I got an e-mail from a reader inquiring about the stories of mine on Finestories.com and SOL that are currently "In Progress." While he did not mention the poem The Prophecy that is posted on Finestories, I will say that that particular project is part of something much larger involving the first novel I ever wrote, which is easy to tell that it was my first. With luck, nobody will ever see that in its original, finished form. EVER! The concept was good, the characters engaging, and the writing . . . well, why dwell on a novice's (started as something to do between graduating high school and going to college) first try? Let's just say The Prophecy is on a shelf until I get around to completely rewriting 600+ pages of very epic fantasy. As for the other four long neglected works currently incomplete, I wrote the following reply to the reader:
"I am actually working (albeit slowly) on all of them. Unfortunately real life has intruded since around the new year, when I had planned on having a bunch of things done that wound up going back on the shelf. Enter the Darkness has just been updated, the next chapter of Future Distorted is going to be done soon (hopefully), An Abridged History of the Order is research intensive so I have to have long periods of free time in order to be able to write with several research web pages up in the background, and I have hit something of a block on The Death of Love in Morristown (in other words, that one might be a while in getting updated). Look for the next chapter of Enter the Darkness by the end of tomorrow at the latest, as I will be submitting it as soon as I am done checking my e-mail."
As the e-mail says, Enter the Darkness Chapter 14 has been submitted and should be up either later today or early tomorrow. Enjoy!