Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 12

0630 Monday 23 January Kariwase

Tim woke us up from our sleep and then he handed Robert a message. A nor’easter had intensified after a ridge of high artic air blocked it from moving north. The high had pushed the nor’easter South where it was picking up warm moisture from the Gulf Stream. Our snow totals were going to Double or Triple of what was predicted yesterday, Wind would exceed Hurricane Speed and Strength, and Temperatures were to drop to wind chills of Forty below Zero Fahrenheit.


Let us move this operation to the command center. I will see everyone at 0700 and want to know at that time the: One, Three, Six, Twelve, Eighteen, and Twenty-Four hour forecast from NOAA; How many Rescue Teams we have ready to go, none will leave until I say so; Our Auxiliary Emergency Power Generating abilities; The ability of our utilities to continue functioning under Artic Conditions; and what help or equipment can we send to the Armory if they ask for help. Also, what support local hospitals my need or are needing now. If Rensselaer, Troy, Schenectady, or Albany need our Airfield Rough Terrain Fire Equipment Dennis will release them on a case-by-case basis.

Martinez, Roseland, and Aleshia Jasmin will remain on the Public Health and Utilities infrastructure. Jackson, Johanna, and Sandra Lee will remain on their Logistic issues not rescuing the quad city area. Jefferson, Janice, and Elizabeth Anne will remain on their Fifty-Three Project reviews preparations. Alexander, Eloise, and April Joy on our factory Manufacturing Operations and Quality Control problems. Marcus, Christine, and Jennifer May Silver Wolverine Cyber Security ensure our entire system are all associated systems are secure. Hamilton, Cassidy, and Wynette Lee Silver make our entire Computer Controlled Manufacturing and Operations integrated and productive.

Again, none of them will be associated with our current military operations that Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. are conducting. This is for their protection and the isolation will make it harder for our enemies to find a gap or crack in our operation to exploit.

These tasks I have assigned to you are the reason Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. exist and with ESSAY that is the future of our company and the Energy Market as a whole. Now get to work and keep the lights on. The rest of you let us prepare to save the world from this new ice age.

Sargent Lester Miller

At the morning breakfast formation, my platoon Sargent ordered me to report to the Battalion XO. On arriving Major Sorenson told me that my crew and I had volunteered to be transportation for The Wolverine Clan Mother. She was MGen Pierces’ Mother. She also ran all the Wolverine Clan Emergency Shelters Operations. Mind my manners, she had real power.

I was to report with my Striker and crew to MGen Pierces’ Chief of Staff a Colonel Timothey Silver Fox. I and my crew would be TAD to Operation Flash Freeze/Flash Igloo HCC for duty at the Command Bunker. I and my crew were to take all personnel and vehicle weapons and equipment. The TAD was for an undetermined time.

I was to report no later than 0900 this morning. I had Thirty minutes. Major Sorenson dismissed me with a you better hurry. Here are your, Corporals Lela Downs,’ and Shenna Wrights’ Orders and good luck.

My team was waiting for me at our Striker, and I handed them their orders. I said we will go and report. This afternoon we will take care of the paperwork. We drove to the Bunker entrance and the MP on duty did not want to let us enter until he called and verified our orders. The MP came back and told us to go to level Three and park in Command vehicle spot Three. Colonel Fox would meet us there.

Col Fox was waiting for us next to Command vehicle spot Three. I saluted and reported my team and vehicle were ready for duty. He told me to shut the Striker down and follow him. He led us to a conference room where he told us to sit. He left the room and returned minutes later following MGen Pierce. We stood and came to attention.


As you were, sit. You will be providing inclement transportation for Mrs. Ruth. She is our Clan Mother. This is a position of great honor and responsibility of the Nations People, “Indians.” She is Third in Command of Wolverine Field and only my Wife or I can overrule her.

I am issuing these orders directly to you, Col Fox will give them to you in writing. Your primary duty is to ensure the safety of Mrs. Ruth. Your orders will not allow you to take her anyplace where she could be in danger. You will not take her off this Base. Only I can rescind this order. Take her where she says she needs to go to accomplish her mission. She is the Director of all the Wolverine Fields Emergence Response Shelter Operations. Keep her safe. I will leave you in Colonel Foxes’ hands to further explain your duties. Keep your seats.


Robert turned and left. I turned to Sgt Miller, Cpl Downs, and Wright. Mrs. Ruth is special to all of us but is determined to do her duty. Your duty is to keep her safe as she does what she does. You will put an orange panel on the front and rear of your vehicle. This will show all MPs and Traffic Control you have authority to be on the road. I will emphasize you will not leave the confines of Wolverine Field.

