Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 15

1730 Tuesday 24 January Morris

Currahee Nations invited us mentors and associate in writing to the Wappinger Nation Ruling Council Meeting. The leadership of The Wappinger Nation was set with. Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation, Currahee Nations, The First Vice Chief Mrs. Kariwase Twin Lakes Tall Elk Pierce, The Wappinger Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson, and The Wappinger Nation Mother’s Apprentice Mrs. Consuela Leandra Tall Elk Silver Fox.

Wappinger Nations Assistant Vice Chiefs: Dr Naomie Tallman-Chase, Dr Walace Well See Tracker, and Allen Pierre Lighting PA.

Wappinger Nations Sachems Lords: Byron Red Sky Nelson, Timothy Silver Fox, Joseph John Boy Flaherty, Doral Elwood Hayes, Alfred Harvey, Arthur William Smith, and Joseph Sequoyah Marcus PA.

The Seven elected Representatives: Sampson Frank, Mary Bird Song Schepen, Dennis Simmons, Perrysville Throe, Ryan North, Matthew Jenkins, and George Paris.

The Wappinger Nation Ruling Council decided that anyone officially residing within the enclosed Forty-Nine square miles the Wappinger Nation Ruling Council would recognize them as citizens of The Wappinger Nation. Not recognized as Native Nations People as a Federal Statutes controls that.

After issuing an additional Nine hundred shares of stock and granting all shareholders a Three for One split. The Board of Directors and shareholders of Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. voted to except a by-out offer from The Wappinger Nation Inc. Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. assumed all assets and liabilities of Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. The Wappinger Nation Inc. Board members and shareholders then voted to dissolve Wolverine Clan Industries Inc.

The Board of Directors and shareholders voted to issue a 0.75% shares of stock to each: Jefferson Alexander Davis, Jackson Andrew Davis, Martinez Sanchez Davis, Alexander Boone Davis, Marcus Alton Night, Morris Abraham Hamilton, Danial Larson, Greagory Falter, Joseph Sequoyah Marcus PA, Mrs. Flounce Sky Dancer Smith, Alfred Harvey, Dennis Simmons, Sampson Frank, Perrysville Throe, Oliver James Stewart, Jeremy Bastion, Remedios Bestia, Kim Smith-Read, and Sophia Domenico. These issues will have a value of Twenty-Five Million Dollars each. We were all Millionaires, on paper. We could only sell our shares back to The Wappinger Nation Inc. at a price set by the Wappinger Nation Ruling Council.

The Wappinger Nation Inc. stock issue is at 81.5%. The remaining 18.5% of shares The Wappinger Nation will invest with 12% to non-Board Members employee and Nation members bonuses and stipends. The remaining 6.5% to improvements in Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation.

0230 Wednesday Morning 25 January Marcus

I was the duty Wappinger Nation Staff Duty Officer with BGen Dr. Samuel Jackson Lafayette as the Flag Officer. At 0226 the phone rang. I answered it Wappinger Nation Staff Duty Officer Wappinger Nation Militia Capitan Marcus Night speaking, how may I help you?

Dr Wilton Leeds

I am Dr Wilton Leeds ICU Duty Surgeon at The SUNY Albany Medical Center. We have just had a Partial Roof Collapse of our ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU units. We Need Assistance Now! We have patients and staff trapped and no way to get them out. Albany Fire and Rescue cannot get their equipment to us. I have seen your roving patrols. You can get through to us.


I replied to Dr Leeds, Hold one well I get the Command Duty Officer BGen Lafayette. I turned to my duty Sargent Terell Solomon get BGen Fox and tell him we have an emergency. The SUNY Albany Medical Center has just had a Partial Roof Collapse of their ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU units. Albany Fire and Rescue cannot get their equipment to them. They need our help. Go.

BGen Lafayette, I called as I knocked on the rack room door. Yes, he answered. I replied, I have sent Sargent Solomon to wake BGen Fox. The SUNY Albany Medical Center has just had a Partial Roof Collapse of their ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU units. Albany Fire and Rescue cannot get their equipment to them. They need our help. He replied I will be right out.

BGen Lafayette

On hearing that the SUNY Albany Medical Center had just suffered a partial roof collapse of their ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU units I got right up. I took the phone and said BGen Dr Samuel Jackson Lafayette Wappinger Nation Militia here. My PhD is in Structural Failure of concrete buildings due to weight loads. You are? He replied Dr Curtus Leeds, Duty ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU Lead Surgeon.

I will ask you a few questions, if you do not know the answer say I do not know. He replied yes, I continued. The structure I believe is a Two-story Concrete and Brick structure? Yes, he replied. I continued is the collapse in the center or side of the building. Center, he replied and added it was just involving the top floor at this time, but he could hear the structure groaning. I asked him for an estimate the number victims. His reply was he had Nine Staff and Eight patients unaccounted for.

