normist: Blog


Fighting Talk

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I wrote 'Fighting Talk' with tongue in cheek as a British viewer of American television entertainment. Gun laws in the United Kingdom have given the average citizen a somewhat superior self-satisfaction. I felt, therefore, that the subject required some study to affirm my somewhat smug attitude. Here's the end result of those studies.

The statistics given below are each for a hundred thousand of the population of the United States and either Scotland or the United kingdom.

The number of guns in this number of the populations is 89,000 in the USA and 5,500 in the UK.

The firearm-related death for the same populations is 10.3 in the USA and 0.25 in the UK.

Finally the intentional homicide rate in the same populations is 4.7 in the USA and 1.2 in the UK.

The figures for the number of guns surprised me a little. I did not expect the British figure to be zero, but one gun for every 182 people seems a little high. Then again, thinking about shot guns, perhaps not.

The firearm-related death rate was more in line with my supposition, but the intentional homicide ratio gave me pause. It seems that human beings intent on killing someone else will always find a way. Sad, isn't it?

Errors and Corrections

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Recently, I have been starting to use a program to proof-read my postings. I hope, therefore, that you will find fewer errors, mistyping and all else. I welcome emails informing me of any errors and will repost corrected versions as soon as possible. I do welcome all emails (except the anonymous) from all my readers.

Incidentally, while checking my spelling, I came upon the the word 'anonymouse'. You can learn something new every day!

This is also to let you know that I've been trying my hand at the 'Halloween' genre. I hope you find it a Treat.

Robert MacLeod --- The Early Years

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Due to my mix up when I started to post this series, story number 2 was missing. I have taken the opportunity to fill this gap.

So far, I have avoided posting any Chapter of a story until the whole story was finished and edited. I have done this because I prefer to tease, not to frustrate.

This time you will know what comes next. I hope you enjoy this tale.

Robert MacLeod story numbering

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I have been asked why there is no number 2 story in 'The World of Robert MacLeod'. The short answer is that I messed up my postings.

It was intended that 'The Introduction...' which is that and not really a story should be number zero. 'The Disappearance...' was intended to be number one.

The system didn't allow me to do that and we ended up with a gap. Serendipity! This happy accident gives me the opportunity to go back and fill in some of Robert's earlier life. Perhaps his experiences at the Massachusetts Institute of Thaumaturgy!

Meanwhile, I'll keep posting stories as they become ready. The next is entitled 'Murder at Quantico'.