Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 18

Currahee Nations

Tim, call everyone and all staff for a meeting at 1130 in the big conference room. Our favorite Governor has made another power play.

1130 Large Conference Room, Currahee Nations

People at 0001 Saturday morning 28 January all FEMA Recovery Operations, to including all shelter operations will be turn over to The State of New York’s Control. All FEMA Operations will move to a sight off Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation to operate with the state people. The Wappinger Nation will be out of all FEMA operations buy 2000 January 27th.

We will continue Air Operations until finished or moved to a new airfield. All non-employees of Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation and assigned military units will leave Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation by 2000 January 27th for their homes or State Shelters. Those under Medical Care we will continue to treat, but we will transfer them to another Medical Facility as soon as we can. Or they are healthy enough for the Medical Staff to discharged them. We will not throw those needing care onto the street. If the State Government cannot find ICU, CCU, or PACU/PICU facilities we will continue to run them. The State of New York will have no control or say so over any Wolverine Field, Wappinger Peoples Nation operation until they recognize and settle our land claims.

Simpson, Insure all your crews know, we will not do shoddy or unprofessional work. All work will cease at 2000 hours January 27th and all our crews and equipment return to Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. Yes, Sir. He replied 2000 January 27th.

Mrs. Ruth, we will place all remaining non-employees of The Wappinger Nation on the area school buses we have leased. We will use military drivers to move them to State run shelters. If there is no shelter space, we will move them to the State Capital Building. If the Governor wishes to run the FEMA Operation, he can find shelters for them.

You may hire employees for The Wappinger Nation from the people we have currently in our shelters you see, as necessary. When State Officials ask us why we have non-FEMA shelters. We will inform them we take care of our employees and all current people residing in Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation are Wappinger Nation employees. Make sure Human Resources has their paperwork in order. I also will suspend the no more than Two from any government operation and the no more than Twenty-Five percent rules but only those in our shelters.

During the Artic Assault Competition, we will host The SEC DEF, The SEC HLS, and the Commander Joint Chiefs of Staff. These are the only ones we can provide quarters and support for. All other visitors supported housing, transportation, and food for their stay, will come from the Military Forces they have under their command that they assigned here. All in attendance will receive an invitation for the Victors Dinner 1800 February 3rd and the 1100 celebration party February 4th.

Major Harvy USANG is commanding a team in the Artic Assault Competition. Our team is from Operation Flash Freeze, Frozen Assets, and Flash Igloo Command Team personnel not attached to the HHC.I will see final disengagement plans from all commands, Military, Civilians, and Wolverine Field; Wappinger Nation personnel at the 1800 meeting this evening. Thank-You all.

Carl Jeffers, a moment please. The others left and Tim closed the door on his way out. Carl handed me a message that he had not even unsealed yet. I unsealed it and it was his orders to transfer Federal FEMA operations to a sight co-located with New York State FEMA operations. I apologized to him for thinking he would sandbag me and not inform me as soon as he had herd.

He replied after the way the Army and Air Force Service Chiefs had treated your hospitality. He could see why I was a bit irritated by Federal Government Operations and information sharing. He asked if his wife and children could stay at the Longhouse until he could find a place for them to stay. Their home had a tree through the roof. It would take time to find a place. I picked up my phone and called Simpson. I said Carl’s house has a tree through the roof could you get it fixed before the deadline. He replied already working on it, tree gone, roof covered by this evening, shingles on before 1200 tomorrow all services will be restored by 1600 tomorrow.

Thursday 26 January 1800 meeting Mrs. Ruth

I, presented as The Wappinger Peoples Nation Mother the proposal to close our shelters and the conditions for us to reopen them. The board of Directors unanimously voted to approve it at a called special business meeting of Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. Board of Directors.

Markus Night offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA).

Alaxander Davis offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF).

Martinez Davis offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).

Jackson Davis offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC).

Jefferson Davis offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS).

When Morris learned that the Commandant of the Coast Guard was coming Morris Hamilton offered his assigned Level II House and its accompanying SUV to The Commandant of the Coast Guard (CCG).

All the houses with the stipulation that The Service assigned units provide all the personal staff needed to run the house to include the drivers, cooking, and cleaning.

This let Robert off the hook of saying Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation could not support these Officers with housing and transportation. The men requiring the services to provide the house staffs also took the burden for their support off Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.

