Duncan7: Blog


Illness Impedes Progress

Posted at

I'm sorry but I've been sick with a cold. I hope to have a new chapter out in a few days.

Possible New Title

Posted at

I'm seeking your feedback.

Someone suggested the title Ghost Whisperer is already taken.

As the protagonist can see and hear spirits, I was thinking perhaps Ghost Seer or Ghost Listener. Or maybe Medicine Man, since he became a medicine man.

What do you think? Or do you have other suggestions.


New Cover

Posted at

They added a new feature recently which are a cover pages for books.

I tried an AI to create a cover image for my book. Please take a look and tell me what you think.

If you are creative, I welcome your ideas.


First Kiss

Posted at

I have a new chapter in the queue, hopefully out today. Hope you enjoy it. I am working on more chapters.

I welcome any suggestions or ideas for adventures involving ghosts and spirits.


Busy chapter

Posted at

Chapter 14 is in the queue. I hope you like it. Please let me know if you spot any typos.

My wife says I have too much happening, and I could write a whole book with the plot of one chapter. What do you think?

