Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 19

Saturday 28 January Currahee Nations

At 0935 a call came from Janice and said Yoyo had detected Two Atomics MQ-1 Predators circling Wolverine Field in a classic intelligence gathering flight course. The girls are going to take control of them and land them on the South perimeter access road and we would need a truck and crane to take them into a hangar. I said get with Art about security. Bring them down, try not to destroy them and do not open them up. They do contain classified hardware and software, only Yoyo, Art, Wilber, Wynonna, and Hernandez will have access to them to put them to bed until I return them to their owners.

Translation. Sandra Lee, April Joy, Aleshia Jasmin, Elizabeth Anne, Jennifer May, and Wynette Lee will not look inside, touch, nor have access to the downed aircraft. Is that clear? Janice replied very clearly Sir, and your orders I will enforce and obey. She hung up.

Turning to Tim, I said, you will go and take charge of that pending disaster. Maintain a Chain of Custody. And before you ask, yes, do I believe the girls can do it? So, maintain security and use the flight school hangar for storage of any acquired items that need security but are too large to put elsewhere.

The girls took the Governor’s daughters on a tour of the Wappinger Nation Academy and Wolverine Field Recreation Center with all the girl shadows. The Eight guys stayed around the HQ Building as needed high paid on call gofers.

1200 NSA Headquarters outside Washington DC Officer of the Day reporting to the Deputy Director Operations

What in the hell do you mean that at 0940 this morning you lost control of Two Atomics MQ-1 Predator Drones? And you believe that the people who took control of the aircraft from you just landed them inside their perimeter. Then shut down all communications including all emergency satellite location beacons.

Four Questions: Why are you informing me of it more than Two hours later? What were Two Atomics MQ-1 Predator doing over that area anyway. Who Authorized the Missions? Most important, what in the hell happened to Two operational Atomics MQ-1 Predators. People just took away control of them from you well they were in flight.

I am ordering you Three detained as Material Witnesses to a Security Breach until the Director investigates the situation. You as The Duty Officer will provide the authorization orders for the mission. Explain why the mission is not on my plan of the day. If it was a late authorization, why did you not report the addition of the missions to me? You Two as Operators when handed the mission should have asked for the authorization orders signed by me as the Deputy Director Operations. You will now write up your report with answers to questions One, Two and, what happened during Three.

The real answers as to how will come from others elsewhere. Security escort them each to a separate room and provide the writing materials they need for their reports. Now go as I make my phone calls.

I remembered the POTUS Chief of Staff talking about that place I will call him first. I picked up the secured phone, dialed the White House Situation Room, and reached the Duty Officer. I informed him that I was Mr. Amond, the Senior NSA Duty Officer and needed to speak to the POTUS Chief of Staff right now. In just a minute he was on the line.

Mr. Vernon, what kind of base is Wolverine Field? I have just been informed by the Drone Control Office that at 0940 this morning. Two Atomics MQ-1 Predators that were flying over it, and doing a mission that this Command has no record of. The Drones Operators had the command of the systems taken from them in midflight. The operators believe the people who took over control of the drones landed them on the base and then shut down all the drone systems. The shutdown includes the emergency satellite location systems. How do we proceed from here?

1215 Saturday 28 January President’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon

Before you hit the complete panic button wait. I will make a phone call to them and figure out what is going on. Hold the Operators on Duty and get their statements. Inform your supervisor of the incident and tell them the White House will handle it. We expect a full report from you by 1600 today.

I dialed Roberts’ number, and he had turned his phone off. I knew Robert was dealing with the New Governor of New York and would not answer his phone until later. I would send a message through the message center for him to call me as soon as he could.

I knew pushing for answers before he was through with the governor would not achieve anything and only make the problem worse. I knew if his people had the Drones, they would be physically safe. Though not safe in flight from his people it seemed.

At 1545 Robert called me. I said Robert, what in the hell is going on and what do you have to do with Two Atomics MQ-1 Predators that the operators lost at 0940 this morning?

1545 Saturday 28 January Robert

The Air Force and Army have not obeyed the rules of the Artic Assault Games. Teams could not have electronic navigation devices on the course this day. I do not know if the Drones were doing electronic mapping or course intelligence, but it is not within the rules.

My girls last night told me they discovered a way to take control of or destroy Drones electronically within One-Hundred Kilometers of their system. The system used was based on the system they used to access the Logistic System computers. They asked for an Atomics MQ-1 Predator to evaluate their system on. I said when they get a security clearance to operate with the drones, they could ask their Trust Funds for the money. They decided to just take what others offered them.

Their system also has the ability to pinpoint a Drones location within 1/4 of a meter on any XYZ axis. When they detected the drones today, they asked me if they could bring them down, I said Yes, and they did.

An experienced Marine trained Drone Pilot landed the Drones. I have secured The Drones, and they are undamaged. When their Service Chief arrives, I will turn the Drones over to them, or the girls will put them back into the air and turn control back to the original handlers.

The Drones are in a secured hangar under close guard. I have given orders that no one will go near them, touch them, or open any panel, especially Mine and Tims girls who are under Kariwase control at this time.

Lawrence Vernon

How did they do it? Are all our systems vulnerable to them?


I do not know. The Wappinger Nation Inc. will hold the Patent/Copywrite/System Design in Trust with each girl having an equal share. If the Government wants the system, the girls will be part of the negotiations. You will need to issue a current security clearance to those that work with them on a daily basis. Part of their request will be other Drone Systems to evaluate their system on. We will just have to see if other systems are vulnerable.

Lawrence Vernon

You can expect verry upset people from NSA, CIA, and DIA to be on their way to you shortly. I will let them know that hardball will get them nowhere. I cannot guarantee they will do it that way. I do not know how you get One problem solved and find a way to jump into a bigger One. Do you live only in a crisis world? Do you not want a little peace and tranquility?


They will do it our way or go home, and I will give the Drones to the girls to play with. Besides, you overrate peace and tranquility. We only grow by adversity. And besides, you would have no reason to call me otherwise.

Lawrence Vernon

I will have sonnets written of your great accomplishments if you can just find it in your heart to give me a week of no waves coming from Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. I need to talk to the President about this. Now can you not just have the girls find more money instead of embarrassing the Intelligence Community. I then hung up.

Mr. President as I knocked on his door, Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation has embarrassed the USA, USAF, and the Intelligence Community. At 0940 This morning they hacked and took control of Two Atomics MQ-1 Predators flying unauthorized over their field. The operators believe that the Drones landed at MCAS Wolverine Field. All systems, including the emergency satellite location devices, the people who took control of them have shut them down. The NSA Deputy Director of Operations called me after finding out about it at 1215 hours. Over Two hours after the incidents. NSA has not authorized the missions or flights.

The worst part of it is that a collection of Six, Thirteen to Fifteen under control of a Sixteen almost Seventeen-year-old created the system and wrote the software that accomplished the hacking.

The Wappinger Nation Inc. will hold in Trust for the girls the Patent /Copywrite/System Design with each girl having an equal share. If the Government wants to use some applications of the system. The girls will be part of the negotiation. A current security clearance for them issued by The Intelligence Committee to those that work with the system on a daily basis. Part of their request will be other Drone Systems to evaluate their system on.

Robert promised that The Wappinger Nation would destroy the program before allowing the Federal Government to have uncontrolled access to it.

Robert has further confirmed they have possession of the Drones. He has them secured. We need to negotiate the conditions of their recovery with the girls also.

The source of this story is Finestories

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