Duncan7: Blog


New Story Begins

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I broke ground on my next story, or rather I typed in a few paragraphs today.

I have the characters defined and the outline worked out. I'm excited to be making progress again.

The main character is Harry Bennett, a librarian. Best make sure you don't owe any late fees. His initials, HB, refer to the most common lead in a pencil. Perhaps that is a clue?

It could be a few weeks before I post anything. Stay tuned. If you have any great ideas for a librarian, or you are a librarian, contact me. I like when readers supply ideas. It may earn you a character walk-on. :)


Next Project

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The final chapter of Ghost Whisperer will be out on Monday. It's also available in full on Bookapy.

For my next project, I want to write some kind of mystery, perhaps a thriller or a cozy. Other than that, it's open to whatever my imagination or whims come up with.

I'm already doing research, before I work on an outline. My hope is to write each story better than the one before. That takes study and incrementally improving my skills.

In due course, I'll post chapters here. Stay tuned.


Ghost Whisperer on Bookapy

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I've finished this book and posted it for sale on Bookapy.


The remaining chapters will be released here over the next few weeks. This took me about ten months to write. Now I have to think about what I want to write next. (Suggestions welcome)

Illness Impedes Progress

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I'm sorry but I've been sick with a cold. I hope to have a new chapter out in a few days.

Possible New Title

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I'm seeking your feedback.

Someone suggested the title Ghost Whisperer is already taken.

As the protagonist can see and hear spirits, I was thinking perhaps Ghost Seer or Ghost Listener. Or maybe Medicine Man, since he became a medicine man.

What do you think? Or do you have other suggestions.
