On occasion I receive emails asking about the next installment of the Richard Jackson Saga. This week I got twenty two of them. So here is an update. Not what you really want to hear.
I am going through some sort of writers block. Not the story. I have that outlined, major events identified, some of those events written. What I can't seem to force myself to do is sit down and type it out.
Now add that to the fact I have been very busy in my work life. Some people can work on airplanes and hotel rooms. I have never been able to do that, except at a survival level (need expense reports submitted to get paid.)
I travel a lot in my job. As a quality auditor to the ISO standards my job is mildly interesting (at least to me.) Last night I got home from California where I was auditing a foreign language translation firm. Next week is Newport News for an ship builder (think air craft carriers.)
So I am having a hard time writing and excuses not to sitting right there. All that said the first chapter which more me is the hardest is almost done. Had to set the since and ensure continuity. I hope to have six chapters done before the end of the year and start posting early 2017.
So there it is, thank you for the interest. This writing venture was started to see if I could do it. Thank you for your validation.