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Chapter 2 of Darkness & Chapter 15 of Justice

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For everyone's enjoyment (and some frustration, unfortunately), Chapter 2 of Enter the Darkness is ready and submitted. Likewise, Chapter 15 of Justice Resurrected will be submitted on schedule on Friday (possibly very late Thursday).

To explain the frustration part, the second chapter of the new story Enter the Darkness ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. As a reader, I know this is annoying and to have to wait to find out what is going on is tough, so I can only apologize and promise to try to get the next chapter out ASAP.

Chapter 15 of Justice is not so cliffhanger-y, so there should not be too many irate readers e-mailing me about it. For those of you who wanted Princess Alyssa back and wrote me wondering how that was going to work out now that she is back, answers will be yours on Friday.

Also, I want to apologized for the typos in Chapter 14 of Justice last week. I was a bit busy and rushed the chapter to posting without my usual diligence on editing. There was also a Webmaster error that chopped the last paragraph off (for SOL readers only, for some reason). Those have been fixed and the chapter reposted along with the Cast and Glossary to reflect updates and/or minor errors readers caught for me.

So, enjoy this week's offerings and *cringe* I appreciate response and constructive criticism.