James Marcus: Blog


Started Re-Writing.

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I started re-writing Too Whom it may Concern. Chapter 1 has been completely re-worked and is now Chapter 1-3.

Media Sites

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I now have a very basic website http://www.jamesmarcusauthor.com/ as well as a facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/jamesmarcusauthor


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Sorry to say but my story are now on an indefinite hiatus. I have started school towards getting my masters degree in creative writing and this is taking all of my time and my creative energy. Once I have a break from classes or have completed my program I will pick it up and continue, with new writing tools and better skills.

Not writing for a while

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To all those who have been enjoying my stories, I am having both financial and medical issues which are preventing me from writing for the time being. I hope I can get to writing again soon.

Stories not Complete

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The number one complaint I get with my stories is that they are not done. I post my chapters as I write them to get feedback from the readers. his feedback does two things:

1) It helps motivate me to write the next chapter.
2)It gives me an idea of how the readers like the direction the story line is taking, and allows me to change directions if needed.

Thank you to those who have commented and who have given ideas.
