Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 3

1100 Friday 20 January Robert

Received a call that our Four Southern Guests were on final and needed to meet them at Flight Operations to see what we were getting.

My girls had left the trading pit, as they called it, handing their shift over to the RPI crew to sell off what Wolverine Clan Industries did not want to keep in our portfolio. The purchase of the controlling interest in the Financial, Utilities, and Mining shares we desired was progressing smoothly.

We were set to expand Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. beyond our Wappinger Nation boundary. I hoped these young men were the leaders we needed to expand and not interested in my girls.

Jackson Davis

Cut cards, I won; I am PIC. Wheels up just after sunrise Under a Four-hour flight with time change requesting clearance from Albany directed to Wolverine Field Frequency. 1115. Requested clearance and gave our clearance code, clear to land on runway 45R. I had checked the runways as I filed my flight plan and had the right heading to land on 45R. Ask if we needed fuel, not at this time, I replied.

Welcome to our madhouse, You have a large crowd waiting for you, I received from the tower. Landed, directed to the front of a hangar with three Air Tractors and Six PC-12’s.

before we could get out ant tie it down, the ground guide instructed us to put it in the hangar.

Moved our aircraft to the hangar, Got out. A Marine Master Gunnery Sargent Rotuman was waiting for us to shut down, deplane, and put the aircraft to bed. He watched us as we did the work. He Looked the plane over and said you do keep it nice. Told him dad is a stickler and beyond the FAA requirements.

The MGy Sgt told us that he was responsible for all aircraft flown by the Wolverine Clan, Wappinger Nation. If the aircraft stayed, it would belong to him. No one would fly it unless he cleared it to fly, did we understand that. Yes, MGy Sgt all Four of us replied.

As we walked out of the hangar, I heard one of the girls call a plane full of Davis’s. I learned that the girl was Sandra Lee Pierce. Our PC-12/47 people now call it Full of Davis’s.

The MGen in an Army uniform and his wife came up and we all started to salute but stopped in time. The MGy Sgt said they are not house broken yet, so he would be glad to use us, but he knew the Major had first dibs.

He announced himself, DR. Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior, his wife DR. Kariwase Twin Lakes Tall Elk Pierce, and The Wolverine Clan, Wappinger Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson. I introduced each of us, Jefferson Alexander Davis, Martinez Sanchez Davis, Alexander Boone Davis, and myself Jackson Andrew Davis who won the deck cut to be POC today.


You have met Master Gunnery Sargent Rotuman and yes, he does own all aircraft on our field, and yes, he says what flies and what stays grounded.

The others in our Aviation Division you will meet are:

Sargent Major USMCR Sargent Yolanda Zulu, Director Of Operations Wolverine Field. She runs all ground support and all aircraft parking spaces.

George Paris, Director of all Aircraft Operations. His responsibility is to keep the FFA happy about our operations. The FAA has Grounded him for health reasons.

Wynonna Far See Cook Major USMCR, Chief Pilot and Chief Instructor Pilot. She will check your Logbooks and do check flights before you fly one of our aircraft. She says who Flies for us and who does not.

Retired Captain USN Oliver James Stewart, Assistant Chief Pilot Assistant Chief Instructor Pilot XO. He will decide what types of aircraft you can fly for us.

Remedios Bestia, Senior Pilot S-3 Operations and Training. He will set and verify your flight hours. He handles all pilot rotations and pilot assignments to Agriculture, Cargo, and Charter.

Jeremy Bastion, Senior Pilot Agriculture Aviation Operations if you fly AG you fly for him.

Senior Pilot Cargo Operations Kim Smith-Read, Cargo is her domain.

Sophia Domenico, Chief Senior Pilot Charter Operations. We do personal charters from One to One Hundred people. We also move people and light cargo mixed flights for Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. purposes.

Retired USA MSgt Hernandez Martinez, Chief Instructor And Maintenance Technicians of the Maintenance Training Academy.

These are our girls. Thirteen-year-old granddaughters and our grandson that we are raising due to the death of their parents. Sandra Lee Pierce, April Joy Pierce, Aleshia Jasmin Pierce, Elizabeth Anne Pierce, and Robert Hayowentha Pierce III.

The source of this story is Finestories

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