Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 10

Friday 20 January 1830 Jeff

I do not know why there is a hurry for us to dress for dinner, but we will comply. Alex is the last one to arrive in the to the foyer and the doorman calls our SUV. Thompson our Chauffeur held the door as we got in, closed it, and he got in and drove us to the house. He replied as we got out Good Evening gentleman, we replied Thank-You Thompson. And entered the house where a footman took our coats and hung them in a coat area to dry if needed.

Semin, my shared valet, had my uniform laid out with a copy of the uniform rules and regulations beside it. He was checking ribbon placement, alignment, and spacing. It was near perfect. He looked up as I entered and said Sir, I have everything laid out for your shower. After my shower, Semin helped me get into my uniform. Semin then checked my ribbon placement, alignment, and spacing after I had my blouse on.

At 1945 I started down the stairs walking and not the elevator. Jack, Mart, and Alex joined me.

We entered the sitting room and saw I think every Captain and above, currently serving on Wappinger Nation, Wolverine Field property. We tried to get into the background and hide but the Shadows and the Protected spotted us. They informed us that Mrs. Ruth had assigned us to tables #2 and #3 together in the center front Four. I thought that is just what I needed in a room where everyone outranks me either socially or militarily to be front and center.

The gong for dinner sounded and we entered the dining room. Us guys pulled out the chairs for our Two ladies starting with the younger ones. The ladies from our teams on our left and right. I saw the girls that made up the Computer Support units each had a male escort. I learned they were Fifty Percent retired USA 1st Lieutenant Marcus Night working on an MS in Cyber Security and Sixty Percent retired USCG Lieutenant J G Morris Hamilton working on an MS in Computer Quantum Algorithms.

A chaplain led in grace. MGen Pierce stood and addressed Dr Chase, sitting at the head table with his wife Dr Tallman-Chase. Sir, you have an announcement. Dr Chase stood.

2010 Friday 20 January Dr Chase.

I wish to announce a new Work/Study program between Wappinger Nation, Wolverine Field, Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. and RPI. It will allow MS Graduate Students under the Guidance of a Tenured PhD Advisor to work in their field with the assistance of and be the instructor for One or Two Fourth year BS Undergraduate Students. The program will allow all to earn Practical Experience as well as an Education in their chosen field of occupation well earning income for their work.

Will the following first recipients of this opportunity please come forward:

Martinez Sanchez Davis mentoring Roseland Forest and Aleshia Jasmin Pierce with Dr Naomie Tallman-Chase as their Advisor.

Mr. Jackson Andrew Davis mentoring Johanna Warren and Sandra Lee Pierce with Dr Kariwase Pierce as their Advisor.

Mr. Jefferson Alexander Davis mentoring Janice Lincolnshire and Elizabeth Anne Pierce with Dr.

Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior as their Advisor.

Mr. Alexander Boone Davis mentoring Eloise Quayman and April Joy Pierce with Dr. Samuel Jackson Lafayette as their Advisor.

Mr. Marcus Alton Night mentoring Christine Shepard and Jennifer May Silver Fox with Dr Lydia Jennifer Gray as their Advisor.

Mr. Morris Abraham Hamilton mentoring Cassidy Sherman and Wynette Lee Silver Fox with Dr Violet Annabel Jackson as their Advisor.

Will you give these Graduate and Undergraduate Students a round of applause and wish them well and a remarkable success as they institute this Learning and Education experience. Standing Ovation.


Sargent Major Arthur William Smith USMCR stood and said Major General Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior I need to report that Members of this Mess are out of the proper uniform.

Have the guilty report to me I replied. He called out: Jefferson Alexander Davis, Jackson Andrew Davis, Martinez Sanchez Davis, and Alexander Boone Davis report immediately to Major General Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior. With a surprised look on their faces, they reported to me and stood at attention.

Thank-You, Sargent Major Smith, read the orders:

Attention to orders: I Alfred E Newman President of The United States and Commander in Chief of The Armed Forces of The United States and espousing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Jefferson Alexander Davis I do Commission him a Captain in the United States Marine Corps to rank as such from 20 May XXXX with Precedents Number 1.

