woodmanone: Blog


Cold as Steele

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The adventures of detective Matt Steele. Each chapter will be a stand alone story. Some of the characters will be involved in each of the stories.

The Crusader Adventures of Detective Rollie Chambers

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I've created a new universe about the life and adventures of a young detective. Each chapter will be a stand alone story using the same main characters. Please let me know how you liked or dislikes the stories.

The Trilogy and More Universe

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I've set up "The Trilogy and More Universe. Most of the stories in this universe are westerns or stories with a western flair.

The original Trilogy was, The Trail West, Winterborn, and The Gathering. Then I added the "and More" and posted End of an Era in the same universe.

For the best enjoyment of these stories they should be read in the order listed above.

Thanks for your support and please keep reading.


New Posting

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I've started posting a new story called "The Second Hundred Years". I suppose it should be listed as a science fiction story but that is such a small part the story that I didn't use that genre.

The story is in six chapters and the last one is a little longer than I normally write. There just didn't seem to be a break point without losing the flow. So a long chapter for you.

I hope you take the time to read this piece and of course hope you enjoy it.

Send me an email and let me know what you thing.



Hello and welcome

Posted at

I have posted several of my previous stories as well as a few new ones. I hope the readers will enjoy them.

One request I have of the readers. And this is for all of the authors on the site.

Readers, if you like or even dislike a story take a few minutes and email the author. Constructive criticism and comments are usually appreciated and welcome.

The only payment that we as authors receive is your comments about our stories. Your likes, dislikes, and suggestions help all of us become better writers.

Thank you and enjoy the new website.
