2 Stories
A series dealing with the great struggle of France and England and
their colonies for dominion in North America, culminating with the
fall of Quebec. It is also concerned to a large extent with the
Iroquois, the mighty league known in their own language as the
Hodenosaunee, for the favor of which both French and English were high
bidders. In his treatment of the theme the author has consulted many
authorities, and he is not conscious of any historical error.
8 Stories
It has been the aim of the author to present a picture of frontier life,
and to show the immense hardships and dangers endured by our people, as
they passed through the wilderness from ocean to ocean. So much of it
occurred in the shadow of the forest, and so much more of it was taken
as a matter of course that we, their descendants, are likely to forget
the magnitude of their achievement. The conquest of the North American
continent at a vast expense of life and suffering is in reality one of
the world's great epics.
The author has sought to verify every statement that touches upon
historical events. He has read or examined nearly all the books and
pamphlets and many of the magazine articles formerly in the Astor and
Lenox, now in the New York Public Library, dealing with Indian wars and
customs. In numerous cases, narratives written by observers and
participants have been available. He believes that all the border
battles are described correctly, and the Indian songs, dances and
customs are taken from the relations of witnesses.
But the great mass of material dealing with the frontier furnishes
another striking illustration of the old saying that truth is stranger
than fiction. No Indian story has ever told of danger and escape more
marvelous than those that happened hundreds of times. The Indian
character, as revealed in numerous accounts, is also a complex and
interesting study. The same Indian was capable of noble actions and of
unparalleled cruelty. As a forest warrior he has never been excelled. In
the woods, fighting according to his ancient methods, he was the equal
alike of Frenchman, Englishman and American, and often their superior.
Many of the Indian chiefs were great men. They had the minds of
statesmen and generals, and they prolonged, for generations, a fight
that was doomed, from the beginning.
We lost more people in our Indian wars than in all the others combined,
except the Civil War. More American soldiers fell at St. Clair's defeat
by the Northwestern Indians than in any other battle we had ever fought
until Bull Run. The British dead at Braddock's disaster in the American
wilderness outnumbered the British dead at Trafalgar nearly two to one.
So valiant a race has always appealed to youth, at least, as a fit
subject of romance.
The long struggle with the brave and wary red men bred a type of white
foresters who became fully their equals in the craft and lore of the
wilderness. Such as these stood as a shield between the infant
settlements and the fierce tribes, and, in this class, the author has
placed his heroes.