Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 11

2300 Friday 20 January Jack

We need to go home and tell our family if things get ugly, they need to know the whole story to keep them from reacting the wrong way.


We will change our schedule and fly both Otters to Alabama, check flights, Two fuel stops, each check pilot will select one of the refueling fields that will work with the field selected by the other check pilot on the same leg. We fly out in the morning and fly home tomorrow night. Wynonna Cook will do Jack out Jeff back, Oliver will do Alex out and Mart back. We can meet your family in person, and you can bring things back with you that you would like to have, or if it is too large arrange shipment.

One of the return fields will be the Massey Aerodrome on Maryland Eastern Shore, I will let you work out the details.

I then looked at Marcus and Morris and said you two will have your Pilots license and with endorsements before May. We may require your team to fly to a location and having only one pilot on a teams is not acceptable. You will see Wynonna Cook on Monday morning at 0730 and she will get you started on our dime.

All six of our teams will no longer collaborate directly with military units on projects. We will not compromise military unit readiness by giving people we do know, access thru means we do not understand, Yet, and will not try until Verry Senior Officers and The Civilian Personnel to whom oversee them allow us. You will not use these “gift” computers unless authorized in writing by me and people senior to me.

I will now classify all information about and even the existence of these computers “Top Secret” and “Need to Know” with an assigned Counterintelligence Password. No One is to discuss anything with anybody about what we discovered tonight. If question, you demand your legal consul, call our office, do not say anything.

2350 Friday 20 January Robert

K joined me in my office and using her private phone called Mary Schepen.


Mary, tomorrow we are taking our new people on check rides on our Otters. We will be landing to refuel at the field near your summer home on the Maryland Eastern Shore. We would like to interrupt Mikes’ fishing party with Kevin and Lawrence and join them. we will not be staying the night as we have started to get a handle on our business projects. Have Mike call Robert.


Not Ten minutes later Mike called me on his personal secured phone. And said why should I allow you to join my fishing party you still have not paid me for winning last time?

I replied the Girls are asking. They wished to show their new professors the house and introduce them to Blue Crabs. Will you turn them down?

He replied I will entertain them with fresh caught Blue Crab, but you, and all the men you are bringing with you must catch their own, I will have sufficient throw nets handy. See you tomorrow.

Lt Gen Mike Schepen

Robert’s call was very cryptic, but I understood he wished to meet with General Kevin “Carry on”

Carrington and President’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon secretly and needed my help to make it happen.

I called Kevin on my personal phone and asked if he could step outside to take a call. He did. I relayed the girls’ desire to introduce their new professors to Blue Crab and I needed help in tutoring the men in the use of a cast net to catch them. I also suggested that he might want to invite Vernon along as an additional instructor. He replied he would ask.

General Kevin “Carry On” Carrington

I received a strange private phone call from Lt Gen Mike Schepen, That he asked me to take outside which meant off government property. I complied and the fact that it involved MGen Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior did not surprise me. The involvement of Four young men I just helped to get commissioned did surprise me. His request for the involvement of the President’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon really got my curiosity involved. I said I will be there and try to bring Vernon.

Taking my private car and no staff member I drove to Lawrence Vernon’s home and knocked on his door. He invited me in with no questions. I suggested we take a drive; Lawrence got his coat.

President’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Vernon

I do not know what is up, but I am willing to bet it involves Robert Pierce. General Carrington just smiled at me. And told me of the conversation. After listening I said what time in the morning will you be picking me up? He replied to me 1200 and he then added one security person each. I agreed to the meeting and security arrangements. He then took me home. I would just tell the President General Carrington has invited me to a Blue Crab dinner, and I would not be available today after 1100.

Since Robert and Kariwase came on the scene our days have not been dull but because of their actions people’s lives are better.

1200 Saturday 21 January Vernon

Right on time General Carrington pulled up and had Lt Gen Even Oaks with him who would take over as J-2 OIC Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Intelligence Section on the First of February. I had Secret Service Agent Joseph Till who specialized in government corruption.

We had our pleasantries and loaded our gear in a Crew Cab Pickup Truck with the name Fish Freighter written on the door. We had noncommittal small talk as Kevin drove along. At 1500 we pulled into Mike Schepen vacation fish camp, a Six bath Fourteen room house.

Mike Schepen

Welcome gentlemen, let us go to the boat house and check on the boat. They all followed me and as the last One entered, I closed the door and said I know nothing about what is going on, but Robert just messaged me and said they are on the ground and all the people involved will be here in Fifteen minutes for you to talk to.

I then flipped open the cover on a fish well and showed them the Five Hundred pounds of Soft- Shell Blue Crab that I had acquired last night from different local crabbers who will swear that they helped us catch them today.

I heard a horn sound, and we walked out to see Robert and members of his Clan. There were Six new men in the group I did not recognize and walked to meet them. At my suggestion us men headed back to the boat shed and again closed the door.

1400 Saturday 21 January Robert

I will start off by introducing these men And tell you, their story ... In conclusion, I and other security people believe that we need to find out the total number of loaded computers that are out there in circulation and who has them. Then quietly withdraw them from circulation.

Even Oaks

From what I have heard your security procedures are as tight as you can make them. As J-2 I would recommend that all the infected computers we collect and store them at Wolverine Field with the filing cabinets that I know nothing of. Until such time as the operation, that they are part of we quietly as possible close down and dismantle. I hope we can do it before this year’s election cycle to avoid it from becoming an issue in the election.

The source of this story is Finestories

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