Autumn Writer: Blog


Corrected Ch. 33 now available

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Sorry, folks!

Once again, I had to resubmit a truncated chapter (Ch. 33 submitted last night). It was my fault. When I copied/pasted from my master file to a chapter file a few paragraphs got chopped off.

If you you have already read Ch. 33 you probably thought that the ending came up a bit short. That is because the last half-dozen lines, or so, at the very end were missing. They are there now.

There is no need to re-read the whole chapter. the changes are limited to what I just stated above.

A Poll: Left or Center?

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I have been presenting my poetry on a centered format. Recently, a few readers have said that the have a tough time, visually, with the centered format and requested left-justified. Others, however, say they they like it centered.

I like centered, myself, but I like what readers like even more. So, you would be doing me a great favor by letting me know which you prefer.