Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 32

0955 Sampson Frank

Our meeting with the Secret Service got off to a rough start. Herald Solheim came into the meeting. He brought with him Special Secret Services Agents Adam Schmidt and Geraldine Cooper of The Presidential visit advance team.

Agent Lawrence Clark

Samson Agents Adam Schmidt is about to make your First day more difficult.

Agents Adam Schmidt

To start with I need to remind you that the event schedule and all-time references by it are by Secret Service policy classified. All people with a need to know and the level of that knowledge I will decide.

Now the issue of contention. The Protocol Office did not come with us. They sent the schedule you will follow. This includes who speaks, when and for how long. Who, they have decided, will not speak. Who will not be allowed to attend? The menu you will serve. And the level of accommodation you will provide and to whom you provide them.

Sampson Frank

I will take it to my boss, but I will tell you now his answer. Kiss my ass. The President invited himself and his family to The Wappinger Peoples Nation. We do not need his visit. We will not be dictated to in how we conduct our Nation s affairs, who we invite or refuse entrance to our property, and who we allow to speak for us. This meeting is over. Goodbye.

Agents Adam Schmidt

You were right Herald; these people will not be pushed around by the pompous drones at the Protocol Office.

Mr. Frank, those are not the demands of the Secret Service or any member on my advance team. I understand that The President requested this visit. I will ask that you present your plans for the meeting to me, and I will bring them to President s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon to work everything out to The Wappinger Peoples Nation satisfaction.

Sampson Frank

Shell, we start again.

Agents Adam Schmidt

Air Force One arrives at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Peoples Nation 29 February ETA 0830. Welcoming ceremonies will take place until about 1000. No news conference at this time. The President requests lodging in a separate facility than your Longhouse. The President requests lunch for his immediate family: wife Keya, daughters 14-year-old Linda, 13-year-old Sarah, 7-year-old son Alfred JR his Chief of Staff Lawrence, and wife Pauline with the Principle Chief Currahee Nations and his family at 1200. Discussion with the Governors of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts from 1400 to no later than 1530. State Dinner at 2000 hours. 1 March from 0900 to 1000 decisions about DRCS, Vampire, Flying Vampire, and the 13th Composite Division (Reinforced). Departing Ceremony 1230.

I would like to fit this into the Operation Plan your staff have created.

Sampson Frank

First, I will pass on the information about the Protocol Office to Mrs. Ruth to deal with. She will speak to the President s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon about their absences at this meeting.

Second here is our purposed Operation Order:

All personal vehicles unless receiving permission in writing from our security will be ordered off the roads during the arrival, public address, state dinner, and departure time frames plus Thirty Minutes before and after the scheduled event. We will provide bus transportation for all who attend the event and are not allowed to use their POV. All non MCAS Wolverine Field guests will park at the RPI Campus and board a bus to and from any event they are attending.

Chancellor Dr Martin Albert Chase of Rensselaer Poly-Technical Institute and the Board of Governors have authorized him to offer the University Security, Facilities, Systems, and Personnel. The University will use their computer-based lottery system to issue tickets. RPI will print up and issue nontransferable tickets through there Sports Program Box-office. With pick up or forfeiture by the Tuesday. This will also allow security to prescreen visitors. In addition, they will send their security people to help and supplement City, County, State, and Federal authorities.

The Wappinger Nation Inc. Institute of Future Research and Application Field House will seat Ten Thousand People and has a stage at one end for the President and others to speak.

We will issue reserved tickets in these quantities.

Five Hundred for the President.

Five Hundred for the Governor of New York.

Five Hundred for the Governor of Vermont.

Five Hundred for the Governor of Massachusetts

One Thousand-Five Hundred for our Staff, Volunteers, and Security people.

One Thousand Five Hundred RPI.

One Thousand Five Hundred for SUNY Albany.

Three Thousand Five Hundred for the open Lottery.

Chancellor Dr Renard Horton VanDyke of SUNY Albany and the Board of Governors have authorized their help also. They will provide their Fine Arts Program to setup, takedown, and operations of a Stage, Lighting, and Sound System. Student Transportation Buses to transport people to the event. The Marching Band will provide the official music needed. In addition, they will send their security people to help and supplement City, County, State, and Federal authorities.

All our staff will be in our Wappinger Nation Inc. Shirt/Coat Colors showing the wearers areas of Responsibilities within Wappinger Nation Inc.

Yellow shirts to the Wolverine Employee general helpers, they will be the first people to handle a problem.

Red shirts to the Security Personnel.

Green shirts to Childcare/Education Personnel.

Blue shirts to Administration/Public Relations Personnel.

