Pars001: Blog


Lots of good news . . .

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If you're looking for quality science fiction with some erotica sprinkled in here and there, and, LONG stories, you've found the right author!

My name is Rob (aka ahorsewithnoname), and I've been hired by Pars to be his agent and editor. I've painstakingly gone through many of his books, to date, and have grammar and spelling checked them. More are in the process. And, twenty of his eBooks are available over on Bookapy. Pars has written over 1,000,000 words, and what better way to show your appreciation for his storytelling than by making a purchase of one or more of his eBooks? I hope you will give it some consideration. Here's a link to his Bookapy page:

A word

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Just a word to let you know, I've had a death in the family. Haven't felt much like writing I hope I can again soon. I try to a little each day though it is difficult.


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I came to this site because I was asked nicely to join to share my stories. Share obviously the word is unknown here to most. I am on 5 other sites, this is the only one that all of my stories are treated and graded as Garbage. Look if most of you want me to leave I will I have people who actually appreciate all the hard work I do to write these. So therefore starting next week I will start pulling ALL my stories from here as the general consensus seems to be that no one likes anything I have written. Too bad for all of you as I said there are Thousands that do like them. A 5 or six tells me that you guys must really hate everyone. So goodbye I know when I am not wanted as It appears I am not here.


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Chap 24 of Lost Empire should be out today some time I hope all enjoy it. 25 should be along soon.

Lost Empire

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Chapter 19 of Lost Empire should be out tomorrow
