Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 22

1300 Sunday 29 January Janace

After Church and lunch Elizabeth Anne came to me in my room as I was trying to figure out what to do to take my mind off tomorrow and Next week’s Artic Assault Games.

Elizabeth Anne

The forced no work had me bored, with nothing interesting to do. Grandad said no one except the maintenance crews could work on DRCS. It was too cold to fly an ultra-light. Anything to do with the Artic Assault Games grandad had forbidden. No movie sounded good. I thought, “can we go exploring?

Jennifer and Wynette said they have found through their security tape reviews of camera logs that there are Ten cameras listed as security. B-1A, B-1B, B-1C, B-2A, B-2B, B-2C, B-3A, B-3B, B-4A, and B-4B. All of camera A’s cover a vehicle ramp. All B cameras cover an elevator. The B-1C camera covers an exhibit of Armor Vehicles. The B-2C camera covers an exhibit of Handheld weapons: swords, pistols, and rifles. There are no views of B-3 or B-4 exhibits. Can we find them?


Are the rest of the girls planning to participate? Her reply was Yes. I answered, “We will have to get the rest of the Shadows to agree to go. Then we need to ask your grandfather.

There was a knock on our door and on opening it I saw Jeff and the rest of the teams.


Have you been voluntold for the treasure hunt with the rest of us yet?


I looked at Elizabeth Anne, she had her fake pout face on, and I said, yes, I might as well. Has anyone asked Kariwase or Currahee Nations yet? Elizabeth Anne replied we wanted to get everyone to commit first, then ask as a group.


I will go and ask, as the whole group would be to munch of a mob.

I took the elevator down to the Second floor. I knocked on the Master Suite door. After a minute I heard come in Morris. I them remembered the security camera in the hall. Kariwase and Currahee Nations were sitting in their setting room looking over a stack of papers and construction drawings.

Currahee Nations

We were reviewing the ESSAY plan for the Mohawk Reservation, not anything I forbid working on today. Now Morris, what have the sweet angels talked you into that you need permission for?


Jennifer and Wynette said they have found through their security tape reviews camera logs that there are Four Basement Levels under the Security Parking Deck. The Concrete color, Form lines, and finish is an exact match for the security building. Ten cameras listed as security. B-1A, B-1B, B-1C, B-2A, B-2B, B-2C, B-3A, B-3B, B-4A, and B-4B. All of camera A’s cover a vehicle ramp. All B cameras cover an elevator. The B-1C camera covers an exhibit of Armor Vehicles. The B-2C camera covers an exhibit of Handheld weapons: swords, pistols, and rifles. There are no views of B-3 or B-4 exhibits. Four cameras cover a ramp vehicle on each level labeled on the walls as: AAA015, EEA015, IIA015, and OOA015. Four different cameras cover an elevator door on each level: AAE020, EEE020, IIE020, and OOE020. The AAO025 camera covers an exhibit of Armor Vehicles. The EEO025 camera covers an exhibit of Handheld weapons: swords, pistols, and rifles. No views of the contents of IIO030 or OOO030 they just face a door.

The girls are bored and wish to explore along with their support teams.

Currahee Nations

All the space in the security compound belongs to The Wappinger Nation Chief of Police-Arthur William Smith, Appellate Court Judge-Quentin Olson, Federal Marshall-Parker Byron, Federal Prosecutor-Edmond Dewitt Raintree, and Military Police Provost Marshal-Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Richman. You must get permission from all of them, in writing, to search in their areas.

If they all give permission in writing, I will allow the search until 2000 this evening. I expect all Eighteen of the Shadows/Mentors/Assistances to protect the girls from physical harm and not see anything that a Thirteen-year-old girl should not see. Do you understand me?


Yes, Currahee Nations, verry clearly. Receive in writing, permission, from all those in command, protect the girls from physical and emotional trauma, and activities end at 2000 hours.

Currahee Nations replied, if you meet my conditions, and any they may add, you have my permission.

