Paladin_HGWT: Blog


Car Damaged, Posting Delayed

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I blog more on SOL. There I posted about "Snowmaggedon" that hit Western Washington State starting on Christmas Day.

Some idiot hit my car in the parking lot, and it will take me a while to afford paying for it.

I was driven down to Oregon to help a friend move (several interstate trips) and earn some money.

I also resolved a computer issue. I am still writing and editing. However, I cannot send anything new to my proofreader, nor post on SOL or Fine Stories.

I can blog, PM, and even read stories on my phone. I cannot use my phone to transfer MS Word Documents, nor provide internet for my laptop. I have tried several suggestions, I just don't have a phone that can do that.

I am dependent upon rides (50 miles each way) to get into the city where I have internet access (also where I do volunteer work, and thus may get rides with friends).

A couple of weeks ago, for the first time a close friend came down with Covid-19, fortunately the Omnicron variant, so he seems to have recovered okay. But it added to complications.

Tonight another friend had to cancel giving me a ride this weekend; just a cold (we hope).

I am trying to arrange an alternate ride for Sunday.

Meanwhile I continue to write and edit.

As soon as I get access I will post new chapters, as well as corrections I have made to earlier chapters.

I thought I would be able to post from my friend's new home after we got everything moved. I5 was flooded for several days. The technician who was supposed to connect the lines had to reschedule due to weather delays and employee shortages.

Clearly other people are having it rougher than I.


Aztlan Portal I have a Proofreader

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About a month ago I got an offer of a Volunteer Proofreader. With his help I have reviewed several chapter for needed corrections. I have also been dealing with technical issues and other matters.

Once the chapters in the que post, I will be at the same point on both SoL and Fine Stories.

I have also sent Chapter 23 for Proofreading, and am editing Chapters 24 & 25.

As a side note, I am almost ready to post the Aztlan Portal Character List, and also a separate Glossary.

I have been informed they will be doing electrical work on the building where I usually post from on Sunday, so I may be delayed a week posting Chapter 23.

Posting New Chapters Soon

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I have posted some new chapters on Stories On Line, however, I discovered numerous errors, and received an offer of a Proofreader.

I will edit those chapters, and hopefully get some proofreading assistance too. Then I will post the corrected chapters on both SOL and Fine Stories.

I usually delay posting chapters on Fine Stories about 2 weeks to get feedback on spelling errors and other mistakes, thus I post the re-edited chapters on both SOL and Fine Stories at the same time.

I did not block here on the activities for the VFW and other veterans groups I was involved with from mid-October, until mid-November.