Story Reviews

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Reviews by anim8ed
About anim8ed:
Here is what you should expect from myself and my reviews:

Who is Anim8ed and what does he bring to the party?

I am an avid reader that enjoys a wide variety of genres. I am not a grammarian nor do I have any degree in literature or English. Basically I am just a guy that enjoys a good story and doesn’t mind writing about them. I have no expertise except for decades of reading and my own opinion of what I enjoy.

What can I expect from an Anim8ed review?

First and foremost is that the Guidelines for Reviewers at (FS) state that the reviewer’s primary responsibility is “encouraging readers to read the stories, and to help authors get better at what they do.” Consequently negative reviews will not make it past the moderators. What this means to you the review reader is that if I wrote a review then I enjoyed the story and I am sharing with you what I enjoyed about the story. If I have not reviewed a story I either did not like it or have not read it. So treat my list of reviewed stories as my favorites list of very good to exceptional stories.

If a story has been reviewed already I may only post a short paragraph stating that I agree with the other reviewers that the story is worth reading and any points I think they may have missed.

I generally do not review incomplete stories unless the author has indicated they will not be finishing it and what has been offered is still worth a read.

Short stories will have short reviews. The shorter the story the less I am able to say without using spoilers. Spoilers do not make a good review.

I will add cautions if there is material that I think someone might find objectionable. This may be a general warning if being specific leads to spoilers.

What Anim8ed would like in return.

I sometimes write the reviews late at night or when I am tired. Doing so may lead to a review that is confusing or full of errors. If you find any errors or the review is confusing please let me know.

If you have any comments or find the reviews helpful (or find them to be unhelpful) please email me with your thoughts.

I am always looking for good stories to read. If you have some favorites here at FS please send an email with the title and the author so I can add it to my reading list.
  Story Title Author Name Review Date P Q A
Leaving Babylon D. Cristwell 8 9 8
P: Plot | Q: Technical Qualities | A: Appeal to Reviewer