Wandering Lanes: Blog

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What's Happening? - Not a lot!

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I've been told off by Gnume for not keeping everyone up to date with the progress of my work ...

It's like the old sign, Danger Bulldozing in progress, except there is no Danger, I'm not progressing, I seem to be dozing and the sign is Bull!

I've just started chapter 8 of Mages of Zorba'n (don't worry if you think you've missed the first seven, you haven't. I'm trying to get the story written first before posting)

I have to also apologise to my proof-readers as I've not sent them anything since before Christmas. It's me at fault not them and I'm happy to send my work to them if they're prepared to take me on again? (I will be emailing them directly)

So I'm sorry for the delay and please bear with me in this.

(If you're checking this after reading the SOL blog pages, this is exactly the same message ... well except for this part that is!)