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If you've loaded the early version of Chris Beaker you'll find that Chris has suddenly moved from the West Wing to the East Wing of the Hall, I've put a correction in now and it should appear soon - (12:20 GMT)Time is now 14:08 and the correction is in
Sorry about this.
A glaring error has been pointed out by readers, I got the East and West wings mixed up!
mortified I hang my head in shame and admit that I made the mistake, but I'm proud and pleased to see that my readers are eagle-eyed enough to spot them.
Please, please keep telling me about these as I obviously need help.
Thanks to you all.
Wandering Lanes
Vlad s. has solved the connection between the chapter titles, I'll hold off from giving the answer until later - but well done to Finestories who's readers appear to be brainier. WL
Congratulations to Steven Chapman who gave to answer to the links - as I'm now saying in the introduction I'm holding off from giving that answer until later.
Late with this blog again, to be honest I'm not a big blog writer,
I've posted the first chapter of Chris Beaker to both SOL and Finestories, I hope to post a chapter a week.
I've been asked about my use of the word Gaol, which is another way of spelling Jail. There will also be other words that don't look right (apart from my spelling mistakes) so please point them out to me.
I have to thank those who have voted for the story so soon, and I hope to keep the quality up. The story will run to 19 chapters and have a common link in the titles, I wonder how long it will take anyone to notice?
Thanks for reading.
Wandering Lanes
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