UtIdArWa: Blog


The Inheritance

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Well, The edit for The Inheritance is completed, And is now sitting in the queue. It should be available on the 2nd.

General Update

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Well, I guess I should let my fans know. Because of the multiple complaints, strike that, Suggestions is a nicer word, Because of the multiple suggestions about various aspects of 'The Inheritance" and "Mountain Man" stories. I have decided to suspend work on the next story in the Matt Reynolds saga.

I had also, slowly, been getting close to a conclusion for a new story in the science fiction 'Asteroid Miner' series. That also has been placed on hold.

I originally posted 'The Inheritance' story as an experiment. An experiment in confidence. I wasn't sure if my abilities and imagination would meet with public approval. I know that I am not the next Steven King or Arthur Conan Doyle. I'm not that conceited. But I did want to see if it was acceptable to strangers. I wanted the opinion of people that didn't feel the need to stroke my ego.

I posted 'The Inheritance' with minimal editing or proof reading. As I said it was an experiment in confidence, a lark so to speak. To be honest, I was flabbergasted by the positive response. I was tickled pink when someone from the UK praised my work, Thanks zebra69347. I had gone international. The boost to my confidence and ego pushed me to post some of my other stories, and to conclude the 'Mountain Man' story. That had been sitting in my computer for a couple of years, incomplete.

To be honest, I have to thank those voluntary editors. You have pointed out things that needed legitimate work. On my part, I feel that I need to make those changes before continuing on. This will take some time, hopefully not a lot. But once those edits, proof readings and adjustments are made, I will repost them. Hopefully they will make my stories easier to read and more enjoyable.

For everyone who commented, praised and complained. Thank you.

And as they used to say on the TV, Stay Tuned.

My Science Fiction stories

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I started the Spacers story as an experiment into science fiction. And Yes I have several ideas that I am working on. My premise is a time frame in the near future where exploration and colonization of our solar system would be feasible, WITHOUT the interference and control of the various governments.

The basic reason for this exploration is monetary. I'm patterning this as the gold rush, western US diasporia following the civil war. In my research, and I do believe this will be the future, Large corporations will exploit the asteroid belt for resources. In my universe, small, independent companies will also form and jerry rig mining operations. This will require a lot of people and equipment.

The 2 stories I released are side stories. The main story is planned as a novel length work. And will hopefully explain what I'm aiming at. The problem is, I ran into a serious case of writers block on that story. That's when I released the Matt Reynolds Inheritance story. And then the Mountain man story.

Because of the response I've gotten from those stories, I've decided to finish out that series. I plan on 3 more stories, with the next being very close to a finished first draft.

Mountain man

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Today was the end of the Mountain Man story. For everybody that commented and complimented The Inheritance and Mountain Man, Thank you. Your compliments, comments and suggestions were happily received.

I have 2 more stories planned for the Matt Reynold's stories. I hope that they will be as well received as Mountain Man.

I also have several other stories planned in the science fiction genre. I wonder if they will be as well received?