The SEC DEF (Secretary of Defense), The SEC DHS (Secretary Department Homeland Security), and The Administrator of FEMA we will provide each with a Level I house and the Two accompanying SUVs. They also must provide all the personal staff needed to run the house to include drivers, cooking, and cleaning.

Robert was still not happy with the people of the USAF and USA higher headquarters but our young men stepping up did prevent key issues from happening that we did not need.

The SEC DHS would discuss how we integrated FEMA into our operation and how The State of New York demanding control of the operation affected recovery efforts and efficiency. This is one conversation Robert wanted to have with someone in the Federal Government. The location would be Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. FEMA would invite State Officials to attend if they wished.

Robert agreed but said we would hold the meeting at the RPI Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Campus in their Chancellor Conference Room that could seat Ninety-Six people in a secured venue. The SEC DHS agreed even though the Governor demanded he host it at the State Capital Building. The SEC DHS replied if he wanted to attend it would be at the RPI Chancellor Conference Room Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Campus 1400 February 3rd. If the Governor wanted to attend or send people to it, that was the assigned time and place, and there would be no venue or time changes.

BGen Greeley, rightfully proud that all the HESCO Perimeter wall is in place and complete with all gates installed and security lights working. The cleared Thousand-meter area in front of the barrier will need seeding after the snow melts. Crews worked thru the night to finish it in anticipation of using Two days to finish the course and receive Two days off before the Artic Assault Games begin.

All was now ready for us to receive unwelcome guests trying to borrow sugar or a square mile or so of land from us and do not want to take no for an answer.

On behalf of the 20th Engineer Brigade, he hopes we enjoy the course they have set out for us. Then he added MGen Pierce, my people want to thank you for your hospitality and the training opportunity you provided us. He wishes Robert had stayed in. It would have been a pleasure to work for a Chief Engineer that really knows what they are doing and has the sense to step back and allow others to show you that they know what they are doing also. The course will be ready for competitors to see and walk it at 0800 Monday 30th of January with Roberts’ permission to do so.


As the meeting finished, The receptionist informed me that The Presidents Chief of Staff, Lawrence Vernon was on the line for Currahee Nations. I handed him the phone.


Between your sarcasm and your attorney’s way of telling the Governor of New York to kiss your collective ass and other covered body parts, I should hang up, but I will not. First thank you for the advance copy of your letter to the Governor informing him of your decision not to support the storm recovery unless you can do it independent of the State control. he will not except your conditions.

Second from POTUS. He informed the owners of the computer systems involved in the information breach they failed an authorized system security check. All denied the breach until after checking their systems. All demanded prosecution for those involved. POTUS refused and issued a Presidential Order requiring a higher level of security in the Procurement System, There will be future tests.

Third this is from me, not POTUS. You may not believe it, but I and you have friends in the US Army Command. The U S Army Reserve will be sending you a message concerning the commissions of: Lester Miller, Lillian Oaks, Maybell Starks, Herald Tiller, Lela Downs, and Shenna Wright. They will all be Commissioned Reserve Officers in the U S Army Reserve. They will receive assignment orders to the U S Army Reserve HHC Company of the 408th Army Field Support Battalion Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.

The Commander of all Reserve and Active Military Personnel on MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation will be BGen Alfred Harvey. The unit’s mission is with the assistance of an assigned DOD Civilian and Active-Duty Reserves. To place into storage and them maintain the Equipment Of the 4th Brigade Combat Team U S Army Reserve Armor Brigade 1st Armored Division. The Brigade’s task will be to support the 10th Mountain Division Fort Drum with heavy armor if needed.

You will have the ability to place up to Twenty percent of your people into the reserve jobs with the ranks assigned as required. The Army will assign the Brigade and Maneuver Battalion Commanders. You may assign the support element Commanders. The Brigade Command will be reservists on extended active duty and will staff for continued use, the Command Center you have on MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.

The Brigade Commander will staff MCAS Wolverine Field with sufficient people to keep it operational Twenty-Four/Seven for military use. The U S Army will base the Air elements of The 4th Brigade Combat Team U S Army Reserve Armor Brigade 1st Armored Division there. The USAF will base sufficient Combat, Control, and Logistic Reserve aircraft there to support the Brigade.

The Army in their wisdom have promoted Colonel Timothy Silver Fox to Brigadier and assigned him the command of the 4th Brigade Combat Team U S Army Reserve Armor Brigade 1st Armored Division

The source of this story is Finestories

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