aerosick: Blog

Chapter 4 Is Uploading

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Chapter 4 is on the way. Thanks for all the kind words you have sent to me. It's hard to make a True Story very exciting and action packed. But life is what it is...

Billy (aka aerosick)

The Real Chapter 2 Is Here Now...

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Thanks to all that alerted me that I had loaded the same Chapter twice.

I will upload Chapter 3 later today also.

I apologize!!! (my bad...)

Billy (aka aerosick)

My Life With A Lineman's Ticket

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The more of my eBook Chapters I write the easier it gets. I recommend everyone try this.

I used to have dreams of the bad events and deaths I witnessed but writing all of these out have stopped those dreams. Now I dream of the good times I had. Kind of a cleansing and healing of my memory bank, I guess...