Good news, after a lengthy absence from the site. I'm now releasing several new books.
1) "Stranded in a Foreign Land" (a republication of "Stranded" with a new title, cover and internal graphics) was published in November.
2) "The Lad Who Poked the Devil in the Eye" (the sequel to "Stranded") was published on Dec. 18th, 2015.
3) "A House in Disarray", my first mystery/detective story, should be published in early 2016 (getting it professionally edited messed up it's release dates). Note: I'm reworking it to remove the editor's mistakes. It's been postponed again. sigh!
4) "Singularity" will be published on Jan. 10th. It's a slight reworking of my original "Stranded" story, though this one is much shorter (only a single volume).
It took so long to iron out "A House in Disarray", that I now have a long line of books ready to publish. Beyond the books listed above, I've got two 3-book series and a single volume zombie story in the works.