Dr Leeds, One of our patrols should be close to you. I am diverting them to your facility. We will send additional personnel as soon as possible. My boss Currahee Nations-Major General Dr Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior should be here any moment. He will wish to talk to the most senior person you can make available. Dr Leeds replied Dr Albert Sink, our Deputy Chief Surgeon reported that he was on his way to our building from the main Hospital Building. He is fearful of other buildings collapsing. I will hold the phone until he arrives.

Marcus handed me Five messages. One, the patrol was Five minutes out from the Medical center.

Two, Our Medical Center was on line Three for a conference call. Three, Currahee Nations was Five minutes out and wanted a full Staff Meeting in Fifteen Minutes. Four, I informed Deputy FEMA Director Jeffers, and he is on his way here. Five, I informed all unit duties of the emergency and the Staff Meeting.

CSM Smith arrived and called Commanding General on Deck as MGen Currahee Nations-Dr Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior and Deputy FEMA Director Carl Jeffers entered the Conference Room.

Currahee Nations


BGen Lafayette

SUNY Albany Medical Center has just had a Partial Roof Collapse of their ICU/CCU/NICU/PCU units. The structure is a Two story, flat roof, made of concrete and brick. The collapse in the center of the building. Just the top floor involved at this moment. Nine staff and Eight patients are unaccounted for. Snow was still falling at about an inch an hour and the air temperature was - 1 with a Twenty-Five MPH Wind with gusts to Forty MPH. Only the roads we have cleared are passable.

The current outbound patrol I have diverted to the site and should be arriving now.

Currahee Nations

My mind goes into command mode. Send the Patrol that returned at 0200 with the 0300 Patrol.

BGen Dr Samuel Jackson Lafayette you are the OIC. Your Sea Bee skills will come in handy. Marcus, you will get a copy of their medical records program and send it to us. Transfer medical records to whatever facility people end up at. Take Christine with you. Tim, Wake up the 0100 and 0400 Patrols.

First One fully operational sent to the hospital. The Second will be the 0300 Patrol. Have the patrol that is on off day stand by.

I want all Medical Bradlees and Strikers not with Patrols on their way to the Albany Medical Center. Send Perrysville Throe to the scene as our Medical Professional.

Send a news crew to give us visual references. We will send a Marine Battalion as Labor. Send Two Command Bradlees One for Samual for Rescue Operations Command and One for Perry for Patient and Medical Information and Operations. Staff meeting Ten Minutes

We had a conference call between our Command Center, our Medical Center, and the Albany Medical Center Dr. Albert Sink talking about patient transfers. Albany sent a list of Thirty-One ICU, Twenty-Nine CCU, Ten NICU patients and Fourteen PICU. Martha said we could handle the ICU and CCU with little difficulty, but we had little space, equipment, and staff for NICU. She had turned the NICU/PICU area into our Hypothermia ICU.


If Albany provides the staff, specialty supplies, and incubators we could convert the emergency clinic in the Longhouse into a NICU. The Twelve Treatment rooms and Two Surgeries would provide space for Twenty-Four incubators and Two treatment rooms. As the Clinic is located over the garage and connected to the nursery area step-down rooms would be available. An Elevator goes from the garage level up to the Clinic space and on up to the Third floor and attic area.

Martha replied, it will work but you had better get moving to make it work. I will send over what NICU supplies, equipment, and staff I have. Dr. Sink, will you send your staff and equipment to us? He replied everything we can. Martha added we will send One of our Computer people to get a copy of your patient treatment program so we can read your charts. We use the same base program so records will be mostly compatible.

Tim called Samual, Perry, Two Patrols Units along with Four Hercules have just cleared the gate ETA to you Thirty Minutes. Marines, All spare Medical Transport vehicles, and a Third Patrol Unit Gate departure ETA Twenty Minutes.

K said Mrs. Ruth, “I” will see to the NICU set-up and use our Family and Longhouse Staff for labor if you will see to the Medical Center Operations, Mrs. Ruth agreed.

Kariwase continued

Calling my transport team who had my chariot ready I said shut it down we are heading up stairs as I headed to the elevator. Raleigh met me as we got off the elevator. I went over the plan. We would clear out and move all medical equipment not sized for children to our Medical Center. We would prepare to receive thru the garage our new guests. What conditions they would be in on arrival? Would the trained NICU staff arrive before, with, or after the little ones? I do not know but be flexible. Everyone got to work, and we moved everything to the garage. Just as we finished the dozen NICU Staff Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Medical Center had arrived. They had what equipment was available and under the guidance of Charge Nurse Jayland Pulman-Usher we set up what we had and stored the supplies they brought.

The source of this story is Finestories

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