Kingkey: Blog


Manypenny commission

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October 1876: The Manypenny Commission demands the Sioux give up the Black Hills or starve. Given no choice, Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, and other reservation chiefs sign over their holy lands, Paha Sapa.I'm trying to change the result

Writing again

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I have been gone for a long time due to losing 95% ofthe use of my left arm But I started posting again So here's Chapter 28 of Doc



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I know it's been a long time since I posted a chapter but I've had a lot going on. I never did get my elbow fixed I still cannot use my left arm. In then life in generalKent getting in the way I'll try to get another chapter for you soon.


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I'm sorry I haven't posted lately I had two Major Lung surgery's Then when I was feeling better I slipped and broke my Elbow so it's hard to type one handed

Back to writing

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I'm back to writing again
Sorry I haven't been able to post for so long I've had major health problems and some of my medications make it very hard to concentrate. My doctor changed some of my medications and I'm not on as much pain medication now so I'll try to do better. I just posted chapter 23 of Doc and am just waiting on the first chapter of a new Galactic Bounty Hunter to finish being edited. Also with Lazlo Zalezac's permission I am posting a the first chapter of a new story in his Damsels in Distress universe on