White shirts to Medical Personnel and Chaplains-Counselors.

Purple shirts Our support people: Drivers, Custodial, Foodservice, and Maintenance Personnel.

Brown shirts for Outside Agencies with the Agency Alphabet Code on them.

Black shirts for the Longhouse Staff.

Orange shirts for Level I, II Supervisors and Senior Employees who are equivalent to Col and LtCol in rank and all will have a radio operator with them in white shirt with and Orange stripe for communication and location purposes.

The Secret service will have control and full use of our command bunker under the Longhouse for as long as they need it. All reserve personnel on MCAS Wolverine Field will be placed on active duty and under your control from 24 February until 2 March. All The Wappinger Nation Inc. personnel you wish, with a few exceptions, will be placed under your control.

The State Dinner and all meals will pe prepared by the Wappinger Nation Inc. Food Service Division under the direction of John Flaherty and seen by the personnel you appoint.

The Wappinger Nation will place at your disposal the Wappinger Nation Staff Level I and II homes and vehicles used by the SEC DEF and Services Chiefs last weekend with necessary required household staff. We will provide One of the Efficiency Apartment Blocks for housing your added staff.

These are the people that will work with you in coordinating with you in specific areas:

Wappinger Nation Liaison Sampson Frank

Master of Ceremonies BGen Timothy Silver Fox

Wappinger Nation VIP Seating Assignments Mrs. Ruth Harper Jackson Wappinger Nation Speaker Coordinator Dr. Kariwase Twin Lakes Tall Elk Pierce

Wappinger Nation Security Chief Arthur William Smith

Wappinger Press Officer Danial Larson

Wappinger Nation Electronic Security Coordinator Marcus Alton Night

Wappinger Nation Entrance Tickets Coordinator Morris Abraham Hamilton

Wappinger Nation Food Services Coordinator Joseph Flaherty

Wappinger Nation Band and Choir Directors Arron and Rebecca Chones

Wappinger Nation Volunteer Coordinator Jackson Andrew Davis

Wappinger Nation VIP Transportation Coordinator Hernandez Martinez

Wappinger Nation Transportation Coordinator Alexander Boone Davis

Wappinger Nation Logistics Coordinator Jefferson Alexander Davis

Wappinger Nation Waste Disposal Coordinator Martinez Sanchez Davis

Wappinger Nation Supply Issue Ryan North

Wappinger Nation Housing Issue Matthew Jenkins

Wappinger Nation Childcare Coordinator Marigold Falcon

Wappinger Nation Childcare Security Doral Elwood Hayes

Wappinger Nation Childcare Nutrition Tato Flaherty

Wappinger Nation Comptroller Dr. Jaa Zhan

Wappinger Nation Facilities Set-up Coordinator Wilber Rotuman

Wappinger Nation Area Air Space Coordinator Yolanda Zulu

Wappinger Nation Attorney Allen Pierre Lighting PA

All these people will be available at 1000 tomorrow morning to address their specific areas of concern to you. I ask that the Protocol Office have a representative here. If they do not want to work with us, just dictate to us, we will call the whole event off. If you wish to appeal to Currahee Nations directly I will take you to his office right now.

If they wish to have input, they had better show up tomorrow. Our position stands, the President invited himself, we do not need a visit. Our business is happy as it is. The Federal Government pulling funding dose not influence us one bit. We do not care. They need to let us know by 1000 tomorrow or tell them I will block the runway before we let them land. And We are serious about our yard, our Ball, our Rules or stay at home.

Agents Adam Schmidt

No, I will get with the White House and get it straightened out. Until tomorrow Thank-You.

Office of the White House Chief of Staff

My secretary said Mr. Vernon I have Agents Adam Schmidt of the Secret Service Advance Team to the Wappinger Nation on line One. He says it is important and involves the trip to the Wappinger Nation. Yes, I will speak to him.

Agent Schmidt, what can I do for you?

Agent Schmidt

Sir, I just left a meeting with Sampson Frank Currahee Nations new Chief-of-Staff and the Wappinger Nation Liaison and about the Presidential visit at the end of the month. The Protocol Office did not send anyone on the advance team. The Protocol Office just sent a program that The Wappinger Nation were to except and follow or no visit. It was heard by me and several of my Agents from Sampson and I quote You can Kiss our ass. The President invited himself and his family to The Wappinger Peoples Nation. We do not need his visit. We will not be dictated into how we conduct our Nations affairs, who we invite or refuse entrance to our property, and who we allow to speak for us. Then started to throw us out. I was able to apologize and continue the meeting.

The source of this story is Finestories

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