Mr. President, No! This is one you do not need to get involved in. You, demand for their resignations will elevate the conflict above a level needed. I will when The Deputy Protocol Office returns from New York speak to both of them. I will remind them of their orders and ask why they did not carry them out. Upon an unsatisfactory answer I will dismiss them. Informing them that if they fight the dismissal, I will have them called before a Civil Service Disciplinary Board for gross failure to perform their required duties.

If they demand to see you, I will call you and set a time at your convenience.

President of the United States Alfred E Newman

Yes, I do not need to get into the politics of how the White House is staffed and functions.

Tuesday 7 February 1300 B-1 Family Room Morris

Ok people let us get back to work on the treasure hunt list. Yes Elizabeth Anne.

Elizabeth Anne

We have a Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum Ball but no Forum. We need a Forum. I know the Nations People could with Grandfather s help get the One Hundred here on the 24th of February and it goes through the 2nd of March.

It would be composed of half Ladies and half Gentlemen all between the ages of Thirteen and Twenty-Six. We make it a gathering of between Three and Four Hundred people. We all fall into that group.

Each dorm tower holds Three-hundred-Eighty-Four people. RPI has said they will not need Four of the towers this semester. We take Two of them One Ladies and One Gentlemen. We still have the extra Nations Peoples from the resorts here to support The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum.

We ask the President to let the Senators select the candidates from their states this year. Two from each state but still give New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts their Fifty. This would give the President Six candidates.

Of the Seven Days Day Six is devoted to the President who could address the Forum. Then that evening the Ball. Who else has ideas?

Sandra Lee

We do arrival and room issue on the 24th using the procedures we used for the shelters. Form people into random groups of twenty-Four people teams. Open on the 25th with teams deciding on issues they wish to discuss and present ideas to change for the better.

April Joy

We give Two days, 26th and 27th, for teams to discuss their issue and solutions. The 28th for community service projects. The 29th teams gather and present their issues and solutions. All teams discuss all the issues and try to reach a consensus on all the issues.

Aleshia Jasmin

If a consensus cannot be reached on an issue, we save it for the next year where we break it down into smaller parts and try to reach a consensus on the parts then the whole issue.

Elizabeth Anne

1st of march we invite the President and Grandpa to address The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum. One from 9 to 10 and the other from 10 to 11. If the President cannot speak, we ask Mrs. Ruth. Break at 1100 for the Ball.

April Joy

We reconvene at 0900 on the 2nd of March for final ideas and closing remarks .10 to 12 social time. 1200 1330 Closing Banquet 1330 people start for home.

Sandra Lee

We can make this work and get this Forum to grow into a yearly event.

I call for a vote on creating The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum this February. Sandra Lee-Yes, April Joy-Yes, Aleshia Jasmin-Yes, Elizabeth Anne-Yes, Jennifer May-Yes, Wynette Lee-Yes, Herald Tiller-Yes, Lillian Oaks-Yes, Lester Miller-Yes, Lela Downs-Yes, Maybell Starks-Yes, Shenna Wright-Yes Johanna Warren-Yes, Eloise Quayman-Yes, Roseland Forest-Yes, Janice Lincolnshire-Yes, Christine Shepard-Yes, Cassidy Sherman-Yes, Jefferson Davis-Yes, Jackson Davis-Yes, Martinez Davis-Yes, Alexander Davis-Yes, Marcus Night-Yes, and Me Morris Hamilton-Yes.

Now we have decided to make this happen. We need to form the steering committees:

Leadership/Oversight/Rules Morris, Cassidy, Shenna, and Wynette Lee

Housing/Transportation Jack, Johanna, Lela, Sandra Lee

Meals/Recreation Mart, Roseland, Maybell, and Aleshia Jasmin

Financing/Community Projects Alex, Eloise, Herald, and April Joy

Formal Ball/Security Jeff, Janice, Lester, Elizabeth Anne

Media/Communications Marcus, Christine, Lillian, Jennifer May

It is 1400 we will take a Ten-minute break and then each steering committee will meet for around an hour and present a draft proposal of their responsibilities to the group.

Leadership/Oversight/Rules Steering Committee Morris

Currahee Nations will ask the President to let the Senators select a candidates from their states this year. Two from each state, but give Governors of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts Forty-Eight. This would give the President Six selectees. All names must be turned into First Vice Chief Kariwase Nations office by next Monday 13 February at 1300 or no attendance.

Currahee Nations would get Fifty from the People Nations. We need to include Alaska and the Pacific Island Territories People Nations.

He would give each of the Five Service Chiefs Ten selection slots restricted to E-4 or E-5 s. He would tell the Service Chiefs this program is for future leaders, not for people being required to lead now.

This would make an attendance of Three-Hundred-Fifty people and One-Hundred-Fifty chaperones, advisors, and speakers would set the limit to Five-Hundred people. This is way less than we to care of during the storm. With a much greater preparation time.

The source of this story is Finestories

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