Espousing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Jackson Andrew Davis I do Commission him a Captain in the United States Marine Corps to rank as such from 20 May XXXX with Precedents Number 2.

Espousing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Martinez Sanchez Davis I do Commission him a Lieutenant in the United States Navy to rank as such from 20 May XXXX with Precedents Number 3.

Espousing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Alexander Boone Davis I do Commission him a Captain in the United States Air Force to rank as such from 20 May XXXX with Precedents Number 4. Given under my hand this 17 January in the year of our Lord XXXX.


Now raise your right hand and repeat after me. I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.

If I knew, “how I would in the future regret those words.” younger ladies will assist “your” military members in removing their Improper Service blouse and Less younger ladies assist them with putting on the proper Service Blouse. Thank-You ladies. Now Gentlemen, by an act of Congress, I order you to turn around and show your family your new uniforms as we have Video Conferenced this ceremony to them.

Through tears of joy their mother, father, and whole family congratulated them.

As to the nature of being on duty and on a training mission, I, the Commanding General do authorize Three toasts before the Meal: 1st Colonel Fox, to the United States. 2nd I will give to our Newly Commissioned Officers. 3rd Sargent Major to missing comrades who have given all. Take your seats gentleman. Raleigh dinner please.


After we returned from Medical Leave our military services offered all four of us Officer Commissions. After we learned that those responsible for not preventing and not even preparing to defend from an attack, received a promotion instead of a Court Marshal, we declined. The next time they oversee a unit in combat they could succeed in getting us or others killed, and we did not want to be around. We were blindsided and before we could think of saying no, we had taken our oath and accepted the Commissions.

Before we left the stage Col. Fox handed each of us a Silver American Eagle and said it was from the General, we all knew what it was for, the first enlisted person to salute a new officer would receive a silver dollar from that officer. Tradition.

The meal went well, we found out these were to be our assigned seats when we sat for dinner.

After dinner we now six guys, decided to get acquainted. So, we headed to the breakfast room to talk about what brought us here and with each of us now the instructors and mentor to a pair of ladies far smarter than us.

2200 Friday 20 January Marcus

USA 1st Lieutenant Marcus Alton Night retired from the Army Three weeks ago. Fourteen months ago, his unit was ambush, enemy fire had Twice wounded him, and he believed his rehab to return to full duty was going well until Four weeks ago. He had applied for RPI remote learning MS in Cyber Security and RPI had accepted him into the program. Out of nowhere the unit XO ordered him to report to a Col. Perrysville Windover Addams USMC for an interview. He kept me standing even though I was on a no prolonged standing protocol. He interrogated me about why I had applied to RPI for Graduate School and what were my intentions in my future military career.

I replied to get back to active duty and use my skills to better understand modern electronic warfare and create better methods of intelligence gathering. Next day the XO informed me that the Army was to discharge me the next day with a Fifty Percent Disability. I was handed a laptop with all my information; it was a new program to the medical disabled to better transfer records they would need for their future treatment, employment, education, and make transition to non-military care seamless and easy.


USCG Lieutenant J G Morris Abraham Hamilton I met the “good” Colonel the day after you did.

Ten months earlier a terrorist on a vessel I was leading the search of, shot me. We uncovered the smuggling of antiquities, but we were not supposed to search the contents of that specific ship. People outside my command raised Hell as the ship was on a cleared do not search leaving the Persian Gulf list.

The Colonel started to interrogate me about the search and when I refused to answer his questions and asked to see his security clearance about the matter, he ended the interview. Two days later I was out of the Coast Guard with a Sixty Percent Disability and issued a computer under the same program.


The Colonel was our Brigade XO and in “Command” when the attack happened that we all got wounded in. Marcus interrupted me Your, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, do you not know that Four men cannot stop a battalion.

I replied we did not stop them, just held them for Twenty minutes for others to stop them. Morris looked at Alex and said Jar Heads I would expect to try things like that, “We am Grunts” but a trained Air Force Technician, I thought you had more brains than that.

The source of this story is Finestories

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