Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 33

Monday 6 February 1245


Welcome Chancellor Chase and your staff.

First people, a little house cleaning. Here are your assignments packets for the Presidential Visit. Read them after this meeting. We will have a meeting tomorrow at 0900 to build out the plan. Keep it simple but through. Work with your teams to make your part and all parts happen as needed. You will see we have offers of outside help. Use this help and work it into your plans.

I will let Currahee Nations know we are ready.

Currahee Nations

Chancellor Chase thank you for the offer of help for the Presidential Visit and thank you for getting the help of SUNY Albany also. We will now take up the matter of RPI and The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application.

Chancellor Chase, I understand that you wish to restore the facilities at RPI instead of excepting our offer to run The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application. I understand that due to some family issues our first choice has bowed out and Dr Jose Santiago will now be the Chancellor. We except you Chancellor Santiago whole hearty as the Founding Chancellor.

Chancellor Chase what degrees are being presented to my granddaughters, Advisers, Protectors, and Associates?

Chancellor Chase

Kariwase Twin Lakes Tall Elk Pierce, MS Physics, MS Mechanical Engineering, PhD in Physics, PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Sandra Lee Pierce: BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Computer Engineer

April Joy Pierce BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Mechanical Engineering

Aleshia Jasmin Pierce BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Electrical Engineering

Elizabeth Anne Pierce BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Industrial and Management


Jennifer May Silver Fox BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BA English, BS Computer Science

Wynette Lee Silver Fox BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BA English, BS Cyber Security

Johanna Warren BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Computer Engineering

Eloise Quayman BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Material

Engineering and Fabrication

Roseland Forest BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BS Electrical Engineering

Janice Lincolnshire MA-Communication with SUNY Albany, BS in Physics, BS Mathematics,

BS Industrial and Management Engineering.

Christine Shepard BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BA English, BS Computer Science

Cassidy Sherman BS in Physics, BS Mathematics, BA English, BS Cyber Security

Jefferson Davis, MS in Supply Chain Management, MS Information Systems Management

Jackson Davis, MS in Materials Engineering, MS Aerospace Engineering

Martinez Davis MS Environmental Health Engineering, MS in Human Resources

Alexander Davis MS Robotic Engineering, MS Civil Engineering

Marcus Night MS in Cyber Security and MS Industrial Management

Morris Hamilton MS in Computer Quantum Algorithms, MS Chemical Engineering

Herald Tiller BS Elementary Education, BS Physical Education

Lillian Oaks BS Secondary Education, BS Biology

Lester Miller BS Elementary Education, BS Psychology

Lela Downs BS Secondary Education, BS Mathematics

Maybell Starks BS Secondary Education, BS American History

Shenna Wright BS Secondary Education, BS English

Alfred Harvey MS Electrical Engineering, PhD Electrical Engineering Design

Moria Leeann Bronski MS Mechanical Engineering, PhD Mechanical Engineering Design

Ruth Ann Harper Jackson PhD Education Administration, PhD Human Resources

Currahee Nations

I concur especially with the last one. Mrs. Ruth you will except these degrees with honor. All of The Wappinger Nation will celebrate the recognition of your accomplishments that we see daily as our Wappinger Nation Mother.

Mrs. Ruth

I will except these honors from The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application on the grounds that I may continue my studies and teach what I have learned to others wishing to receive a PhD in them so they too can pass on this knowledge to others.

Now may we get back to the subject at hand. How is The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application in partnership with RPI and SUNY Albany going to give knowledge to the People Nations and to the students who come to it to learn?

Chancellor Chase

Mrs. Ruth, we will start classes on Monday 13 February at 0800. Students will move into the Dorms starting Thursday 9 February. Yes, in Three Days. The military units before they left cleaned each room as they said IG ready. Well, the Military people played this weekend the RPI maintenance staff with the help of several moving companies combined both our book libraries into one. The Learning Resource Center guaranties me they will open for business on Friday 10 February.