Check your vehicle and insure it is ready for a full day’s operation.

Report to Traffic Control to have your vehicles GPS devise registered. Then the S-1 next door where they will fit you with a personal GPS devise. Then stand by for Mrs. Ruth to exit the Morning Staff Conference. We will talk later, now go.


We stood, Saluted, and left to get our Striker and ourselves ready for the day’s mission whatever it would be.

After she exited the Command Staff meeting, I went up to Mrs. Ruth and introduced myself. Mrs.

Ruth, I am Sargent Lester Miller and my team and our Engineer Striker that has a modified mine plow mounted on it. Col Fox has assigned me, and my crew, to you, so you have safe transportation. We will assist you in accomplishing your duties.

I am your personal vehicle Commander and will follow your orders to take you anywhere on Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation you wish to go. I cannot take you off the base according to the strict orders I received in writing from MGen Pierce by way of Colonel Fox. He personally handed me those order restrictions and said only MGen Pierce could change them. She handed me her radio to monitor.

We went to the Medical Center where Mrs. Ruth helped them sort out the receiving process without overloading the ER but using the attached Urgent Care Center as the Triage Center.

I had a call on her radio requesting her presents at the Recreation Center. Mrs. Ruth said lets go.

After ensuring I had buckled her in, we headed for the Recreation Center.

We arrived again to organized chaos. A Dr Jane Holman, the OIC of the Evacuation Shelter. She saw us and came over and asked if Mrs. Ruth could find a way to have a half a dozen washers and dryers hook up. Also needed were the necessary products for people to wash the clothes they have with them.

Especially the clothing the children wear as few have a change of clothes.

Mrs. Ruth motioned me for her radio. She called a person she addressed as Ryan. She told him I wanted Six washers and Dryers delivered to this and every other Evacuation Shelter with the necessary products for people to wash their clothes. She then called Mr. Martinez telling him and Mr. Rotuman to get the washers and dryers installed and operational as soon as possible.

Not Ten minutes later Hernandez and Wilber showed up with a set of blueprints and found a location for them next to the Sauna. Mrs. Ruth had ordered it locked and not used. It provides the necessary power, water, sewage, and dryer air ventilation. They started work on the building modifications and had the electrical and plumbing ready by the time Ryen arrived with the machines.

Less than an hour after She made the request, they had working washers, dryers, and the necessary products for people to wash clothes.

Mrs. Ruth spoke with a MGy Sgt she called John Boy, and he replied he would have hot Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, and pastries available as people arrived. Lunch service starts at 1130 and end at 1300 but the

“Hot Wets” would be Twenty-Four/Seven.

She ordered Dr Holman that rooms were to be set aside for people with special needs and the Evacuation Shelter Directors assign them at their discretion with her authority. Most people would sleep on cots in the undeveloped area inside the walking track.

I helped Mrs. Ruth put on her Artic Gear and helped her into her seat. Obeying orders, I did not allow us to move until I had buckled her in. She ordered us back to the Command Center, and we headed that way. I had the vehicle refuel and parked in the spot reserved for her near the elevator. My crew followed the shutdown procedures. After the shutdown Mrs. Ruth ordered us to follow her.

The guard at the elevator just smiled at us when she said the Longhouse, please and said add them to the B-3 and above access roster. We got off at the First floor. She asked a “hallboy” to find Raleigh for her. He arrived minutes later and asked what he could do for the Dowager this morning. Mrs. Ruth replied these Two ladies, and this gentleman will be moving into Two of the open Two-bedroom suites as Robert has assigned them to me as my driver and protectors. I do desire to have them handy if I need to correct a problem in the late night or early morning.

Raleigh called the housekeeper, a Lady’s Maid, and Valet. After instructing them on what She wanted, Raleigh motioned my crew to follow him.

Mrs. Ruth

I will see you for lunch at 1200, dress is your BDU’s. Your Maid and Valet will inform you of the house rules. I will call if we need to go somewhere before lunch. I went to my room and my lady’s maid Linsey helped me undress from my Artic Gear and into a prepared short bath. Putting on a dress for lunch I headed down to find out how others had fared this morning.


My Valet who I was to address as Parkland showed me my room and explained how the house functioned at mealtimes and dress, proper way to address others, and how your Status Seniority effect where you sat or when the staff served you. Mrs. Ruth assigned all seating for lunch and dinner, he would find my place and let me know where it was before lunch so I would know where to sit. He asked me if I would be bringing the rest of my Kit so he could be sure what I needed was ready for use before I needed it.

