The Demons Within is almost done, only one final chapter, the story's epilogue, to go. Don't get discouraged yet. Despite how bleak things look, the story continues.
In related news, I'm finally publishing the sequel, Speaking With Your Demons, this Saturday (supposedly Saturday is the day to publish, as that's when most readers purchase books, and all the mainstream publishers are closed for the weekend).
With that threshold crossed, I plan to release the story to SOL.
I've noticed that the readership here decreased at a few very specific chapters. Please, I posted this story here first so I could gauge how the story is perceived. If you notice any weaknesses in the plot, or you had any specific issues, NOW is the time to tell me, before I post the story everywhere else.
Speaking With Your Demons takes the story in a very different direction. It's nowhere near as dark as this book was. It's also much longer (more chapters plus longer chapters overall) and introduces a new cast of characters (some new and many old favorites).