Those of you who have been writing me about Future Distorted should be happy to know that I have just submitted Chapter 5 of FD. It should be up sometime tomorrow, later tonight if the Webmaster is really rocking his magic. Now that Enter the Darkness is done, I am hoping to work more on some of the stuff that is unfinished, but that also now includes EtD's sequel, unfortunately. I am also starting the editing process for my third novel (Reign of Prophecy) in the Chronicles of The Samuelson books, so that may also take time away from working on FD and Anomaly of the Fates and other projects. In other words, I will try to post a little more regularly on the unfinished stuff, but I cannot guarantee that I will not get sidetracked, by my Muse's twisted sense of humor as well as real life.
So enjoy Chapter 5 of Future Distorted and hopefully I will be able to post a little more regularly than I have been now that Enter the Darkness is done and Reign of Havok is published.