My apologies to those awaiting the next chapter in the Hatchery Road story. A fair number of you have remarked that you're suffering withdrawals (that gave me a chuckle!), unfortunately the present delay cannot be helped. Truth be told, I'm not done with it yet - with the word count sitting at about 2,400 out of maybe 6,000 right now. Looking back on this past month, I have to say I'm amazed I got that much written.
August has proven to be quite difficult for me, writing-wise, with illness, family vacations (both to visit extended family and then finally for fun - yea!), plus all the work piled up and waiting for me when I got back (not so fun). Even my mail has piled up here at SOL and I'm just starting to tackle that now.
So, what's the plan? Finish Chapter 22 this week and submit it next Monday. As for Chapter 23, I'm not sure - maybe two weeks after that? The problem for me right now is the difference between what I intended to write (my original outline) and what I'm writing. I had initially intended 22 to be the last chapter, but as I wrote more things popped up and and before too long chapter 23 became my new target ending. Now that is in jeopardy and there may or may not be a Chapter 24. We'll see. :-)
Regardless, next week you'll have Hatchery Road's next installment for your reading pleasure!