Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 36

Currahee Nations

The meeting started at 1000 no White House Protocol Office. At 1005 the tower informed me that they had refused an Alphabet Gulfstream V that was request landing clearance due to runway maintenance. The meeting ended at 1055.

At 10:59, I looked at the clock, I head a woman yelling from our reception area, I am From The White House Protocol Office and if I do not see this Mrs. Ruth right now there will be no Presidential Visit. Before I could leave my office Sampson looked in my door and motioned for me to sit. He left my office door followed by Art and a couple of our Security Officers.

Mrs. Ruth entered the hallway and said, we are not going to allow a Presidential visit to The Wappinger Nation lands at the end of February or any other day. We made it clear yesterday that if we did not have our concerns address by 9:00 AM this morning we would cancel the visit. We even postponed the meeting One hour to give you more time. If the White House does not care about our concerns, we do not care about the White House. Your business is done here Arthur please escort this person off our property. Mrs. Ruth turned her back and walked back to her office as she did not hear a thing the woman was saying.

The woman started yelling, you cannot treat me this was. My plane was refused landing. I stand for the President of the United States. Disrespect to me is disrespect to the President. I will see that the IRS dose an audit of your business. I will see that you never receive another Federal Government Contract. You will regret your actions.

I saw Lawrence on the phone, and he held the phone up for whoever was on the other end to listen in on the woman s rants.


If you do not leave right now, I will have you arrested for trespassing and conveying a threat. She in as huff turned and walked away as she speeds dials on her phone.

Currahee Nations

Lawrence who was in the hall across from ours, talking to the White House Chief of Staff, who heard the whole tantrum. He handed me his phone and said the Chief of Staff wishes to talk to you. Receiving the phone, I said, Currahee Nations here, to whom am I speaking. The voice replied to me, The White House Chief of Staff, I wish to apologize for that unprofessional display you were subject to. That person no longer works for the White House. She failed her assignment. I hope Agent Lawrence has answered all your concerns and did it before the deadline.

I replied, my people tell me all has been arranged and done before the deadline. We will welcome the president using the schedule the Secret Service and we have agreed to. I also look forward to meeting you again, Sir.

He replied, you have my number, call me if a problem develops. And added a thank-You, then hung up.

Mrs. Ruth

0955 arrived at the Wappinger Nation Inc. Secured Conference Room and all our people were in their places. Conspicuously absent was The White House Protocol Office. Secret Service Agents Lawrence Clark and Adam Schmidt were present with Six Others who Lawrence introduced: Secret Service Agent Oliver Champion-Visit Deputy Agent in Charge, Secret Service Agent Glenda Rice-Police Liaison, Mr. Dillin Foresails-Deputy White House Political Office who would arrange the meeting with the state governors, Mr. Harlow De Witte-Deputy White House Press Secretary, Miss Erine Le Ren-White House Family Services Office, and Major Michale Treanor USAF White House Military Liaison Office.

Sampson stood and introduced me and our staff. Then he said this was my meeting and sat down.

I started. First off if what we decide here is changed or moved around by people who are not at this meeting, The Wappinger Nation will cancel the visit without discussion or reconsideration. If changes need to be made and we are consulted, we may allow the changes. We will not be dictated to about how The Wappinger Nation handle our affairs on our Nations property.

Morris Abraham Hamilton will work with Ticket allocations. Rensselaer Poly-Technical Institute will use their computer-based lottery system to issue tickets. RPI will print up and issue nontransferable tickets through there Sports Program Box-office. With pick up or forfeiture by the Tuesday. This will also allow security to prescreen visitors. In addition, they will send their security people to help and supplement City, County, State, and Federal authorities. Allocations totals have not changed.

All non-redeemed tickets will be reissued at the discretion of The Wappinger Nation. No tickets will be issued on the day of the event without the approval of the Secret Service Agent in charge and Arthur William Smith The Wappinger Nation Headb of security.

Before the President speaks there will be an hour-long concert by The Wappinger Peoples Nation Musical Gathering under the direction of Arron and Rebecca Chones.

An opening prayer by Rabbi Joshusa Solomon. Ten-minutes remarks by Currahee Nations welcoming the President. Ten-minute remarks from the Governor of New York also welcoming the President but not mentioning or referencing the land issue. Twenty-to-Thirty-minute speech by the President hopefully addressing the land issues. Closing Prayer by Imam Mohamed Salah ad-Din Mohamed.

The President lodging will be in the house recently used by the SEC DEF. We will provide the added staff that is needed under control of our Under Butler Herman Endeavor Matthews

The President lunch for his immediate family his Chief of Staff Lawrence, and wife Pauline with the Principle Chief Currahee Nations and his family at 1200.

We will have Principle Chief of the Wappinger Nation-Currahee Nations, his wife First Vice Chief of the Wappinger Nation-Kariwase Twin Lakes Tall Elk Pierce, The Wappinger Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson, Commander of The Wappinger Nation Militia-Brigadier General Timothy Silver Fox, Apprentice Wappinger Nation Mother- Consuela Leandra Tall Elk Silver Fox, Currahee Nations Grand Children Sandra Lee Pierce, April Joy Pierce, Aleshia Jasmin Pierce, Elizabeth Anne Pierce, and Robert Hayowentha Pierce III, Brigadier General Timothy Silver Fox Sisters and wards-Jennifer May Silver Fox, Wynette Lee Silver Fox. The Girls Security and Confidants minus weapons, Johanna Warren, Eloise Quayman, Roseland Forest, Janice Lincolnshire, Christine Shepard, and Cassidy Sherman. The Girls Academic Advisors, also minus weapons, Jefferson Alexander Davis, Jackson Andrew Davis, Martinez Sanchez Davis, Alexander Boone Davis, Marcus Alton Night, and Morris Abraham Hamilton. The Girls Associate advisors Herald Tiller, Lillian Oaks, Lester Miller, Lela Downs, Maybell Starks, and Shenna Wright in attendants. All these are our family and will attend.

The source of this story is Finestories

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