After I left the Master Suite, I called Janace and said all Twenty-Four must be involved. We must get written permission from all those in command of the Security Area. As the Longhouse Staff is off, If you take the girls in the Sixteen passenger van. I will take the guys in an SUV; it would simplify things. As we are not leaving Wolverine Field, we do not need additional security. We show up at Security and then ask permission with a preprinted request that the girls need to create quickly. I would suggest that you Shadows carry and us Six Mentors draw Tasers at Security. The Six Assistants should also carry. Winter clothing as we do not know the temperature settings of the areas. I am on my way to the elevator to meet you.


Morris had gotten The Principle Chief, Currahee Nations, to agree to the search. The girls quickly created and printed a permission form with a line for all concerned to sign. I had all grab our cartridge belts with Two canteens and a first aid kit on them. We Shadows took our pistols and magazines from the lock box in our room. I checked that the girls had fresh water in their canteens. I saw the others filling theirs. Jennifer and Wynette had their special computers. I had the Six Assistances draw their weapons due to the computers. I required everyone to take a flashlight.

We met Morris in the elevator. Marcus had his gear and handed it to him. I got the keys to the big van and Morris took the keys to an SUV and we were out the door.

We agreed that Elizabeth Anne, Jeff, and I would make the request. We were in luck when we got to the Security Compound. We found out that everyone we needed to talk to had just finished a meeting and were having coffee,


I could see trouble coming as Elizabeth Anne, Jeff, and Janace came through the door of the Security Conference Room. Elizabeth Anne had a paper in her hand, and she went right up to Judge Olson who was closest to the door.

Elizabeth Anne

Wappinger Nation Chief of Police-Arthur William Smith, Appellate Court Judge-Quentin Olson, Federal Marshall-Parker Byron, Federal Prosecutor-Edmond Dewitt Raintree, and Military Police Provost Marshal-Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Richman. Jennifer and Wynette have discovered Four Basement levels under your parking garage. Ten cameras listed as security. B-1A, B-1B, B-1C, B-2A, B-2B, B-2C, B-3A, B-3B, B-4A, and B-4B. All of camera A’s cover a vehicle ramp. All B cameras cover an elevator. The B-1C camera covers an exhibit of Armor Vehicles. The B-2C camera covers an exhibit of Handheld weapons: swords, pistols, and rifles. There are no views of B-3 or B-4 exhibits. There are Four cameras covering a vehicle ramp on each level. Four different cameras cover an elevator door on each level. The AAO025 camera covers an exhibit of Armor Vehicles. The OOE020 camera covers an exhibit of Handheld weapons: swords, pistols, and rifles. No views of the contents of IIO030 or OOO030 they just face a door. We would like to find the entrance and explore them. Grandfather said yes if we got all your permission in writing as you all control this facility. I have a form printed with grandfathers’ conditions on it. Could you all read it and sign it, please?

Judge Olson

I took the form and read it to the others. Receive permission in writing, can search until 2000 this evening. Require all Eighteen of the Shadows/Mentors/Assistances to protect the girls from physical harm and not see anything that a Thirteen-year-old girl should not see.

I saw that Janace had her service weapon and I asked if the others were also carrying weapons.


We Mentors wish to draw Tasers from Security. The others all have their service weapons. Jennifer and Wynette have their magic computers to gain us entrance. We also wish to draw Security radios for each of us. All of us are wearing cartridge belts with Two full canteens and a First Aid Kit. Each will have a low O2 monitors attached to them.


I do not believe you will find anything hidden on this compound so I will allow you to search. If you do find hidden sub-basement floors report your finds to the Duty Officer. Have one of your people wait at the entrance for one of my patrol officers. They will show my patrol officer the entrance and how to access it. If a member of the group discovers a dangerous area, All will stop your exploration and withdraw to the entrance immediately. You will report in every Fifteen Minutes to the Duty Officer. If you except my conditions, I will sign.

The source of this story is Finestories

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