I have finally submitted Chapter 13 of Enter the Darkness. It is another chapter that is slightly shorter than usual but I decided last chapter to break the story line into two smaller chapters instead of cramming everything itno one oversized chapter. Easier for me to keep things straight that way. We will be skipping ahead in time after this one because not much will be going on. I have not started writing the next one yet, but I will probably be skipping ahead to the second Christmas after Alexa's arrival in Eoin's household. Having said that, this means that the next chapter will hopefully be a bit more substantial than the last two and things will begin to pick up in pace.
Since I am working on Volume Four of the Chronicles of The Samuelson (my novels, see my external blog posts for details at jmfhildebrandt.livejournal.com), what I will post next will depend on what I can fit in between working on Reign of Avatars, editing Reign of Havok (Volume Two of The Samuelson), and anything else that pops up. I am hoping it will be the next chapter of Future Distorted, since it is almost done, but I won't promise anything on that front.
So enjoy Chapter 13 and don't be afraid to let me know what you think (constructively, please).