The faculty has started moving into their offices today and will be assigned classrooms and laboratories tomorrow. Mrs. Ruth, your office is on the ground floor of the Education Center. Dr Kariwase, your office, and Laboratory are in the Physics Center, but we will move you into the ASSEY Training and Simulation Operations Center when it is built. Alfred Harvey and Moria Leeann Bronski, your Offices and Laboratories are on the ground floor of the Applied Engineering Center. Jefferson Alexander Davis, Jackson Andrew Davis, Martinez Sanchez Davis, Alexander Boone Davis, Marcus Alton Night, and Morris Abraham Hamilton your offices and Laboratories are on the Second Floor of the Applied Engineering Center. Johanna Warren, Eloise Quayman, Roseland Forest, Janice Lincolnshire, Christine Shepard, and Cassidy Sherman your offices are on the Third Floor of the Applied Engineering Center You will work in the Laboratories assigned to you by Dr Harvey and Dr Bronski. Lillian Oaks, Lester Miller, Herald Tiller, Lela Downs, Maybell Starks, and Shenna Wright your offices are on the Fourth floor of the Research Application Center. You will work in the Laboratories assigned to you by Dr Harvey and Dr Bronski. Sandra Lee Pierce, April Joy Pierce, Aleshia Jasmin Pierce, Elizabeth Anne Pierce, Jennifer May Silver Fox, And Wynette Lee Silver Fox you will be teaching assistants to your current advisors and protectors. I expect to see you all at your offices starting tomorrow from 0800 until 1300 to welcome students that you will advise and guide. Your teaching assignments and student rolls will be in your offices in boxes by 0730 Wednesday.

Our book and retail store will open for business at 0730 Thursday 9 February. All required books and necessary required class items are on hand and the sales points ready for business.

We have a full Support Staff including Food Service, Facilities Infrastructure Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds Maintenance, Student Services, and Residential Advisors.

I know you will be working on ESSAY, DRCS, Aerospace, Cyber Security, and whatever and wherever the girl s minds take you. We at The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application, RPI, and SUNY Albany will support you in all that you do. All I ask is that you pass on the knowledge you have or get to others as you roar past us.

Chancellor Santiago, my spew is finished. Your turn.

Chancellor Santiago

I know the desires of The Wappinger Nation Inc. is to make The Wappinger Nation Institute of Future Research and Application a center of higher education for all People Nations. My mother is of the Mescalero Apache Nation. We will make this Institution the premier education center for the People Nations. With RPI and SUNY Albany we will provide an education in all the Physical Sciences, Governmental Affairs, and Social Sciences for all people but especially the People Nations.

With the generous endowment from The Wappinger Nation Inc., we can provide it at a low or no cost to those who academically qualify. For a full ride scholarship, we will need Two years service for each year of education we provide. This service will be done as The Wappinger Nation Institute of Future Research and Application directs. We will help all the People Nations and all Residents of the United States to excel and prosper.

I know that we will face obstacles and challenges in achieving our goals. I will pledge to put forth nothing but my best abilities to succeed. I will require all of you to do the same. Due to the weather emergency and its destruction, we are playing catch-up with other institutions of higher learning. We cannot allow students and faculty to use this as an excuse for not excelling and achieving our best. I will see you all tomorrow on campus. Be prepared to work and even do manual labor to set up your teaching areas and laboratories. Thank You.

Currahee Nations, I turn this meeting back over to you.

Currahee Nations

Advisors, I need you to give Mrs. Ruth a detailed plan on the education of your assigned teaching assistants covering: One military education and training. Two, non-military education and training. Three, the areas of area of study and research each person, team, and the Platoon as a whole unit wishes to pursue. Four, the plan to include the security protocols how you will find any still undiscovered areas located on MCAS Wolverine Field.

Thank you all for attending now get to work.


I need all the members of The Platoon in the breakfast room this afternoon at 1500. We will have a Two-Hour planning session to work out all our schedules. Platoon, Team, and Individual. Uniform will be Office Supervisor. Ladies collared Orange blouses with a sweater, khaki skirt/slacks, or Orang sweater with a dress, purse, and work safety shoes. Gentlemen: Orange collared shirt, coat, tie, khaki pants, and work safety shoes. All will bring your personal computers. Those whose duties require firearms, and it is all of us but the protected, carry them. We will not need the Vampire Computers at this time.

The source of this story is Finestories

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