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New Story: We Three Kings

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Weeell, I have submitted something new on Figment, Finestories.com, and SOL and it should be up sometime today or really early tomorrow. I called it We Three Kings and it is about exactly what those of you who live in the Christian part of the world think it is about. I was getting a lot of requests for reviews/edits from writers submitting to a contest for Justine Magazine and so I decided to see what it was. I was both happy it had such a short word limit (1200, which I don't bother with; I don't have stories 1200 words short. I don't have chapters 1200 words short!) and irritated that it was for teen girls (which I am not). But the prompt must have woken up my Muse and she hit me with one of her never-ending supply of anvils and so this story was born. The contest prompt was to rewrite a classic tale and while I did not modernize mine, like the contest would have required, We Three Kings is still what came of my curiosity about the contest. I supposed, if I cared, I could rewrite it to modern times, but I liked my rewrite. But for those of you Christians and Muslims who take your holy texts seriously and don't like people messing with them, you should probably do me a favor and either not read We Three Kings or, if you do, contain yourselves and don't write me about it when you finish. Unless, of course, you liked it and want to gush fulsome praises over it. That I guess I could suffer through.

On the other stuff front, now that Kings is out of my system, I hope to get back to Future Distorted and get the next chapter out to you soon.

That is all for now.