The Outsider: Blog


Chapter 7 on the way

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Chapter 7 is in the queue for posting sometime today.

As I told a reader who was kind enough to send feedback last night, I'm hoping to have a chapter posted every other day. With that schedule, the story should post through the end of June. I'm guessing there will be some inevitable hiccups in that, so I'll conservatively guess that it will be more like September when the story ends.

I have chapters in the queue on that schedule until February 2nd at the moment. As I'm still chopping up and tagging the original source material, my hope is to have a cushion of five (5) chapters in the queue at all times as I tag chapters when I can. I'm currently tagging Chapter 14.

Stepping out of the shadows...

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As a long-time reader, both here and at the SOL sister-site, there have been many stories that have kept me coming back, and some that have inspired me to try my hand at writing. I can only hope that this first story of mine will become one for someone else.

While "A Charmed Life" is new here, it has been kicking around on my hard drive since about 2003 or so, and I've been slowly adding to it almost every day as time permits. Even now, I find myself making little tweaks here and there.

There are, at present, about 165,000 words in the story over 75 chapters, plus a preface, introduction, epilogue and an afterwords. The story is currently in another format, all in one piece, so I have to break it up into chunks and format it myself. I hope to be able to post the entire story fairly quickly and at regular intervals, but my family and full-time job will of course take precedence. I do have Chapters 2 through 6 about ready to go and hope to have them queued up today. While the story is "finished" on my hard drive, there are some parts of it that still need some work.

I hope that you find the story engaging. Feedback is welcome, good or bad, just be respectful and I will reciprocate. This story hasn't been proofread by anyone else to this point, nor do I have an editor, so be gentle.