Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 16

1100 Wednesday Morning 25 January Kariwase

Medic Sargent Greagory Falter was another quick thinker who was also on the short timers list. Had almost completed his BS in Biology (Pre Med) and was looking for a Medical School. I passed the information onto Dr. Sink and added that The Wappinger Nation would pay for him to have a full ride scholarship.

The University Medical University at Albany excepted Greagory was as a Medical Student for the Fall Semester. They would allow him to attend classes to finish his BS. Just to keep busy he would earn an EMT Certification. The Wappinger Nation would also pay for the courses. We will also give him a stipends to live on and a place to live.

We filled the ground floor of our Headquarters Center with Five hundred Guests on cots. This would allow us to house Eight Thousand People. At the time of our morning briefing, we had Seven Thousand-Two Guests. This was our last expansion of Guest accommodations. With Two more days of wet snow and night temperatures below zero we expected more building to have roof failures. The latest major collapse was the Center City Mall. The Mall was at the time closed by the storm and only had a small maintenance team in the facility and all managed to escape uninjured.

2200 Thursday 26 January Janice

Our four Study teams of the Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. sat in the recreation room after dinner and talking about the Artic Warrior Assault Games and wondered who was going to represent The Operation Flash Freeze Command Element. Major Harvey and his wife walked by on their way from the bowling alley and Morris called to him, and he stopped and entered. Morris asked if the Operation Flash Freeze Command Element not the HHC, but the Command Element was eligible to enter a team in the competition.

Major Harvy replied I do not see why not. And just what did we have in mind.

I replied, “We are all officially part of the Command Element but not HHC. There are Eighteen of us here not counting the Protected. You, Wilber Rotuman, Hernandez Martinez, Byron Red Sky Nelson, Doral Elwood Hayes, and Wynonna Far See Cook make Twenty-Four. The girls have checked employee records and after screening have asked Greagory Falter to be our second Medic/Corpsmen. David Solomon, Boris Zuckoff, Christian Pears, Howard Maple, Elvis Lathem, Jake Rapids, Bonnard Jones, Emmart Mohamad, Dillon Arron, Many Speak Willow, Cassidy Sherman, Spring Turtledove, Karen Watts, Joleen Cardon, Luchia Domenico, Calvin Swift, and Agustus Weather. All have served Four years in the Military. Bonnard Jones, Emmart Mohamad, and Calvin Swift were Heavy Machine Gunners. Howard Maple, Dillon Arron, and Agustus Weather were Mortar Men in the service. All would love to compete on an Artic Assault Games Team. We have asked but did not agree to any of these people being on our team. We should request their shops for their availability before we officially ask them.

None of the people we mentioned have had any part of the competition planning save Doral Elwood Hayes and he has only been involved in the Rifle Range with the Weapons the scoring system they will use.

It would involve your senior enlisted personnel to step down from their current position. “Us One Day Wonder” Officers are willing to step down for a chance to compete in the Artic Warrior Assault Games. If we want to compete, we must form a team under the Command Element as we do not fit in any other command to include the HHC. You do not either as you are now the Power Generating Plant Manager but still a part of the Command Element.

We cannot use BGen Timothy Silver Fox or CSM Smith as they are part of the HHC. We also cannot use the Girls no matter how hard they try to shoehorn themselves in as they are not now nor have been in the Military. Besides with them being on our team, it would guarantee a refusal of us entering the competition from MGen Pierce.

Would you consider our proposal? We would have the girls approach Byron Red Sky Nelson, Joseph John Boy Flaherty, Doral Elwood Hayes, Wynonna Far See Cook, Wilber Rotuman, and Hernandez Martinez.

As far as our team being ringers, the 621 CRW has all Para Rescue people practicing as the USAF team. The Alaskan National Guard team also seems to have a large contingency of older senior rank people practicing for their team selection. All the units have gone, and hand pick a team to compete in their smaller unit’s competition.

Why should we not do it also?


I looked at my wife and she said go ahead and do it, you have been complaining about ringers being the teams and the HHC would not be able to compete on an even ground.

I replied if you people can get the others to agree to compete in the competition as a team. I will present The Command Element Operation Flash Freeze team names to MGen Pierce with my complaint that all the major commands are putting up a ringer team in their unit’s competition. I will also point out despite a great deal of pressure from his family, no minors our on this team, though I could name Six that could compete favorably in place of the senior members on this team.

Do you all agree to this? And all the people in the room save Six young teen people replied with a loud YES.

Elizabeth Anne

Janice, us girls will approach Byron, John Boy, Doral, Wynonna, Wilber, and Hernandez? We will express it in such a way that if they do not except the invitation it will give us a chance to compete. I know Grampa will not allow a team with us on it to compete but even a slight belief in a chance of us competing will nudge them to except. Especially when we mention the placement of ringers on the teams by higher headquarters and suggest they look at the makeup of all the teams. I am sure our senior people crossed paths with all of them in the past and it will get Byron, John Boy, Doral, Wilber, and Hernandez to thinking why these overqualified people are here doing work well below their skill set and rank. I am sure the light will come on if it already has not already. They will agree to compete as a team if just to keep the other teams honest.

Getting Grandfather to allow the team to compete might take more convincing as his level of fair play and honesty about what rank is doing what job, it may require more push. We will talk to Mrs. Ruth, K, and Consuela for help in persuading Grandfather that the Command Element of Operation Flash Freeze is competing fairly with the people that the USA and USAF units are putting on their teams.

Major Harvy accepted the proposal of letting us girls talk to Byron, John Boy, Doral, Wynonna, Wilber, and Hernandez about the competition and the personnel on the rest of the proposed teams. They also accepted our discussing the team proposal with Mrs. Ruth, K, and Consuela for help in persuading Grandfather that the Command Element of Operation Flash Freeze is competing fairly with the people that the other unit’s higher headquarters are putting on their teams.


After looking at the clock on the wall, I said you girls are past your bedtime now get to bed before you get us all grounded for participating in your crime of staying up late. They gave each of us shadows a kiss as they walked out. I heard Major Harvy say 0530 is coming early and you should get to bed and with that said good night all and followed us out. I noticed as I rounded the corner the lights had gone out in the room as the last person left it.

0600 Friday 27 January Wilber

I knew trouble was brewing, I saw the Four Pierce and Two Fox girls come into the room together and no Shadows with them. Byron, John Boy, Doral, Wynonna, Hernandez, and I were enjoying the last cup of coffee and swapping lies as stories, well eating our breakfasts. After they came to the table next to ours and sat down. Elizabeth Anne started speaking in her sweet little voice that I knew was the start of real trouble.

Elizabeth Anne

Mrs. Wynonna and gentlemen we need you to do us a verry big, big favor. Major Harvy is talking about assembling a team of people from the Operation Flash Freeze Command Element but not the HHC to compete in the Artic Assault Games. He is going to ask you to join them. Please Don’t. We would like to compete and if you all say no, we will talk Grandpa into letting us join. All the commands except the Marines have brought in a bunch of ringers to participate.

The source of this story is Finestories

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