The latest installments of Imperium and Country Roads continue posting every week, and the next installments of both have already started being written.
In the meantime, I have a new story called Going Home that will start posting here in a week an a half (July 9th). More information on it can be found at my author site,
The title is Going home and here is a brief synopsis:
You Can’t Go Home Again. Henry Brewer’s life has fallen to pieces. His NFL dreams disappeared years ago and now so has his life in the NYPD, along with his soon-to-be ex-wife. Forced to return to the small West Virginian town he grew up in, Henry comes face to face with his past, seeing it through the eyes of an adult. As if this wasn’t hard enough, he must figure out who he is now and what he wants at the same time.
Is it possible to reinvent yourself as an adult around the people who knew you as a child?