Lumpy: Blog


Wrong Text

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It looks like I somehow got the wrong chapter mixed in. The correct chapter 8 is waiting on approval to post and should be up soon.

New Books Staring

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With From the Top and In the Shadow of Lions starting, I'm looking toward the next books to start. The next Imperium will start in a couple of weeks and a second new fantasy series (this one high fantasy adventure) will be starting in a month.

Info on all the new books coming out on my author site as normal.

Elegy Finish & Upcoming

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The two current stories are coming to an end, so here's what's next.

Elegy finishes in a two weeks. There will be a few weeks break and then Book 5 of Country Roads, From the Top, will start posting.

The Fires of Vulcan finishes up on June 1st. Again there will be a few weeks break and then book 6 (the final book in Volume 1), The Triumph of Venus, starts posting.

There's also something new coming, with the first book in a low-magic, epic fantasy serie called In the Shadow of Lions will start posting at the end of May.

As of now, no new Taylor books is in the works, but I hope to have one some time near the end of the year.

For updates on all of the series and when stuff should start posting, keep an eye on my author website.

Upcoming Stories & Change in Postings

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Border crossed is almost done. Not sure when there will be another Taylor book, maybe not until the end of the year. There's still a month and a half left for Elegy and 2 months left for Fires of Vulcan to finish posting. The Next Country Roads book is already out and the next Imperium will be done before Fires finishes, so both series will continue posting within a week or so of their previous books finished.

A new series (epic low-magic fantasy) should start posting at the end of May and another new series (adventure high-fantasy) at the end of june.

On posting, I'm going to make a change. A member here sent me an email a few days ago that made some really good points, and convinced me to put my new books open (not premium) while they're posting. I'm planning on keeping my back catalogue as premium, and I will leave new books open for a month or so before moving them premium, giving everyone a chance to read them before they switch. Hopefully that is a middle ground that works for everyone.

Border Crossed Chapter 1 is up

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After listening to people respond to my last blog post, I decided to go ahead and start posting this story. I appreciate all of the kind words and support I got. I do understand books being premium is frustrating to many, and I apologize again, but I started writing here and wanted to be able to keep giving back by keeping stories here (And having books premium gives a reason for people to have premium memberships, which supports SOL)