I know it is a few days late, but I have Chapter 8 of Anomaly of the Fates submitted for your reading pleasure. It has been a long time coming, longer than I realized, and for that I apologize. I never meant to let AotF languish so long but I was concentrating on other things and work got kind of hectic there for a while. I hope to make up for that with a chapter that is a little more steamy than usual for me as well as revealing more about Ixandarius' past. Chapter 8 also sees a deepening of the relationship between Kiernan and Melanie. I submitted the chapter already so it should be up later today or early tomorrow.
Now that that is done, I will try to get some work done on the languishing Future Distorted but the reason there has been no movement on that story is because I have had a decided lack of inspiration for it. My Muse seems to have abandoned me for that book, leaving me to my own devices. I will try to power through it but the writing is never as good when I do that as when I get help from my rather abusive and elusive Muse. The problem is that I know where I want to go with the story but I am having more than a little trouble figuring out how to get there. Oh well, I will soldier on and hopefully have something for you all soon. Many apologies to those who have written to me about that story in particular.
We are at the halfway mark on the three stories I have in progress. I have always envisioned In the Darkness Falling as being a 15 chapter book and it looks like I am on track for that. Anomaly of the Fates and Future Distorted might go a little over but probably not by much as they are both pretty much on track to where I was thinking of going with them both. My hope is to wrap up all three not long after the new year but my ability to judge time and schedules sucks, so I could be way off on that.
So, enjoy the new chapter of Anomaly of the Fates and feel free to let me know what you think.