I heard a knock on my door and Parkland opened it and I saw Lela and Shenna in the hallway asking if they could come in. I replied yes but please leave the door open. After they entered, Parkland left.

Lela asked did you receive the house operation rules and policies speech. I replied Yes, and we need to follow the program or Col Fox will replace us. I looked at my wall clock I saw we had Ten minutes to get to the dining room and said we needed to move now, and I followed them out my door.

People were standing around waiting for the room to open. Parkland informed me that I and the girls would be at table #4 In the front Fourth row, and I would by house rules pull out the chair for the ladies to sit in and then push it in before I sat down.

Six Officers from tables #2 and #3 came to me and said this place could be scarry but do not let it get to me. Four of them acknowledged that until yesterday they were E-6’s and in the same boat I was in.

They introduced themselves as brothers Jefferson and Jackson Davis and their foster brothers Martinez Sanchez Davis and Alexander Boone Davis. The General and his Wife had invited them to stay at the house until they earned their MS but had ended up working for the company and accepting commissions. They would see me tonight and further explain how things worked. They returned to their seats as Chaplin rose to say grace. The lunch was verry good. After the meal before we could leave Mrs.

Ruth came to us leading a young teen woman and introduced her as Dr Kariwase Pierce, MGen Pierces wife. We stood up.


Mrs. Ruth has told me how good a care you take of her. My husband Robert said I could have the same freedom to move around our property if a team of people like you were available.


There is Sargent Lillian Oaks whose crew is Corporal Maybell Starks and Corporal Herald Tiller who are our study partners for college. Mrs. Ruth said, “sit down” and tell me about your College Major and your progress. I said all Six of us are education Majors Herald and Me are Elementary Education Majors, Lela High School Math, Shenna High School English, Maybell High School History and Lillian High School Science. We all are in our last semester but due to us all getting out in February none of us took classes this semester, but we all plan to take summer school online from SUNY Albany to finish our degree and find a school to do our student teaching at.

We have, due to our studying and taking classes together, have had people in our command accused us of being involved in a sex group. We are not involved in sex, just the mutual desire to become teachers and to help each other make great grades. We all have a 4.0 GPA and wish to find a place to teach. We wish to teach in the same system because we enjoy each other’s company without a sexual component in it. We treat each other as brother and sisters, Helping, Protecting, and Pushing when one of us slows down or loses the eye on the prize.

Mrs. Ruth

Lester, give me those names again and their currently assigned unit please. He gave them to me, and I replied to him K, and I will be attending the 1330 staff meeting. After we wish to meet these people to see if they would make a transportation team for Kariwase. Arthur, Timothy, and Robert may also wish to talk to you and them. Will you please contact them and bring them to the Conference Room at 1430 today.


I wonder what Lester has gotten us into. He called me and said MGen Pierces wife, and his mother have requested a meeting with them at 1430 in the Conference Room. I called Maybell and Herald they were in the Bunker Motor Pool getting our Engineer Stryker ready for operation. When I said MGen Pierces wife, and his mother have requested a meeting with us at 1430 in the Conference Room. They asked what Lester had done to cause them grief this time. A request in the name of a General or Commanding Officer was not a request but an order. We were off duty until we had a mission formation at 1800 hours, I would inform our Platoon Sargent of the meeting and we would be there.


Robert, the transportation team you assigned to Mrs. Ruth has suggested a similar team is available for my transportation. Here is the information for you to give to Art to pull their service records.

I would like the ability to move around our facility like Mrs. Ruth. I could solve little problems before they became big ones as Mrs. Ruth did this morning.

Robert took the information I had, He turned to Art and said get their jackets before the end of the staff meeting. Art turned to a Master Sargent, handed him the information, and said we need their service jackets as soon as possible.

Just before the start of the 1330 Staff Meeting a Master Sargent handed Art the service jackets and he handed them to Robert.

It was now time for our 1430 meeting with my potential transportation and security crew. We went to Robert’s office near the conference room and after he reviewed the people’s record books. Art then answered Robert’s question on why the unit had so many people within One-Hundred Eighty-days of discharge. Art replied that the Army was going to disband the unit on the First of March and then reorganize it as a Striker Brigade instead of a Calvary One. The Striker had a TO&E of less people. Those with less than One-Hundred Eighty-days of service remaining in the service the Army transferred them into the unit, and they would receive early discharges when the unit disbanded. Robert signed Tim and Art to bring them in as a group.

The source of this story is Finestories

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